I tried "Visual Studio Code Installer for Java" which can create Java development environment immediately

Publickey released "Visual Studio Code Installer for Java" that installs the entire development environment of Microsoft and Java. VSCode, JDK, test runner, debugger, dependency viewer, IntelliCode, etc. " has been published, so try it immediately. Saw.

Click here for Microsoft's original article. 「Announcing the Visual Studio Code Installer for Java」

Confirmation environment

I set up a VM on Microsoft Azure and tried it in a clean environment.

Windows 10 Pro 1809 64bit

I made the OS above and put only the Japanese language package.

Install Visual Studio Code Installer for Java

The installer could be dropped from the link (frame part) below on the blog. If you want to drop it directly, please visit http://aka.ms/vscode-java-installer-win. 2019-06-17_20h49_18.png

The file "VSCodeJavaInstaller-online-win-0.1.0.exe" has been downloaded. 2019-06-17_20h59_18.png

When executed, the license confirmation screen will be displayed. The JDK distribution is AdoptOpenJDK. Press "Next". 2019-06-17_20h34_14.png

It seems to display the current installation status. This time I prepared a clean VM, so neither JDK nor VS Code is included. Press "Install". 2019-06-17_20h34_26.png

The installation will start. AdoptOpenJDK 8u212b4 seems to contain hotspot stuff. VS Code's Java Extension already supports JDK 12, so it would be great if you could choose it. 2019-06-17_20h34_39.png

The installation is complete. 2019-06-17_20h36_22.png

Since VSCode started, when I looked at the extension, it was as follows. 2019-06-17_20h37_03.png

Contains a total of 7 pieces. Is it troublesome without using the installer? You might think, but if you just put Java Extension Pack 0.7.1, the other 6 will be automatic. The installation of the extension itself isn't a big deal, as it's on target.

I launched the VS Code console and checked the Java version. 2019-06-17_20h41_54.png

The Java development environment was easily set up like this. Speaking of greed, I want you to include Maven ...

After downloading Maven and passing the path to bin, type maven in the command palette and select "Maven: Generate from Maven Archetype". 2019-06-17_21h12_48.png

Here, I chose "archetype-quickstart-jdk8". 2019-06-17_21h18_22.png

After that, enter the groupId and artifactId and press "Y" at the end. 2019-06-17_21h14_32.png

Once the Maven project is created, open it in VS Code. Select App.java. 2019-06-17_21h20_00.png

After a while, "Run" is displayed above the main method, so press it. 2019-06-17_21h15_56.png

It was done! 2019-06-17_21h16_26.png

It's easy. Just the other day, in order to try AdoptOpenJDK 12, I created a VM in Azure and installed it in the same way, but it seems that the trouble of dropping the JDK and adding extensions will be reduced. I don't think there is a big difference once you get used to it (^^;

I tried Adopt OpenJDK 12 with Visual Studio Code (Windows) https://kikutaro777.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/06/06/235124

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