Graceful use of MySQLdb

common part

import MySQLdb

args = {"hostname": "poko",
		"db": "hoge",
		"user": "pokopoko",
		"passwd": "hogehoge",
		"charset": "utf-8"

Ungraceful writing

con = MySQLdb.connect(**args)
cur = con.cursor()

#Processing that requires commit
cur.execute("INSERT INTO pokos (id, poko_name) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (con.literal(id), con.literal(poko_name)))


Elegant writing

Use with and cur.execute (query, args)

with MySQLdb.connect(**args) as cur:
	cur.execute("INSERT INTO pokos (id, poko_name) VALUES (%s, %s)", (id, poko_name))

It doesn't get messed up with the writing style below. You can also prevent forgetting to commit or opening a connection. Rollback if an exception occurs. In with, the return value of __enter__ () is entered after as. __exit () __ is called when exiting the with block

Automatic escape with cur.execute (query, args)

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