What to do when there is no response due to Proxy setting in Python web scraping

I will leave a memorandum of what to do if you get stuck in an error when trying to create a program that automatically extracts the Web information required for scraping with Python.

I was trying to make a web scraping program with Python's urllib and Beautifulsoup. However, I got an error that I couldn't get a response from the first urllib.request.urlopen (...) (I get a message like the one below).

It seems that communication has not been established due to the existence of the Proxy server. Proxy was as follows in Internet Explorer.

-[Tools]-> [Internet Options]-> [Connections]-> [LAN Settings]

-[x] Use automatic configuration script

The automatic configuration script was http://proxy.-----.co.jp/proxy.pac. (----- is not the actual one, it is in hidden letters.)

Before urlopen, I solved it by preparing ProxyHandler for urllib.request, setting it in build_opener, and installing build_opener.

The sample code is below.


import urllib.request
proxies ={'http':'http://proxy.-----.co.jp/proxy.pac'}
proxy_handler = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(proxies)
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy_handler)
html = urllib.request.urelopen("http://wwww.pythonscraping.com/pages/page1.html")

The development environment is Python 3.5.2 by Anaconda on Windows.

You will learn about web scraping programming in the book below. Web scraping with Python (O'Reilly)

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