Annotation (teacher label creation) is the most important but troublesome part of machine learning. For image recognition, annotation tools such as VoTT are available, but it is still troublesome to click with the mouse. It would be fun if we could create labels automatically to some extent and fix only the strange parts.
In fact, there are functions in the world that can fulfill such demands, such as VoTT's Active Learning function. Introduction of Active Learning function of VoTT --Qiita
However, the trained models that can be used are fixed, and some tasks may not be available. I and others want to Annotate the Marufuku sign, but ** the existing model for object detection is refreshing. I mean, that's why I'm trying to learn the model myself. ** **
So, I will show you how to convert labels created using your favorite logic and model so that they can be read by annotation tools. For example, it is possible to read the following labels created with OpenCV with an annotation tool, modify only the necessary parts, and use them for deep learning.
OpenCV shape detection - PyImageSearch
VoTT 2.1.0 was released as of May 2020 when I wrote the article, but it seemed difficult to load the annotations I made because it became too sophisticated and the structure of the project was complicated. Therefore, this time we will load it with the older version 1.7.2.
Use VoTT 1.7.2. Download and install vott-win.exe
Release 1.7.2 · microsoft/VoTT
Create a folder in a suitable location and put the images (JPG or PNG) you want to annotate directly under it.
Here, the full path of the folder is C: \ foo \ bar \ myproj
For VoTT 1.7.2, the name of the corresponding project file is C: \ foo \ bar \ myproj.json
import sys
import json
import hashlib
import urllib
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image # pillow 7.1.2
imgdir = Path(sys.argv[1]).resolve()
projfile = imgdir.with_suffix(".json")
if projfile.exists():
#Load an existing project
f = open(projfile, "r+")
data = json.load(f)
#Create a new project
f = open(projfile, "w")
data = {
"frames": {},
"framerate": "1",
"inputTags": "mrfk", #Tag list (separated by commas)
"suggestionType": "track",
"scd": False,
"visitedFrames": [],
"tag_colors": ["#0cc7ff"] #Area color (optional)
with f:
for imgfile in imgdir.glob("*.*"):
if imgfile.suffix.lower() in [".jpg ", ".png "]:
if in data["frames"]:
#Skip if there is an entry
#If there is no entry, create a new one
frame = []
data["frames"][] = frame
#Get the size of the image
img =
w, h = img.size
#List the areas you have detected (provisional)
points = [ #List the vertices in the order in which they are connected by edges
{"x": 0.0, "y": 0.0},
{"x": w, "y": 0.0},
{"x": w, "y": h},
{"x": 0.0, "y": h}
box = { #Circumscribed rectangle
"x1": min(p["x"] for p in points),
"y1": min(p["y"] for p in points),
"x2": max(p["x"] for p in points),
"y2": max(p["y"] for p in points)
region = box.copy()
"width": w,
"height": h,
"box": box,
"points": points,
"type": "rect",
"tags": ["mrfk"], #Tag list to be given to the area
#Save project
json.dump(data, f)
If you execute the following from the command prompt, the tag mrfk
will be added to the entire area of each image.
python C:\foo\bar\myproj
Launch VoTT 1.7.2, click the image icon and select the C: \ foo \ bar \ myproj
** Please note that the project file name is automatically determined from the folder name. ** **
The following screen is OK with Continue as it is
A label is attached to the entire image. You can switch the image with the buttons of 2 left-pointing triangles and 2 right-pointing triangles.
If you want to modify the label, select Regions Manipulation in the upper left, then drag and drop the four corners of the area.
You can overwrite and save by selecting File → Save from the menu. You can read the updated json file and create training data appropriately.
#List the areas you have detected (provisional)
In the part of, enter the detection result in points
Specify the coordinates of each vertex of the area in the order in which they are connected by edges.
For example, if you want to use the code from the tutorial below OpenCV shape detection - PyImageSearch
frame = []
# loop over the contours
for c in cnts:
points = [{"x": p[0], "y": p[1]} for p in c]
You can make it like this.
If you want to specify a complex area that is not a rectangle
"width": w,
"height": h,
"box": box,
"points": points,
"type": "rect",
"tags": ["mrfk"], #Tag list to be given to the area
This part
"width": w,
"height": h,
"box": box,
"points": points,
"type": "polygon", #Change here
"tags": ["mrfk"], #Tag list to be given to the area
Just change to.
This way, when you move one vertex, the other vertices will not move. You can create a non-rectangular shape as shown below.
First, specify the name as a comma-separated string in place of `ʻinputTags`` below.
data = {
"frames": {},
"framerate": "1",
"inputTags": "mrfk,chst,wide", #Tag list (separated by commas)
"suggestionType": "track",
"scd": False,
"visitedFrames": [],
"tag_colors": ["#0cc7ff"] #Area color (optional)
For tags
in each area, specify a list of tags (a list of Python, not a comma-separated string).
"width": w,
"height": h,
"box": box,
"points": points,
"type": "rect",
"tags": ["mrfk", "chst"], #Tag list to be given to the area
As you can see, it is reflected in the bottom left of the window and in the tooltip of the image.
If you want to further subdivide the existing object detection result class, you can increase only `ʻinputTags`` and edit the class (tag) of each area with VoTT.
If you want to change the color of the area or the text color of the tag list at the bottom left, you can specify the color list in tag_colors
data = {
"frames": {},
"framerate": "1",
"inputTags": "mrfk,chst,wide", #Tag list (separated by commas)
"suggestionType": "track",
"scd": False,
"visitedFrames": [],
"tag_colors": ["#ff4040", "#ffff40", "#008000"] #Area color (optional)
You will be able to put out in your favorite color as follows. (The image is after editing the annotation by myself)
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