Execute packaged Java code with commands

Even if I looked it up, it didn't come out easily, so I made a note.

Execution command

$ javac -d /path/to/build/dir/ /path/to/javafiles
$ java -cp /path/to/classfiles/ main.Main


Suppose it is such a hierarchy.

└── src
    ├── app
    │   └── App.java
    └── hoge
        ├── Hoge.java
        └── fuga
            └── Fuga.java


Compile everything. Specify the output destination directory of the generated file with -d.

$ javac -d build src/*/*.java src/*/*/*.java

It will be like this.

├── build
│   ├── app
│   │   └── App.class
│   └── hoge
│       ├── Hoge.class
│       └── fuga
│           └── Fuga.class
└── src
    ├── app
    │   └── App.java
    └── hoge
        ├── Hoge.java
        └── fuga
            └── Fuga.java

The build directory contains the class files properly packaged.


$ java -cp build app.App

Specify the classpath with -cp. The classpath is the root directory for finding class files. Since it is in build, specify it.

In the app.App part, specify the class that contains the main method, including the package name and delimited by dots.

that's all.

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