Enable Python raw_input with Sublime Text 3

As the title says, I wanted to use Python's raw_input with SublimeText3, so make a note

There are two ways to do it. Personally, I recommend 2 which can be built with one command.

  1. From the menu bar on the executable file  Tools > SublimeREPL > Python > Python RUN current file choose. Now you can run the Python file containing raw_input

  2. Create a new Build System. First, from the menu bar Tools > Build System > New Build System choose.


    "target": "run_existing_window_command", 
    "id": "repl_python_run",
    "file": "config/Python/Main.sublime-menu"

And save it with any file name After commnd + shift + B (ctrl + shift + B? For Win) It can be executed by selecting the Build System created above.

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