Perform "diagonalization of symmetric matrix A using orthogonal matrix U" in Python (eigenvalue decomposition)

If A is a symmetric matrix, then using the orthogonal matrix U,

\mathbf{A} = \mathbf{U} \mathbf{D} \mathbf{U}^T 

It can be diagonalized as follows (D is a diagonal matrix). At this time,

\mathbf{A}^n = \mathbf{U} \mathbf{D}^n \mathbf{U}^T 

Is true, so the calculation of A to the nth power becomes very easy.

This time, I created a python code that can easily perform the diagonalization calculation (eigenvalue decomposition).

def Eigenvalue_decomp(A):
	#The symmetric matrix A is diagonalized using the orthogonal matrix U.
	import numpy as np

	if A.shape[0]!=A.shape[1]: #Returns an error if A is not a square matrix
		raise Exception("error! A is not square matrix!")

	if (A==A.T).all()==False: #Returns an error if A is not a symmetric matrix
		raise Exception("error! A is not symmetric matrix!")

	la, U = np.linalg.eig(A)	# eigen value and eigen vector is resolved.
	U,_=np.linalg.qr(U)			# Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization

	return U,D

with this,

In[1]: import func
In[2]: U,D=func.Eigenvalue_decomp(A)

You can get the orthogonal matrix U and the diagonal matrix D for diagonalizing the symmetric matrix A created by numpy.


** Second matrix **

5.0 & 2.0 \\
2.0 & 7.0 
In[3]: A=np.array([[5.0,2.0],[2.0,7.0]])
In[4]: U,D=func.Eigenvalue_decomp(A)
In[5]: print #A=U*D*Calculate Ut
[[ 5.  2.]
 [ 2.  7.]]
In[6]: print #A*Calculate A
[[ 29.  24.]
 [ 24.  53.]]
In[7]: print #A*A=U*D*D*Calculate Ut
[[ 29.  24.]
 [ 24.  53.]]

** Third-order matrix **

1.0 & \sqrt{2.0} & 0 \\
\sqrt{2.0} & 1.0 & \sqrt{2.0}  \\
0 & \sqrt{2.0} & 1.0
In[8]: A=np.array([[1.0,np.sqrt(2.0),0],[np.sqrt(2.0),1.0,np.sqrt(2.0)],[0,np.sqrt(2.0),1.0]])
In[9]: U,D=func.Eigenvalue_decomp(A)
In[10]: print #A=U*D*Calculate Ut
[[  1.00000000e+00   1.41421356e+00  -3.33066907e-16]
 [  1.41421356e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.41421356e+00]
 [ -3.33066907e-16   1.41421356e+00   1.00000000e+00]]
In[11]: print #A*Calculate A
[[ 3.          2.82842712  2.        ]
 [ 2.82842712  5.          2.82842712]
 [ 2.          2.82842712  3.        ]]
In[12]: print #A*A=U*D*D*Calculate Ut
[[ 3.          2.82842712  2.        ]
 [ 2.82842712  5.          2.82842712]
 [ 2.          2.82842712  3.        ]]

** Third-order matrix (if the eigenvalues contain multiple solutions) **

0 & -\sqrt{2.0} & \sqrt{2.0} \\
-\sqrt{2.0} & 1.0 & 1.0  \\
\sqrt{2.0} & 1.0 & 1.0

When this matrix A is solved analytically, the eigenvalues include multiple solutions (λ = 2).

In[13]: A=np.array([[0,-np.sqrt(2.0),np.sqrt(2.0)],[-np.sqrt(2.0),1.0,1.0],[np.sqrt(2.0),1.0,1.0]])
In[14]: U,D=func.Eigenvalue_decomp(A)
In[15]: print #A=U*D*Calculate Ut
[[ -2.85835307e-16  -1.41421356e+00   1.41421356e+00]
 [ -1.41421356e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00]
 [  1.41421356e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00]]
In[16]: print #A*Calculate A
[[  4.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00]
 [  0.00000000e+00   4.00000000e+00  -4.44089210e-16]
 [  0.00000000e+00  -4.44089210e-16   4.00000000e+00]]
In[17]: print #A*A=U*D*D*Calculate Ut
[[  4.00000000e+00   3.16592776e-16  -5.71585644e-16]
 [  3.16592776e-16   4.00000000e+00  -4.44089210e-16]
 [ -5.71585644e-16  -4.44089210e-16   4.00000000e+00]]

In each case, it seems that U and D are calculated correctly.

Numpy in Python was originally [numpy.linalg.matrix_power]( "numpy.linalg.matrix_power" Since there is a function called ") function that can calculate the nth power of a matrix, you probably won't use the above function for the purpose of" calculating the nth power of a symmetric matrix ", but you can do the eigenvalue decomposition of a symmetric matrix. I think it is very effective when you want to do it.

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