How to deploy to AWS using NUXTJS official S3 and CloudFront? With docker-compose


How to deploy to AWS using S3 and CloudFront in the official documentation? I would like to summarize how to easily deploy with docker-compose.

(Official documentation) How to deploy to AWS using S3 and CloudFront?

Please refer to here for AWS (S3, CloudFront) settings.

1. File structure


2. File preparation required for Docker conversion


FROM node:12.18.3-alpine3.9
RUN apk add --no-cache openssh bash python make
RUN npm install -g gulp
RUN npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-awspublish gulp-cloudfront-invalidate-aws-publish concurrent-transform


version: '3'

  node: &app_base
    build: .
    # tty: true
    working_dir: /var/www
      - .:/var/www
      PORT: 3000
    <<: *app_base
    command: npm ci
    <<: *app_base
      - "3000:3000"
    command: npm run dev
    <<: *app_base
    command: npm run generate
    image: httpd
      - ./dist:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/
      - "80:80"
    <<: *app_base
    command: ./

For docker-compose.yml, change the article here from yarn to npm, and use the Dockerfile to manually install the procedure in the container. I prepared it.

3. How to use

Each container should be defined in docker-compose.yml as needed.

Launch the application development environment

$ docker-compose up dev

Run npm run dev inside the container.

Static file generation

$ docker-compose up generate

Run npm run generate inside the container. The output result is output to nuxtapp / dist by default.

Local operation check of the output static file

$ docker-compose up dev_static

Expose the dist locally in the tomcat container. http://localhostにアクセスするとアプリを確認できます。


$ docker-compose up s3deploy

Run inside the container.

If you follow the success image of the official procedure, you are done.

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