Python modules with "-(hyphen)" cannot be removed

Check the dependencies between modules with pip check

When I checked it with pip check, I got the following error.

$ pip check
-iskit 0.13.0 requires qiskit-aer, which is not installed.
-iskit 0.13.0 requires qiskit-aqua, which is not installed.
-iskit 0.13.0 requires qiskit-ibmq-provider, which is not installed.
-iskit 0.13.0 requires qiskit-ignis, which is not installed.
-iskit 0.13.0 requires qiskit-terra, which is not installed.
tensorflow 2.1.0 has requirement gast==0.2.2, but you have gast 0.3.3.
tensorflow 2.1.0 has requirement tensorboard<2.2.0,>=2.1.0, but you have tensorboard 2.2.0.
mysql-connector-python 8.0.19 has requirement protobuf==3.6.1, but you have protobuf 3.11.3.

I got a hit with -iskit, which was previously installed, but it should have already been uninstalled. I don't want the check result to appear, so I tried uninstalling it and got an error.

$ pip show ~iskit
zsh: no such user or named directory: iskit
$ pip uninstall ~iskit
zsh: no such user or named directory: iskit
$ pip uninstall "~iskit"
ERROR: Invalid requirement: '~iskit'

Various confirmation

$ pip list
Package                           Version
--------------------------------- --------------------
-                                 xopt
-.bsockets                        7.0                              1.13.2                    8.0.2
-.scf                             1.6.5                      1.2.1
-.xopt                            1.2.3
(Omitted below)

A lot of garbage!

Is there an entity?

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages $ ls -l|grep  -e "~"
drwxrwxr-x     - nandymak admin 2019-11-29 23:33 ~%bsockets-7.0.dist-info
drwxrwxr-x     - nandymak admin 2019-11-29 23:33 ~%re_itertools-5.0.0.dist-info
drwxrwxr-x     - nandymak admin 2020-01-02 22:07 ~%re_itertools-8.0.2.dist-info
drwxrwxr-x     - nandymak admin 2019-11-29 23:33 ~%scf-1.6.5.dist-info
drwxrwxr-x     - nandymak admin 2019-11-29 23:33 ~%st_asyncio-1.0.0.dist-info
drwxrwxr-x     - nandymak admin 2020-01-02 22:07 ~%st_asyncio-1.2.1.dist-info
drwxrwxr-x     - nandymak admin 2019-11-29 23:33 ~%xopt-1.2.3.dist-info
drwxrwxr-x     - nandymak admin 2019-11-29 23:33 ~iskit-0.13.0.dist-info
(Omitted below)

There are a lot of folders with "~ (tilde)". As far as I can see, it doesn't seem to be the currently installed module. I tried google, but I couldn't find any such information. By saying that


/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages $ ls |grep  -e "~"
(Omitted below)

Check again,

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages $ for item in `ls |grep  -e "~"` ; do
rm -rf ./$item
pip list                                                                                                                   
Package                           Version             
--------------------------------- --------------------
absl-py                           0.7.1               
alabaster                         0.7.12              
annofabapi                        0.29.5              
appdirs                           1.4.3               
appnope                           0.1.0 
(Omitted below)

It has become beautiful.

** Please do it at your own risk ** In my case, I was planning to start over if something went wrong (^ _ ^;)


I was getting the following error in tensorflow.

tensorflow 2.1.0 has requirement gast==0.2.2, but you have gast 0.3.3.
tensorflow 2.1.0 has requirement tensorboard<2.2.0,>=2.1.0, but you have tensorboard 2.2.0.

When I checked it with Google Colaboratory,

!pip list|grep tensorflow
tensorflow               2.2.0rc1       
tensorflow-addons        0.8.3          
tensorflow-datasets      2.1.0          
tensorflow-estimator     2.2.0rc0       
tensorflow-gcs-config    2.1.8          
tensorflow-hub           0.7.0          
tensorflow-metadata      0.21.1         
tensorflow-privacy       0.2.2          
tensorflow-probability   0.9.0       

The main body is up to 2.2.0rc1. If the default of Google Colaboratory is 2.2.0rc1, let's match it.

!pip list|grep tensorflow|awk '{print "pip install "$1"=="$2}'
pip install tensorflow==2.2.0rc1
pip install tensorflow-addons==0.8.3
pip install tensorflow-datasets==2.1.0
pip install tensorflow-estimator==2.2.0rc0
pip install tensorflow-gcs-config==2.1.8
pip install tensorflow-hub==0.7.0
pip install tensorflow-metadata==0.21.1
pip install tensorflow-privacy==0.2.2
pip install tensorflow-probability==0.9.0

Copy the line pip install tensorflow ~ ~ and paste it into the Terminal on the Local side to install, and the error no longer appears.

** Please do it at your own risk **

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