In Previous article, I challenged * Time Calculator *, this time I challenged * Budget App *.
What is required is as follows
--Creating a Category class --deposit method: deposit --withdraw method: Draw --transfer method: transfer --get_balance method: Balance display --check_funds method: Check if the money can be withdrawn --str method: Display as below
initial deposit 1000.00
groceries -10.15
restaurant and more foo -15.89
Transfer to Clothing -50.00
Total: 923.96
--create_spend_chart method: Display as below
Percentage spent by category
60| o
50| o
40| o
30| o
20| o o
10| o o o
0| o o o
o l u
o o t
d t o
It is necessary to fully use the str.format method in order to arrange the format nicely with the str method and create_spend_chart method of the Category class.
--Index number
--'{0} {1} {0}'.format ('banana','apple')
---> Banana Apple Banana
--Character alignment / padding
--Right justified: '{:> 20}'.format ('test')
- -> '○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○test'
--Left justified: '{: <20}'.format ('test')
- -> 'test○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○'
--Centered: '{: ^ 20}'.format ('test')
- -> '○○○○○○○○test○○○○○○○○'
--If you want to fill in the whitespace with some characters: '{:-> 20}'.format ('test')
- -> '----------------test'
--Zero padding: '{: 010d}'. format (100)
- -> '0000000100'
--Specify the number of digits after the decimal point
- '{:.2f}'.format(1.234567)
- -> '1.23'
*************Food************* <-header
initial deposit 1000.00 -|
groceries -10.15 |-body
restaurant and more foo -15.89 |
Transfer to Clothing -50.00 -|
Total: 923.96 <-total
Let's divide it into three parts: header, body, and total. The conditions are as follows
--Header is 30 characters --The explanation on the left side of the body is up to 23 characters, and the amount on the right side is up to 7 characters, displaying up to the second decimal place.
category_name = 'Food'
ledger = [...] #List of objects with amount and description
def __str__(self):
header = '{:*^30}'.format(category_name)
body = ['{:<23}{:>7.2f}'.format(item.description, item.amount) for item in ledger]
total = sum([item.amount for item in ledger])
return header + '\n' + '\n'.join(body) + '\n' + 'Total: {}'.format(total)
It was refreshing because I don't usually visualize it with console output. Please try the create_spend_chart method.
The next issue is * Polygon Area Calculator *.
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