Measure Django application coverage with

This article is the 23rd day article of Python Part 2 Advent Calendar 2015.

Measure coverage with Django

To measure unit test coverage with Django, it's standard to use django-nose.

If you search a little for how to set it, a lot of information will come out, so I will not repost it here. As for the articles on Qiita, the following articles are still valid even now that Django 1.9 has been released.

-Testing with Django

Try setting this minimal Django application to use django-nose for coverage. I will measure it.

$ ./ test sample --with-coverage --cover-package=sample --cover-html
nosetests sample --with-coverage --cover-package=sample --cover-html --verbosity=1
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Name                 Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
--------------------------------------------------                0      0   100%
sample/      21      9    57%   58, 76, 112-130
sample/           4      0   100%
sample/          5      0   100%
TOTAL                   30      9    70%
Ran 1 test in 0.011s

Destroying test database for alias 'default'...

Measure coverage with

In most cases you should be fine with django-nose, but at the moment the latest version of django-nose == 1.4.2 [has not caught up with the new features in Django 1.8](https: // I'm curious about

Also, it's becoming harder to feel the benefits of django-nose, except that it's easier to output coverage, so I'm becoming more motivated to use Django's standard test runner.

According to Post this stackoverflow, []( It seems that you can also measure coverage directly using pypi / coverage), so I tried it myself.

In the sample Django application I mentioned earlier, this is the revision (

Run tests while measuring coverage.

$ coverage run --source=sample --omit='*/tests/*' test sample

Output coverage report.

$ coverage report
Name                 Stmts   Miss  Cover
sample/       0      0   100%
sample/      20      0   100%
sample/           4      0   100%
sample/          5      0   100%
sample/           4      4     0%
TOTAL                   33      4    88%

Output coverage report in HTML to cover directory.

$ coverage html --directory=cover

The coverage measurement feature of django-nose just wraps, so the output is almost the same for both console and HTML reports.

If you define .coveragerc in the working directory, you can omit the options of the above command.

omit = */tests/*

directory = cover

Execution example.

$ coverage run --source=sample test sample
$ coverage report
$ coverage html

See documentation for .coveragerc.


I've shown an example of measuring coverage with instead of django-nose.

There is no doubt that it is convenient because django-nose can do things that can not be realized without executing the command three times without django-nose, but if you automate it well with CI, alone Doing it is also an option.

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