Create your first app with Django startproject

40 years old 6 years ago, I started to work concurrently from the accounting department to the information system, and I learned VBA by myself and have created about 20 to improve the business of the company. Many of them are used temporarily for creating migration data, so it doesn't feel like an app.

When my friend runs a company that supports people with disabilities and listens to them while drinking, he finds out that he is very stressed when working with a PC because he has no IT-related knowledge, so he creates a shift table in Excel. I have created auxiliary functions in VBA and created a homepage (wix): smiley:

I myself thought "I wish I could create a web application" for a couple of years to improve my skills (do it (laughs)). However, after studying html for a while, it was difficult and I couldn't get to work right away, so I quit immediately.

At that time, when I heard that I was studying Python while drinking with my juniors, they started to learn Django and started studying. I was struck by the article that it would take 300 to 500 hours to create a simple app, but I believed that completing one app would improve my skills, so I wanted to create it. I think: fist_tone1:

First, what you want to do ・ Staff management ・ Facility information (3 bases) ·Schedule ・ Check working conditions

The important thing is that it is easy to use once a month when friends who are not good at IT create shifts. There are 3 bases, and some staff members work across bases. And because there are quite old staff, make a shift that is easy to see

I would like to make something good and make something that people can actually use.

I will make it in the local environment first, and I will do it with the ultimate goal of renting a rental server and uploading it.

Start the project

django-admin startproject config .

That's all for today. I'll post as much as I can, and I hope it helps someone by doing Input and OutPut.

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