Easily handle databases with Python (SQLite3)

1. Background

I personally invest in my side business, but I want to do analysis automatically on my home PC. First of all, I learned the box (database) for storing data, so I will keep only the basic part as a record.

2. Database creation-operation

I thought it would be easier to understand the database in Excel for the time being, so this time I will replace the first part with Excel.

① First, create a new database and connect

** Image equivalent to creating an Excel file and opening Excel ** isolation_level = None is a setting that automatically saves the database if you forget the commit operation.


import sqlite3

dbname = ('test.db')#Database name.Set by db extension
conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname, isolation_level=None)#Create database, turn on auto-commit function

② Create a table

** Use the mouse to manipulate Excel, but sqlite manipulates rows with cursor objects **


cursor = conn.cursor() #Create cursor object

-Create table Declare a table with a SQL statement called table name (data column you want to create)
* SQL instructions can be in uppercase or lowercase
・ This time, "id" is added to the test table.,name,date column(Column name)* This time date is a column called date of birth
-"If not exists" is the error prevention part. If the same table has already been created, an error will occur.
-There is no problem even if you do not specify the column type.
  ※NULL, INTEGER(integer), REAL(Floating point), TEXT(String), BLOB(binary)5 types
sql = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test(id, name, date)"""

cursor.execute(sql)#Execute SQL statement with execute command
conn.commit()#Commit to database(Overwrite save in Excel. It is unnecessary because it is an automatic commit setting, but for the time being ...)

③ Get the created table name

In Excel, you can see the Sheet name created on the screen immediately, but of course you do not know SQL, so make an inquiry


#SQL function to get the table name in the database
sql = """SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE TYPE='table'"""

for t in cursor.execute(sql):#Check all the tables created by the for statement

Execution result


④-1 Store one row of records in the created table

** Data for each row is called a record in SQL ** Add one line with execute


Use the insert statement to add a record.
In the case of python, it is basically described using "?" As a measure against the vulnerability to illegal SQL instructions called SQL injection.
sql = """INSERT INTO test VALUES(?, ?, ?)"""#?Means that you will receive the value later

data = ((1, 'Taro', 19800810))#Specify the record to insert
cursor.execute(sql, data)#Execute SQL statement with execute command

④-2 Store multiple rows of records in the created table

Use execute many instead of execute


sql = """INSERT INTO test VALUES(?,?,?)"""

data = [
   (1, "Taro", 19800810),
   (2, "Bob", 19921015),
   (3, "Masa", 20050505),
   (4, "Jiro", 19910510),
   (5, "Satoshi", 19880117)
cursor.executemany(sql, data)#If you want to add multiple data, use execute many method

⑤-1 Extract all records in the created table

Use fetchall


select *Refer to all data with, and specify from which table to call the data with from
fetch all rows of data with fetchall
sql = """SELECT * FROM test"""
print(cursor.fetchall())#Retrieve all records

Execution result(④-In case of 2)

[(1, "Taro", 19800810),(2, "Bob", 19921015),(3, "Masa", 20050505),(4, "Jiro", 19910510),(5, "Satoshi", 19880117)]

⑤-2 Extract all records in the created table line by row

Use fetchone. The execution result is the same as ⑤-1.


select_sql = """SELECT * FROM test"""

while True:
    result=cursor.fetchone()#Extract one line of data
    if result is None :#Loop withdrawal condition(When the data is completely extracted and empty)
        break #Break out of the loop

⑥ Delete the record


Specify by writing the condition of the data you want to erase after where
Since the element in the first row of this table is id, specify the data with id 2 as an example.

cursor.execute('delete from test where id=?', (2,))

cursor.execute('select * from test')

Execution result(④-In case of 2)

[(1, "Taro", 19800810),(3, "Masa", 20050505),(4, "Jiro", 19910510),(5, "Satoshi", 19880117)]

⑦ Change the name of the created table


ALTER TABLE Table name before change RENAME TO Table name after change
sql = """ALTER TABLE test RENAME TO test1"""

#Execute instruction

⑧ Delete the created table


DROP if exists TABLE drop table name
sql = """DROP if exists TABLE test1"""

#Execute instruction

⑨ Block the database connection


#Close the DB connection when the work is completed

⑩ (Bonus) Read the created DB with Pandas after specifying the table


import pandas as pd

dbname = "test.db"
conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname)

#read db_Read as pandas using sql.
df = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM test', conn)


Display the result of ⑥ in Pandas

id name date
0 1 Taro 19800810
1 3 Masa 20050505
2 4 Jiro 19910510
3 5 Satoshi 19880117

3. Finally

** This article is the first article for investment utilization. I will continue to write Python articles that are useful for investment-related matters ** ** If you think it will be useful even a little, it will be encouraging if you can stock LGTM! ** **

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