Achieve scraping with Python & CSS selector in 1 minute



pip install pyquery

Sample code

Sample code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
url = ""
query = pq(url)
for a in query.find("a"):#CSS selector! !!
  print pq(a).text()

#Output result
#Mac OS X Lion /Prepare python environment with homebrew
#1.Update brew and install python
#2.Reinstall pip
#3.Cleaning the old environment and changing the path
#4.Try reinstalling sphinx or something
#5.Attempts to install PIL with pip fail
#6.Things to keep in mind when installing PIL with pip
#For the time being, the current pip freeze
#Preferences for the time being on Mac OS X Lion
#Show Source
#JAWSUG-Okinawa 2nd study NOTE

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