$ pip install Django
Run the command to install Django.
Create a virtual environment before you start your Django project.
$ python -m venv [Virtual environment name]
After creating it, move to the [Virtual environment name] \ Scripts directory and try running the virtual environment.
$ activate.bat
If you can confirm that the virtual environment can be started
$ deactivate
To exit the virtual environment. Basically, from here on, you will be working with this virtual environment running.
Go to the directory where you want to create your Django project (this time the directory you created earlier) and enter the virtual environment.
Once in the virtual environment
$ Django-admin startproject [Project name]
Execute the command. Set the project name as you like.
While in the virtual environment, move to the directory where manage.py is located
$ python manage.py startapp [app name]
Execute the command. This is the end of the process.