This article is M3 Career Advent Calendar 2019 Day 13 article. In this article, we will use Selenide, which is a wrapper of Selenium Web Driver, to quickly try out the browser operation.
--People who want to try the automatic operation of the browser for the time being --People who want to write UI tests in Java --People who want to create tools for browser operation
Let's start by preparing the development environment.
Use eclispe for the IDE.
Download Java Full Edition from and unzip it to any location.
After unzipping, start eclipse.exe.
Next, create a Gradle project.
Once the project is created, add the following sentence to build.gradle.
testCompile 'com.codeborne:selenide:5.5.1'
This completes the environment preparation.
Since / [project name] /src/test/java/[project name] / was created when the Gradle project was finally created, comment out the original process and rewrite it as follows.
* This Java source file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task.
package selenideSample;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class LibraryTest {
@Test public void testSomeLibraryMethod() {
// Library classUnderTest = new Library();
// assertTrue("someLibraryMethod should return 'true'", classUnderTest.someLibraryMethod());
Well, it's finally time to run.
Right-click on the file and run the JUnit test.
If the execution is successful, you can see that a new chrome is started and the Yahoo screen is displayed. (The browser will close automatically after a certain period of time)
The environment for realizing browser operation on the code has been easily created. This time, I only opened the specified URL, but it is also very convenient because I can write general browser operations such as inputting to a text box, selecting a pull-down, checking a check box, etc. in code. In my work, I use it when creating a large amount of test data from a browser. The Official Reference of selenide is also substantial, so we hope you will take advantage of it.
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