Count the number of times two values appear in a Python 3 iterator type element at the same time

Code that counts the number of times two elements in an iterator type (list or tuple) appear at the same time. It is also sample code for a combination of iterator-type elements (ʻitertools.combination), an immutable set (frozenset), and a keyed sorted`.


import itertools
import typing
from itertools import chain

def count_colocation2(
        iteriter: typing.Iterable
        ) -> typing.Dict[frozenset, int]:
Count the number of times two elements in an iterator type (list or tuple) appear at the same time.
    if not isinstance(iteriter, typing.Iterable):
        raise TypeError()
    #Prepare the combination
    comb = itertools.combinations(frozenset(chain.from_iterable(iteriter)), 2)
    comb = [frozenset(item) for item in comb]
    #Check in order and add the number of combinations
    d = {key: 0 for key in comb}
    for entry in iteriter:
        for pair in comb:
            t = tuple(pair)
            if t[0] in entry and t[1] in entry:
                d[pair] += 1
    return d

from pprint import pp

from count_colocation2 import count_colocation2

ll = [
        ["a", "b", "c"],
        ["d", "e", "f"],
        ["a", "d", "f"],
        ["b", "d", "f"],

coloc2 = count_colocation2(ll)
#Sort values in descending order
pp(sorted(coloc2.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))

[(frozenset({'f', 'd'}), 3),
 (frozenset({'f', 'e'}), 1),
 (frozenset({'f', 'b'}), 1),
 (frozenset({'f', 'a'}), 1),
 (frozenset({'d', 'e'}), 1),
 (frozenset({'d', 'b'}), 1),
 (frozenset({'d', 'a'}), 1),
 (frozenset({'b', 'a'}), 1),
 (frozenset({'b', 'c'}), 1),
 (frozenset({'a', 'c'}), 1),
 (frozenset({'f', 'c'}), 0),
 (frozenset({'b', 'e'}), 0),
 (frozenset({'e', 'a'}), 0),
 (frozenset({'e', 'c'}), 0),
 (frozenset({'d', 'c'}), 0)]


frozenset frozenset is an immutable version of set. You can change the contents of set with ʻadd or ʻupdate, but you cannot change the contents of frozen set. On the other hand, frozenset can be used as a dictionary key because it can get a hash.

#Uncommenting the next line will result in an error.
# print(hash(set(["a", "b", "c"])))
# TypeError: unhashable type: 'set'

#It completes normally.
print(hash(frozenset(["a", "b", "c"])))

There is tuple in the immutable type that can be the key of the same dictionary. tuple distinguishes the order of the elements, but flozenset does not.

typing.Sequencetyping.Iterable Python has classes like list, tuple, set, frozenset, but these can be categorized by common functionality. list and tuple are classified as sequence type (typing.Sequence) because they can be accessed by index. Also, list, tuple, set, and frozenset are classified as typing.Iterable because they provide iterators.

typing.Sequence and typing.Iterable are defined as types and can be used in type hints, as well as in ʻis instance and ʻis subclass.

List of iterator-type combination tuples

ʻItertools.combinations allows you to create a list of any number of combinatorial tuples from iterator type (typing.Iterable`) elements.

Access to the elements of set / frozen set

set / frozenset is not accessible at index [index]. You can access it by converting it to list or tuple once with list () or tuple (). Since it is an iterator type, for can be used.

Non-destructive sorting of dictionaries

You can specify a lambda expression for key = ... in sorted () to sort the dictionary non-destructively. Note that the dictionary key / value pairs are retrieved with dict.items (). If you pass dict itself to sorted, the key name will be the target of sorted ().

Sort by key

sorted(dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])                #ascending order
sorted(dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0], reverse=True)  #descending order

Sort by value

sorted(dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])                #ascending order
sorted(dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)  #descending order

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