I tried running python etc. from a bat file

Run C or python in a bat file

It's cold these days.

Why such a troublesome thing

e? why? Well, hey ... what is a dream? Oh, maybe it's easier to understand the detailed method if you google it yourself. Because I am self-sufficient.

I tried it

First from the bat file. Execution of c language ↓ (There is no choice but to rewrite options etc. at any time. ~~ or nobody uses ~~)

@echo off
gcc %1

Run python ↓

@echo off
python %1

The code I ran this time (C language & python)

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    printf("OK!! this is c");
    return 0;
print("OK! this is python")


did it! I did it.

OK!! this is c
OK! this is python

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