I got the error The java.home variable defined in Visual Studio Code settings points to a missing or inaccessible folder (C: avadk-13.0.1)

I got an error

I started learning Java the other day, so if I had installed the VScode extension "Language Support for Java (TM) by Red Hat" "The java.home variable defined in Visual Studio Code settings points to a missing or inaccessible folder (C:avadk-13.0.1)" I got the error.

I intended to set it firmly in setting.json, but if you look closely The one that copied the path from explorer __ "C: \ Java \ jdk-13.0.1" __ Other addresses described in setting.json It was __ "/" __ instead of __ "" __! Apparently, because of this, it wasn't recognized and I was getting an error. Let's be careful, too.


When copying with Explorer, the address delimiter is "" Address delimiter is "/" in setting.json Because of that, I couldn't read it. When I replaced it, it read well.

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