A real way for people using python 3.8.0-2 from windows to work with multibyte characters

First conclusion

--Start with python -X utf8 --If that doesn't work, set the environment variable and set the variable name PYTHONIOENCODING and the value ʻutf-8`.

at first

"This article is written for people who use python3.8.0-python3.8.2 from windows. I don't know about python3.7 or earlier or newer versions than python3.8.2. " I dare to declare it like this.

Until you get to this article

  1. Trying to run http.server or something, for example
  2. Being bullied by ʻUnicodeDecodeError`
  3. Execute sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper (sys.stdout.buffer, encoding ='utf-8') and
  4. The compiler scolded me that "the attribute buffer does not exist (in sys.stdout)".
  5. I searched for the following information but could not find it easily

Isn't it? Apparently ** sys.stdout.buffer seems to be deprecated from 3.8 ** (?). on that evidence, If you ask people who work this way, they will say 3.7 or earlier, and if you ask people who fail this way, they will say 3.8. (It may be a coincidence because I haven't investigated it properly. I'm sorry if that is the case.)

It's confusing because the information older than 3.8 says "for 3.x" or "for 3." At the time when 3.6 and 3.7 were the latest, I didn't think that the specifications would change with 3.8, so it seems that it has become generalized. From now on, I would like you to say something like "for python3.0-3.7" instead of saying "for python3".

Why an error

According to https://qiita.com/butada/items/33db39ced989c2ebf644, the standard output consists of shift_jis in windows10 and earlier. Because of that, if you run python3.8.2 or earlier on windows, ** whatever the character code inside python, it will be automatically converted to shift_jis at the time of output **. An error occurs during this process. (By the way, in python3 ~ 3.8.2, the str type character code is fixed to utf-8. There was also a bulletin board that suggested " # coding: utf-8 ", but this is the source encoding specification)


In python3.7-3.8.2, when you start python from the console, you can start it in" UTF-8 mode "by adding the option -X utf8. Here, the imitation such as "automatically convert to shift_jis" is stopped.

・ By the way, if you want to use http.server, this is not enough. Set the environment variable to the variable name PYTHONIOENCODING and the value ʻutf-8`.

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