I extended HTTPie and tried http-prompt which can access http interactively.
Use pip.
$ pip install http-prompt
For the time being, try using an appropriate URL.
$ http-prompt http://qiita.com
Version: 0.2.0
I connected it like this.
It seems that the URL is moved by cd.
http://qiita.com> cd tags/elixir
I was able to move!
It seems that you can get / post / head, so once you have a short response head
http://qiita.com/tags/elixir> head
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 09:40:59 GMT
ETag: W/"be3f80696e432bac41b243aae48c7bc2"
Server: nginx
Set-Cookie: _qiita_login_session=L0xvRVMrazJkVXdia05obE5hYkxFZ3NZN3kvL2tZNVV4d0I5K1dOWG5seWl4TUNIYU5HYkNsQUFrVVRKQ2hGMm9KbXhMTHZyR08ycDN0OTlKbTFnejZxSzRJT3ErcnFOVjAwUWZaUlc5QjZHd2tHc05PNDU2TW03UzlNOW1CNkt1bGN2R2E0bzBQZzlBZ3JBSnBNK2JLYzhUN3o3MVhPQWFQOXFlUFBhVmVnaDZ1THBxUnBXbEpSK2h0eHFEeVZxLS12cXQ4UU9sV3lmKzI3OUxxemt3N3BBPT0%3D--85b79975eafdf0131bcc0a097269892b297bd80a; domain=.qiita.com; path=/; expires=Sat, 20 May 2017 09:40:59 -0000; HttpOnly
Vary: Origin
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Request-Id: 5a666832-ac20-40d7-aca0-e033c5bf7e82
X-Runtime: 0.402365
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
It seems to be interesting like this, but if the character code is analyzed and the multibyte is displayed without garbled characters, it seems that the dialogue is meaningful.
Also, since I am using HTTPie, it seems that basically anything can be used with the httpie command.
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