[RUBY] Deploy to Heroku (for second and subsequent edits)

What you can see in this article

(1) How to create an app with Heroku and deploy the changes edited locally later.

: thinking: Note that it is not for people who create apps for the first time!

As a premise

The directory has been moved to the app being created. The app is written in Rails.             : hugging: So I'm going for the first time from here: hugging:

Command flow

(1) If the Gemfile has been changed or added, bundle installation. I'll go anyway.

% bundle install 

② Commit changes

% git add .   
% git commit -m "Add pg gem for Heroku"                         

③ Push the repository and deploy the application.

% git push heroku master 

④ DB migration. I think it's work for the production environment Heroku.

% heroku run rake db:migrate  

Try opening the app now! You should be able to deploy: v_tone 1:: crown:    Thank you for your hard work!

This article is a personal record for beginners. I referred to the following article. Reference article ([The first time you deploy a Rails app to Heroku and get an error] https://qiita.com/hmmrjn/items/e2dff8036fbbd74f049a)

A word Memo

I am At the time of deployment, an error often occurred in step ③. The cause was that I forgot the process of "% bundle install".       It seems that it happened because I had to change the Gemfile when copying it to the production environment.

Thank you for reading to the end! see you! : blush :: wave_tone1:

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