[DOCKER] python: 3.8-Handling Exception: you need a C compiler to build uWSGI error with alpine

When creating a Docker image Described what to do when Exception: you need a C compiler to build uWSGI error occurs in python: 3.8-alpine

  1. The following description will result in an error (Exception: you need a C compiler to build uWSGI)


FROM python:3.8-alpine

RUN addgroup -S uwsgi && adduser -S -G uwsgi uwsgi
RUN pip install Flask==0.10.1 uWSGI
  1. Add gcc with the following statement RUN apk add gcc build-base linux-headers


FROM python:3.8-alpine

RUN apk add gcc build-base linux-headers
RUN addgroup -S uwsgi && adduser -S -G uwsgi uwsgi
RUN pip install Flask==0.10.1 uWSGI

that's all

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