Until you build a Nuxt.js development environment with Docker and touch it with VS Code

If you buy a new Macbook and create a development environment with a Docker container, it will be easy to match the environment with other people, and I thought that it would be good if my Macbook environment was not polluted, so it is a memorandum.

I would be grateful if you could let me know if you should do this or if there is any incorrect information. ~~ I'm just touching Vue.js lightly, so I'm scared because I don't understand the infrastructure, but I want to do my best. .. ~~


--Apple M1 chip MacBook Air (macOS Big Sur, 16GB)

Thing you want to do

  1. You can build an environment where you can develop Nuxt.js on Docker
  2. You can access Nuxt.js applications from your Mac
  3. I want to develop from VS Code on Mac

Articles that I used as a reference

-Just build nuxt.js development environment with docker -Create nuxt development environment with docker -[Docker] I built a Nuxt development environment with Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml!


1. Create a Docker image

Since there was a node official Docker image, create a Docker image using that. As of December 25, 2020, the stable version was 14.15.3, so I decided to use that.


FROM node:lts-alpine3.11


RUN apk update && \
    apk add git && \
    npm install -g npm && \
    npm install -g vue-cli && \
    npm install -g [email protected]


The base Docker image is specified in FROM.

WORKDIR/app is like cd/app on a Docker container.

RUN actually hits the command.

create-nuxt-app seems to give the following error when the latest version is installed, and it seems that it will work if the version is dropped a little (@ 2.15.0) (see the reference article).

Can't create . because there's already a non-empty directory . existing in path.


version: '3'
    build: .
    tty: true
    command: npm run dev
      - .:/app
      - "8080:3000"

By specifying " 8080: 3000 " in ports, you can refer to localhost: 3000 in the container by looking at localhost: 8080 on the outside (in this case, Mac side).

2. Launch the Docker container

Build the created image and launch the container.

$ docker-compose build
$ docker images
REPOSITORY   TAG              IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
nuxt_nuxt    latest           53cf2fd02c9a   39 seconds ago   210MB
node         lts-alpine3.11   66ba137c0d00   6 days ago       115MB

Each item of create-nuxt-app is left to you.

$ docker-compose run --rm nuxt npx create-nuxt-app
create-nuxt-app v2.15.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in .
? Project name app
? Project description nuxt.js sample app
? Author name trajanme
? Choose programming language JavaScript
? Choose the package manager Yarn
? Choose UI framework None
? Choose custom server framework None (Recommended)
? Choose Nuxt.js modules Progressive Web App (PWA) Support
? Choose linting tools ESLint
? Choose test framework None
? Choose rendering mode Single Page App
? Choose development tools jsconfig.json (Recommended for VS Code)
docker-compose up -d

Now you can see the application by going to http: // localhost: 8080.

スクリーンショット 2020-12-26 0.22.38.png

I got an ESLint error, but I confirmed the startup for the time being.

3. Edit the container file from VS Code on Mac

It was really easy.

I was wondering if I would use ** Remote-Containers ** as described in the article Use Docker Development Container Conveniently with VS Code ...

スクリーンショット 2020-12-26 0.11.48.png

Just press "Open in Visual Studio Code" of the container launched from "Containers/Apps" of the Docker application.

スクリーンショット 2020-12-26 0.13.15.png

By the way, to drop the Docker container, use the following command.

$ docker-compose down

If you raise it again, you can work normally from the previous continuation.

It's often unclear if I don't investigate a little more, so I want to organize it during the year-end and New Year holidays ...

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