Solving simultaneous linear equations in Python (sweeping method and fractional representation)


& Emsp; Hello, this is mana binding. This is an article that I will introduce because I was able to make a program that I made a lot because of the necessity. I made a program to solve a system of linear equations that is reasonably practical. Please kindly let me know if there are any bugs. Please note that we will not explain how to sweep out.


The & emsp; environment is Python3 series.

> python --version
Python 3.9.0


The & emsp; program is shown below.

import sys

def hakidashi(m, show_matrix):
    num_line = len(m)
    num_column = len(m[0])
    div = lambda a, b: 0 if b==0 else a / b
    for p in range(num_line):
        m[p] = [div(n, m[p][p]) for n in m[p]]
        for i in range(num_line):
            x = div(m[i][p], m[p][p])
            for j in range(num_column):
                if(i != p):
                    m[i][j] = m[i][j] - x * m[p][j]
        for e in m:
    return list(map(lambda m: m[-1], m))

def dec_to_frac(f, max_denominator, calc_accuracy):
    for i in range(1, max_denominator + 1):
        k1 = int(f * i)
        k2 = k1 + 1
        if(abs((k1 / i) - f) < calc_accuracy):
            return f"{k1}/{i}"
        elif(abs((k2 / i) - f) < calc_accuracy):
            return f"{k2}/{i}"
        return "not found"

def read_file(file_name, file_codec):
    c, m = [], []
    with open(file_name, encoding=file_codec) as f:
        lists = list(f.readlines())
        c = split_line(lists[0])
        for l in lists[1:]:
            m.append(split_line(l, num=True))
    return c, m

def split_line(line, num=False):
    line = line.strip()
    line += "#"
    data_line = []
    word = ""
    is_firstblank = True
    for e in line:
        if(" " == e and is_firstblank):
            is_firstblank = False
            word = ""
        elif("," == e):
            word = ""
        elif("#" == e):
            is_firstblank = True
            word += e
    return [
        if num else
        for x in data_line 
        if x not in ["", " "]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    file_name = sys.argv[1]
    file_encode = "utf-8"
    max_denominator = 10000000
    calc_accuracy = 0.0000000001
    show_matrix = True
    c, m = read_file(file_name, file_encode)
    if(len(c) + 1 == len(m[0])):
        ans = hakidashi(m, show_matrix)
        for c, ans in zip(c, ans):
            f = dec_to_frac(ans, max_denominator, calc_accuracy)
            print(f"{c} = {ans} ({f})")
        print("data error", file=sys.stderr)

& emsp; Below is a description of each.

How to sweep out

& emsp; hakidashi () is the corresponding function. There is no particular ingenuity, but in order to avoid the error of dividing by zero, a function called div is defined internally, and 0 is returned when it seems to be divided by zero. You can judge that print is done just before the return because the constant term does not become 1 correctly when an equation that has no solution is passed.

Fractional representation

& emsp; dec_to_frac () is the corresponding function. It verifies while changing the denominator, and returns a character string expressed as a fraction when the precision is acceptable. If it is not found in the range, not found is displayed. This is a for loop and the number of calculations is large, so if it is too heavy, adjust the values ​​of max_denominator and calc_accuracy.

I referred to this site. FloatToFraction (JavaScript version)

Read file

& emsp; read_file () and split_line () are the corresponding functions. & emsp; read_file opens the file data from the file name given from the command line and passes it to split_line. c is an array that contains character labels (x, y, etc.), and m is numeric array data. & emsp; split_line is a polite division so that it can be read in comma separate or space separate, or comments can be written.

How to use

For example, use a file with the following text:


x y z
4 2 1 26
1 6 3 48
4 1 5 34

The above represents the following simultaneous equations.

4x + 2y + z = 26 \\\ x + 6y + 3z = 48 \\\ 4x + y + 5z = 34
> python mat1.txt
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.727272727272727]
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 5.818181818181818]
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.454545454545455]
x = 2.727272727272727 (30/11)
y = 5.818181818181818 (64/11)
z = 3.454545454545455 (38/11)

Also, consider the case where there is no solution as shown below.


x1, x2    #The lower formula is the upper formula
3, 6, 9   #Because it's just doubled
6, 12, 18 #There is no solution

In addition, # represents a comment, and it is possible to actually describe it in a file.

> python mat2.txt
[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
[0, 0, 0]
x1 = 3.0 (3/1)
x2 = 0 (0/1)

The values ​​are entered appropriately, but you can see that it is strange because the matrix above is not triangular.

in conclusion

& emsp; Thank you for your hard work. Did it work? It's a program that can be used quite well even though it's less than a hundred lines, so I think Python is amazing, and the algorithm that my predecessor thought was amazing (impression of elementary school students). It's fun to be able to build it yourself, and I want to live with happiness in these things. & emsp; Thank you for reading to the end. I hope it helps. It doesn't matter, but I can't really count on writing something next. I am surprised to see past articles by myself. I've got my hands on it, so I'll put it around here. Thank you very much.

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