Add --enable-preview option in Java in Visual Studio Code

A long time ago, the Java Extension Pack of Visual Studio Code (hereafter VS Code) now supports JDK 13.

When I tried JEP 355: Text Blocks (Preview), "Text Blocks is a preview feature and disabled by default. Use --enable-preview to enable I got the error. 2019-11-07_22h30_01.png

Yes, I thought I had to add --enable-preview, but how do I specify that for VS Code? I stopped for a moment, so I looked it up.

Since the above error occurred in a project using Maven, I was able to solve it by adding the following description to Maven's Compiler Plugin regardless of VSCode.


In addition, JDT (Java Development Tool) included in Language Support for Java of Java Extension Pack. I was able to solve it by setting Reference:

Since the .settings folder is created in the Java project, just open the org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs file in it and add "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.enablePreviewFeatures = enabled". .. 2019-11-08_00h05_59.png

I tried what would happen if I didn't use Maven, and I was able to run it without any errors. If you look closely, it was running with --enable-preview. 2019-11-08_00h46_20.png

It seems to be specified by Debugger for Java in the Java Extension Pack? I wonder.

I searched for the code on Github and found it below.

 // Auto add '--enable-preview' vmArgs if the java project enables COMPILER_PB_ENABLE_PREVIEW_FEATURES flag.
if (await lsPlugin.detectPreviewFlag(config.mainClass, config.projectName)) {
    config.vmArgs = (config.vmArgs || "") + " --enable-preview";

It seemed to be controlled by the COMPILER_PB_ENABLE_PREVIEW_FEATURES flag, and the flags were: The default seems to be enabled. (Is it correct?

const COMPILER_PB_ENABLE_PREVIEW_FEATURES: string = "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.enablePreviewFeatures";
export async function detectPreviewFlag(className: string, projectName: string): Promise<boolean> {
    const expectedOptions = {
    return checkProjectSettings(className, projectName, true, expectedOptions);

Lastly, as an aside, when I saw @ bitter_fox's demo at the Oracle Code One 2019 Report Meeting that I attended the other day, I thought "Oh" is Text. The blank on the first line of Blocks was determined by the closing position at the end. I tried it and it worked. It was sober but something impressive.


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