Web App Development Practice: Create a Shift Creation Page with Django! (Authentication system processing)

It's been a while since previous post, but I'll continue.

Actually, the work itself has proceeded quite freely and it seems that I was not just posting, so from this time on, let's take a small amount of them.

First of all, lightly, from the processing of the authentication system. Implemented by referring to Past posts I did.


from django.shortcuts import render,redirect
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate,login,logout
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required

def log_in(req):

	if req.user.is_authenticated():
		return redirect('/')  #If authenticated, redirect to the top page (not touched this time)

	error_msg = ""  #Define an error message and bring it to the template

	if req.method == 'POST':
		posted = req.POST
		name,password = posted['name'],posted['password']

		user = authenticate(username=name,password=password)

		if user is not None:
			if user.is_active:

				return redirect('/')
				error_msg = "This account is not active..."
			error_msg = "Log in failed...."
	return render(req,'owner/log_in.html',{'error_msg':error_msg}) 

def log_out(req):

	return redirect('/login/')  #After logging out, return to the login screen

def new_owner(req):  #A page to create a new User. I'm the owner of the shift

	error_msg = ""

	if req.method == 'POST':
		posted = req.POST
		name,password = posted['name'],posted['password']

		if password != posted['pass_check']:  #Check your password by typing twice as is often the case
			error_msg = "Password check is failed!"
			if len(password) < 6:  #Password must be at least 6 characters
				error_msg = "Password need over 6 letters!"
				from django.db import IntegrityError
				from django.contrib.auth.models import User
					owner = User.objects.create_user(username=name,password=password)
					return redirect('/')
				except IntegrityError:  #If the user name is already used, this error will be thrown, so take measures
					error_msg = "You can not use this name!"

	return render(req,'owner/new_owner.html',{'error_msg':error_msg,})

@login_required  #A convenient decorator for logging in (LOGIN in settings)_You need to set the URL. After that, you can put your login page at that URL (OK)
def edit_groupschedule(req):  #It feels like deciding the shift setting, so it may be easier to understand if you use shift setting
	from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
	from owner.models import GroupSchedule
	try:  #If the accessing user does not have a Group Schedule yet, create a new one, if it already has one, edit it.
		groupschedule = GroupSchedule.objects.get(owner=req.user)
		group = groupschedule.group
	except GroupSchedule.DoesNotExist:
		groupschedule = GroupSchedule(owner=req.user)
		group = Group()

	if req.method == 'POST':
		posted = req.POST

		group.name = posted['name']

		groupschedule.group = group
		groupschedule.start_point = int(posted['start_point'])

		return redirect('/')  #Jump to the top after saving

	return render(req,'owner/edit_groupschedule.html',{
		'select_choices':(1,5,10,15,20,25,),  #Candidates for monthly shift start dates

Next is the template. I'm using Bootstrap, but it's a bit annoying to write `<div>` every time I make a form part, so the parts that are likely to be used repeatedly are ** templates / app ** Create a directory called ** parts ** below. You can then use the ** include ** template tag to pull it in. Is the image that ** extends is the foundation and include is the part **?

For example, like this.


<div class="form-group">
	<label>{{ label }}
		<input type="{{ type }}" name="{{ name }}" class="form-control {{ class }}" value="{{ value }}">

The rest should be made appropriately. Since you can put a value in each variable when reading a part, you can also add classes. In addition, I made a part for the application based on this, so I will use it.


{% extends 'bases/base_form.html' %}

{% block title %}Log in{% endblock %}

{% block form %}
<h1>Log in<small>{{ error_msg }}</small></h1>  <!--Message display if there is an error-->
	{% include 'owner/parts/name_input.html' %}
	{% include 'owner/parts/pass_input.html' %}

	{% include 'parts/submit.html' with class='btn-lg btn-primary' value='Log in!' %}  {#You can put a value in a variable with with#}
	<a href="/owner/new">Create New User</a>
{% endblock form %}

The rest is almost the same.


{% extends 'owner/bases/base_form.html' %}

{% block title %}new Owner!{% endblock %}

{% block form %}
<h1>new Owner!<small>{{ error_msg }}</small></h1>
	{% include 'owner/parts/name_input.html' %}
	{% include 'owner/parts/pass_input.html' %}
	{% include 'owner/parts/pass_input2.html' %}

	{% include 'parts/submit.html' with value="Create new owner!" %}
{% endblock form %}


{% extends 'owner/bases/base_form.html' %}

{% block title %}new Schedule!{% endblock %}

{% block form %}
	{% include 'owner/parts/name_input.html' with value=group_name %}  {#initial value. views.Feeling to pass the variables brought from py to the parts#}
	{% include 'owner/parts/select_number.html' with start_point=start_point select_choices=select_choices %}  {#Candidates for selection#}
	{% include 'owner/parts/submit.html' with value='Create your Schedule!' %}
{% endblock form %}

It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, but when I left a blank, I realized how difficult it was to understand my code (some classes and function names don't make sense). It's embarrassing, so I don't feel like posting so much, and if I think "OK" and proceed on my own, it will become more and more messy. I'll post up to the point where I did it for the time being, but I feel that it would be better to recreate it from scratch.

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