[Python] Drawing a swirl pattern with turtle

This time, I would like to introduce how to draw a spiral pattern (although it is not a curve) in Python.

Turtle graphics

One of the most useful tools for drawing straight lines and curves is "Turtle Graphics". Developed as a teaching material for children, it is designed to be very easy to handle and intuitively understandable.

Python provides a turtle library to handle this turtle graphics as standard.

Source code

import turtle

t = turtle.Turtle()

l = 200    #Initial value of side length
angle = 90 #Angle to change direction after drawing a straight line
step = 10  #Decrease in side length

while l > 10:     #Repeat as long as l is greater than 10
    t.forward(l)  #Go straight only l
    t.left(angle) #Rotate 90 degrees to the left
    l -= step     #Reduce l by 10

When you run this code, you'll get a swirl pattern like this:

bandicam 2020-02-27 21-31-21-411.jpg


This time, I introduced the code to draw a spiral pattern using turtle graphics.

In addition, you can draw various shapes by using Turtle Graphics. Please try by all means try.


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