Turn multiple lists with a for statement at the same time in Python

Use zip.

From the list of articles on a site, use BeautifulSoup4 to get a list of URLs and titles. The purpose is to create a list of URLs and titles connected by >>>, which is ['url >>> title','url >>> title'].

If the page has a title in the a tag element as shown below ...

import requests, bs4

res = requests.get('https://qiita.com/takuto_neko_like')
posts = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser').select('.u-link-no-underline')

The variable posts contains<class'bs4.element.Tag'>, and you can see the contents of the a tag in html by accessing it individually as posts [0].

The title is described in the element of the a tag

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The content of each a tag is <class'bs4.element.Tag'> = Tag object, so by converting it to a string type with str (), you can use .find () with the `tag name and attributes. By using the index obtained by specifying the name etc., it will be possible to extract only the character string of the URL part and title part.

Format url and title

    for post in posts:
        #Extract URL
        index_first = int(str(post).find('href=')) + 6
        index_end = int(str(post).find('">'))
        url = (str(post)[index_first : index_end])
        #Extract title
        index_first = int(str(post).find('">')) + 2
        index_end = int(str(post).find('</a'))
        title = (str(post)[index_first : index_end].replace('\u3000', ' '))


If so, it's done.

However, there are many type ** sites that do not have a title listed as an element of the ** a tag. For example, a pattern in which article information is displayed as a card consisting of an image and a title, and a link is attached to the entire card.


    <div class='card'><a href='#' class='link'>
        <div class='image'><img src='#'></div>
        <div class='title'>title</div>

In such a case, if you specify the class card in .select of bs4, you can get in the div tag to which the card class is applied. I want to get the href information of the a tag and the element of the title class div from there.

In the actual code, there are more elements overlapping, so trying to find a particular string in .find from the parent element can be a bit annoying.

Also, bs4 has a way to access the child elements, but it seemed a bit annoying when I was looking at the docs, so I got each one individually as follows.

posts_links = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser').select('.link')
posts_titles = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser').select('.title')

We will access the Tag object individually by turning the posts list with a for statement by formatting the previous code ʻurl and title, but this time there are two lists. Turn the two lists at the same time with a for statement and combine the url and title obtained from each list. Then I want to store it in a new list.

In this way, if you want to rotate multiple lists with a for statement at the same time, use zip.

now_posts_link_title_set = []

for (posts_link, posts_title) in zip(posts_links, posts_titles):
        index_first = int(str(posts_link).find('href=')) + 6
        index_end = int(str(posts_link).find('">'))
        posts_link_set = (str(posts_link)[index_first : index_end])

        index_first = int(str(posts_title).find('h2')) + 3
        index_end = int(str(posts_title).find('</h2'))
        posts_title_set = (str(posts_title)[index_first : index_end].replace('\u3000', ' ')) #Whitespace replacement

It's okay to have more than two

for (a, b, c, d) in zip(a_list, b_list, c_list, d_list)

If there is a difference in the number of elements in the list, the larger one will be ignored

aa = [1,2,3,4,5]
bb = ['a', 'b', 'c']

for (a, b) in zip(aa, bb):
  print(f'{a} : {b}')

1 : a
2 : b
3 : c

This is convenient

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