The previous article is here
In this article, we have introduced in Activation function list and Gradient descent method list. and [optimizers. py]( Implement the functions get_act
and get_opt
to call BE% 8B).
We will also introduce and implement the loss function currently in use.
-[Localization of activation function](# Localization of activation function) -[Localization of Gradient Descent](# Localization of Gradient Descent) -[Loss function](# loss function) -[Square error](#Square error) -[Bivalent cross entropy](# Binary cross entropy) -[Multi-value cross entropy](# Multi-value cross entropy) -[Loss function localization](# Loss function localization) -Conclusion
First, I will put the code body of the activation function.
import numpy as np
class Activator():
def __init__(self, *args,**kwds):
def forward(self, *args,**kwds):
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def backward(self, *args,**kwds):
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def update(self, *args,**kwds):
class step(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x > 0, 1, 0)
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.zeros_like(x)
class identity(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return x
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.ones_like(x)
class bentIdentity(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return 0.5*(np.sqrt(x**2 + 1) - 1) + x
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return 0.5*x/np.sqrt(x**2 + 1) + 1
class hardShrink(Activator):
def __init__(self, lambda_=0.5, *args,**kwds):
self.lambda_ = lambda_
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where((-self.lambda_ <= x) & (x <= self.lambda_),
0, x)
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where((-self.lambda_ <= x) & (x <= self.lambda_),
0, 1)
class softShrink(Activator):
def __init__(self, lambda_=0.5, *args,**kwds):
self.lambda_ = lambda_
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x < -self.lambda_, x + self.lambda_,
np.where(x > self.lambda_, x - self.lambda_, 0))
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where((-self.lambda_ <= x) & (x <= self.lambda_),
0, 1)
class threshold(Activator):
def __init__(self, threshold, value, *args,**kwds):
self.threshold = threshold
self.value = value
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x > self.threshold, x, self.value)
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x > self.threshold, 1, 0)
class sigmoid(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))
def backward(self, x, y, *args,**kwds):
return y*(1 - y)
class hardSigmoid(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.clip(0.2*x + 0.5, 0, 1)
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where((x > 2.5) | (x < -2.5), 0, 0.2)
class logSigmoid(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return -np.log(1 + np.exp(-x))
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return 1/(1 + np.exp(x))
class act_tanh(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.tanh(x)
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return 1 - np.tanh(x)**2
class hardtanh(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.clip(x, -1, 1)
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where((-1 <= x) & (x <= 1), 1, 0)
class tanhShrink(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return x - np.tanh(x)
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.tanh(x)**2
class ReLU(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.maximum(0, x)
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x > 0, 1, 0)
class ReLU6(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.clip(x, 0, 6)
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where((0 < x) & (x < 6), 1, 0)
class leakyReLU(Activator):
def __init__(self, alpha=1e-2, *args,**kwds):
self.alpha = alpha
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.maximum(self.alpha * x, x)
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x < 0, self.alpha, 1)
class ELU(Activator):
def __init__(self, alpha=1., *args,**kwds):
self.alpha = alpha
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x >= 0, x, self.alpha*(np.exp(x) - 1))
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x >= 0, 1, self.alpha*np.exp(x))
class SELU(Activator):
def __init__(self, lambda_=1.0507, alpha=1.67326, *args,**kwds):
self.lambda_ = lambda_
self.alpha = alpha
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x >= 0,
self.lambda_*self.alpha*(np.exp(x) - 1))
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x >= 0,
class CELU(Activator):
def __init__(self, alpha=1., *args,**kwds):
self.alpha = alpha
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x >= 0,
self.alpha*(np.exp(x/self.alpha) - 1))
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.where(x >= 0, 1, np.exp(x/self.alpha))
class softmax(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.exp(x)/np.sum(np.exp(x))
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.exp(x)*(np.sum(np.exp(x))
- np.exp(x))/np.sum(np.exp(x))**2
class softmin(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.exp(-x)/np.sum(np.exp(-x))
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return -(np.exp(x)*(np.sum(np.exp(-x)) - np.exp(x))
class logSoftmax(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.log(np.exp(x)/np.sum(np.exp(x)))
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
y = np.sum(np.exp(x))
return (y - np.exp(x))/y
class softplus(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return np.logaddexp(x, 0)
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))
class softsign(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return x/(1 + np.abs(x))
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return 1/(1 + np.abs(x)) ** 2
class Swish(Activator):
def __init__(self, beta=1, *args,**kwds):
self.beta = beta
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return x/(1 + np.exp(-self.beta*x))
def backward(self, x, y, *args,**kwds):
return self.beta*y + (1 - self.beta*y)/(1 + np.exp(-self.beta*x))
def d2y(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return (-0.25*self.beta*(self.beta*x*np.tanh(0.5*self.beta*x) - 2)
*(1 - np.tanh(0.5*self.beta*x)**2))
class Mish(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return x*np.tanh(np.logaddexp(x, 0))
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
omega = (4*(x + 1) + 4*np.exp(2*x)
+ np.exp(3*x) + (4*x + 6)*np.exp(x))
delta = 2*np.exp(x) + np.exp(2*x) + 2
return np.exp(x)*omega/delta**2
def d2y(self, x, *args,**kwds):
omega = (2*(x + 2)
+ np.exp(x)*(np.exp(x)*(-2*np.exp(x)*(x - 1) - 3*x + 6)
+ 2*(x + 4)))
delta = np.exp(x)*(np.exp(x) + 2) + 2
return 4*np.exp(x)*omega/delta**3
class tanhExp(Activator):
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
return x*np.tanh(np.exp(x))
def backward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
tanh_exp = np.tanh(np.exp(x))
return tanh_exp - x*np.exp(x)*(tanh_exp**2 - 1)
def d2y(self, x, *args,**kwds):
tanh_exp = np.tanh(np.exp(x))
return (np.exp(x)*(-x + 2*np.exp(x)*x*tanh_exp - 2)
*(tanh_exp**2 - 1))
class maxout(Activator):
def __init__(self, n_prev, n, k, wb_width=5e-2, *args,**kwds):
self.n_prev = n_prev
self.n = n
self.k = k
self.w = wb_width*np.random.rand((n_prev, n*k))
self.b = wb_width*np.random.rand(n*k)
def forward(self, x, *args,**kwds):
self.x = x.copy()
self.z =, x) + self.b
self.z = self.z.reshape(self.n, self.k)
self.y = np.max(self.z, axis=1)
return self.y
def backward(self, g, *args,**kwds):
self.dw = np.sum(, self.x))
_act_dic = {"step": step,
"identity": identity,
"bent-identity": bentIdentity,
"hard-shrink": hardShrink,
"soft-shrink": softShrink,
"threshold": threshold,
"sigmoid": sigmoid,
"hard-sigmoid": hardSigmoid,
"log-sigmoid": logSigmoid,
"tanh": act_tanh,
"tanh-shrink": tanhShrink,
"ReLU": ReLU,
"ReLU6": ReLU6,
"leaky-ReLU": leakyReLU,
"softmax": softmax,
"softmin": softmin,
"log-softmax": logSoftmax,
"softplus": softplus,
"softsign": softsign,
"Swish": Swish,
"Mish": Mish,
"tanhExp": tanhExp,
def get_act(name, *args,**kwds):
if name in _act_dic.keys():
activator = _act_dic[name](*args,**kwds)
raise ValueError(name, ": Unknown activator")
return activator
Next is the localization of the gradient descent method. The method is the same.
import numpy as np
class Optimizer():
A superclass inherited by the optimization method.
def __init__(self, *args,**kwds):
def update(self, *args,**kwds):
class SGD(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, eta=1e-2, *args,**kwds):
self.eta = eta
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, *args,**kwds):
dw = -self.eta*grad_w
db = -self.eta*grad_b
return dw, db
class MSGD(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, eta=1e-2, mu=0.9, *args,**kwds):
self.eta = eta = mu
#Hold the value of the previous step
self.dw = 0
self.db = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, *args,**kwds):
dw =*self.dw - (*self.eta*grad_w
db =*self.db - (*self.eta*grad_b
#Assigning in the view instead of copying is because these values may be used
#This is because it will not be changed.
self.dw = dw
self.db = db
return dw, db
class NAG(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, eta=1e-2, mu=0.9, *args,**kwds):
self.eta = eta = mu
#Holds the value of the previous step
self.dw = 0
self.db = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, w=0, b=0, dfw=None, dfb=None,
nargs=2, *args,**kwds):
if nargs == 1:
grad_w = dfw(w +*self.dw)
grad_b = 0
elif nargs == 2:
grad_w = dfw(w +*self.dw, b +*self.db)
grad_b = dfb(w +*self.dw, b +*self.db)
dw =*self.dw - (*self.eta*grad_w
db =*self.db - (*self.eta*grad_b
#Assigning in the view instead of copying is because these values may be used
#This is because it will not be changed.
self.dw = dw
self.db = db
return dw, db
class AdaGrad(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, eta=1e-3, *args,**kwds):
self.eta = eta
#Hold the value of the previous step = 0 = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, *args,**kwds): += grad_w*grad_w += grad_b*grad_b
dw = -self.eta*grad_w/np.sqrt(
db = -self.eta*grad_b/np.sqrt(
return dw, db
class RMSprop(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, eta=1e-2, rho=0.99, eps=1e-8, *args,**kwds):
self.eta = eta
self.rho = rho
self.eps = eps
#Hold the value of the previous step
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, *args,**kwds):
self.vw += (1-self.rho)*(grad_w**2 - self.vw)
self.vb += (1-self.rho)*(grad_b**2 - self.vb)
dw = -self.eta*grad_w/np.sqrt(self.vw+self.eps)
db = -self.eta*grad_b/np.sqrt(self.vb+self.eps)
return dw, db
class AdaDelta(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, rho=0.95, eps=1e-6, *args,**kwds):
self.rho = rho
self.eps = eps
#Hold the value of the previous step
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0
self.uw = 0
self.ub = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, *args,**kwds):
self.vw += (1-self.rho)*(grad_w**2 - self.vw)
self.vb += (1-self.rho)*(grad_b**2 - self.vb)
dw = -grad_w*np.sqrt(self.uw+self.eps)/np.sqrt(self.vw+self.eps)
db = -grad_b*np.sqrt(self.ub+self.eps)/np.sqrt(self.vb+self.eps)
self.uw += (1-self.rho)*(dw**2 - self.uw)
self.ub += (1-self.rho)*(db**2 - self.ub)
return dw, db
class Adam(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, alpha=1e-3, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, eps=1e-8,
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.eps = eps
#Hold the value of the previous step = 0
self.mb = 0
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, t=1, *args,**kwds): += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_w -
self.mb += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_b - self.mb)
self.vw += (1-self.beta2)*(grad_w**2 - self.vw)
self.vb += (1-self.beta2)*(grad_b**2 - self.vb)
alpha_t = self.alpha*np.sqrt(1-self.beta2**t)/(1-self.beta1**t)
dw = -alpha_t*
db = -alpha_t*self.mb/(np.sqrt(self.vb+self.eps))
return dw, db
class RMSpropGraves(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, eta=1e-4, rho=0.95, eps=1e-4, *args,**kwds):
self.eta = eta
self.rho = rho
self.eps = eps
#Hold the value of the previous step = 0
self.mb = 0
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0
def update(self,grad_w, grad_b, *args,**kwds): += (1-self.rho)*(grad_w -
self.mb += (1-self.rho)*(grad_b - self.mb)
self.vw += (1-self.rho)*(grad_w**2 - self.vw)
self.vb += (1-self.rho)*(grad_b**2 - self.vb)
dw = -self.eta*grad_w/np.sqrt(self.vw -**2 + self.eps)
db = -self.eta*grad_b/np.sqrt(self.vb - self.mb**2 + self.eps)
return dw, db
class SMORMS3(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, eta=1e-3, eps=1e-8, *args,**kwds):
self.eta = eta
self.eps = eps
#Hold the value of the previous step
self.zetaw = 0
self.zetab = 0
self.sw = 1 = 1 = 0
self.mb = 0
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, *args,**kwds):
rhow = 1/(1+self.sw)
rhob = 1/( += (1-rhow)*(grad_w -
self.mb += (1-rhob)*(grad_b - self.mb)
self.vw += (1-rhow)*(grad_w**2 - self.vw)
self.vb += (1-rhob)*(grad_b**2 - self.vb)
self.zetaw =**2 / (self.vw + self.eps)
self.zetaw = self.mb**2 / (self.vb + self.eps)
dw = -grad_w*(np.minimum(self.eta, self.zetaw)
/np.sqrt(self.vw + self.eps))
db = -grad_b*(np.minimum(self.eta, self.zetab)
/np.sqrt(self.vb + self.eps))
self.sw = 1 + (1 - self.zetaw)*self.sw = 1 + (1 - self.zetab)*
return dw, db
class AdaMax(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, alpha=2e-3, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999,
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
#Hold the value of the previous step = 0
self.mb = 0
self.uw = 0
self.ub = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, t=1, *args,**kwds): += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_w -
self.mb += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_b - self.mb)
self.uw = np.maximum(self.beta2*self.uw, np.abs(grad_w))
self.ub = np.maximum(self.beta2*self.ub, np.abs(grad_b))
alpha_t = self.alpha/(1 - self.beta1**t)
dw = -alpha_t*
db = -alpha_t*self.mb/self.ub
return dw, db
class Nadam(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, alpha=2e-3, mu=0.975, nu=0.999, eps=1e-8,
self.alpha = alpha = mu = nu
self.eps = eps
#Hold the value of the previous step = 0
self.mb = 0
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, t=1, *args,**kwds): += (*(grad_w -
self.mb += (*(grad_b - self.mb)
self.vw += (*(grad_w**2 - self.vw)
self.vb += (*(grad_b**2 - self.vb)
mhatw = (***(t+1))
+ (*grad_w/(**t))
mhatb = (*self.mb/(**(t+1))
+ (*grad_b/(**t))
vhatw =*self.vw/(**t)
vhatb =*self.vb/(**t)
dw = -self.alpha*mhatw/np.sqrt(vhatw + self.eps)
db = -self.alpha*mhatb/np.sqrt(vhatb + self.eps)
return dw, db
class Eve(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, alpha=1e-3, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, beta3=0.999,
c=10, eps=1e-8, fstar=0, *args,**kwds):
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.beta3 = beta3
self.c = c
self.eps = eps
#Hold the value of the previous step = 0
self.mb = 0
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0
self.f = 0
self.fstar = fstar
self.dtilde_w = 0
self.dtilde_b = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, t=1, f=1, *args,**kwds): += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_w -
self.mb += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_b - self.mb)
self.vw += (1-self.beta2)*(grad_w**2 - self.vw)
self.vb += (1-self.beta2)*(grad_b**2 - self.vb)
mhatw = - self.beta1**t)
mhatb = self.mb/(1 - self.beta1**t)
vhatw = self.vw/(1 - self.beta2**t)
vhatb = self.vb/(1 - self.beta2**t)
if t > 1:
d_w = (np.abs(f-self.fstar)
/(np.minimum(f, self.f) - self.fstar))
d_b = (np.abs(f-self.fstar)
/(np.minimum(f, self.f) - self.fstar))
dhat_w = np.clip(d_w, 1/self.c, self.c)
dhat_b = np.clip(d_b, 1/self.c, self.c)
self.dtilde_w += (1 - self.beta3)*(dhat_w - self.dtilde_w)
self.dtilde_b += (1 - self.beta3)*(dhat_b - self.dtilde_b)
self.dtilde_w = 1
self.dtilde_b = 1
self.f = f
dw = -(self.alpha*mhatw
/(self.dtilde_w*(np.sqrt(vhatw) + self.eps)))
db = -(self.alpha*mhatb
/(self.dtilde_b*(np.sqrt(vhatb) + self.eps)))
return dw, db
class SantaE(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, eta=1e-2, sigma=0.95, lambda_=1e-8,
anne_func=lambda t, n: t**n, anne_rate=0.5,
burnin=100, C=5, N=16,
eta: Learning rate
sigma: Maybe in other cases;
'rho' in RMSprop, AdaDelta, RMSpropGraves.
'rhow' or 'rhob' in SMORMS3.
'beta2' in Adam, Eve.
'nu' in Nadam.
To use calculation 'v'.
lambda_: Named 'eps'(ε) in other cases.
anne_func: Annealing function.
To use calculation 'beta' at each timestep.
Default is 'timestep'**'annealing rate'.
The calculated value should be towards infinity
as 't' increases.
anne_rate: Annealing rate.
To use calculation 'beta' at each timestep.
The second Argument of 'anne_func'.
burnin: Swith exploration and refinement.
This should be specified by users.
C: To calculate first 'alpha'.
N: Number of minibatch.
self.eta = eta
self.sigma = sigma
self.lambda_ = lambda_
self.anne_func = anne_func
self.anne_rate = anne_rate
self.burnin = burnin
self.N = N
# Keep one step before and Initialize.
self.alpha_w = np.sqrt(eta)*C
self.alpha_b = np.sqrt(eta)*C
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0 = 0 = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, t=1, *args,**kwds):
shape_w = grad_w.shape
shape_w = (1, )
shape_b = grad_b.shape
shape_b = (1, )
if t == 1:
# Initialize uw, ub.
self.uw = np.sqrt(self.eta)*np.random.randn(*shape_w)
self.ub = np.sqrt(self.eta)*np.random.randn(*shape_b)
self.vw = (self.sigma*self.vw
+ grad_w*grad_w * (1 - self.sigma) / self.N**2)
self.vb = (self.sigma*self.vb
+ grad_b*grad_b * (1 - self.sigma) / self.N**2)
gw = 1/np.sqrt(self.lambda_ + np.sqrt(self.vw))
gb = 1/np.sqrt(self.lambda_ + np.sqrt(self.vb))
beta = self.anne_func(t, self.anne_rate)
if t < self.burnin:
# Exploration.
self.alpha_w += self.uw*self.uw - self.eta/beta
self.alpha_b += self.ub*self.ub - self.eta/beta
uw = (self.eta/beta * (1 -
+ np.sqrt(2*self.eta/beta *
* np.random.randn(*shape_w))
ub = (self.eta/beta * (1 -
+ np.sqrt(2*self.eta/beta *
* np.random.randn(*shape_b))
# Refinement.
uw = 0
ub = 0
uw += (1 - self.alpha_w)*self.uw - self.eta*gw*grad_w
ub += (1 - self.alpha_b)*self.ub - self.eta*gb*grad_b
# Update values.
self.uw = uw
self.ub = ub = gw = gb
dw = gw*uw
db = gb*ub
return dw, db
class SantaSSS(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, eta=1e-2, sigma=0.95, lambda_=1e-8,
anne_func=lambda t, n: t**n, anne_rate=0.5,
burnin=100, C=5, N=16,
eta: Learning rate
sigma: Maybe in other cases;
'rho' in RMSprop, AdaDelta, RMSpropGraves.
'rhow' or 'rhob' in SMORMS3.
'beta2' in Adam, Eve.
'nu' in Nadam.
To use calculation 'v'.
lambda_: Named 'eps'(ε) in other cases.
anne_func: Annealing function.
To use calculation 'beta' at each timestep.
Default is 'timestep'**'annealing rate'.
The calculated value should be towards infinity
as 't' increases.
anne_rate: Annealing rate.
To use calculation 'beta' at each timestep.
The second Argument of 'anne_func'.
burnin: Swith exploration and refinement.
This should be specified by users.
C: To calculate first 'alpha'.
N: Number of minibatch.
self.eta = eta
self.sigma = sigma
self.lambda_ = lambda_
self.anne_func = anne_func
self.anne_rate = anne_rate
self.burnin = burnin
self.N = N
# Keep one step before and Initialize.
self.alpha_w = np.sqrt(eta)*C
self.alpha_b = np.sqrt(eta)*C
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0 = 0 = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, t=1, *args,**kwds):
shape_w = grad_w.shape
shape_w = (1, )
shape_b = grad_b.shape
shape_b = (1, )
if t == 1:
# Initialize uw, ub.
self.uw = np.sqrt(self.eta)*np.random.randn(*shape_w)
self.ub = np.sqrt(self.eta)*np.random.randn(*shape_b)
self.vw = (self.sigma*self.vw
+ grad_w*grad_w * (1 - self.sigma) / self.N**2)
self.vb = (self.sigma*self.vb
+ grad_b*grad_b * (1 - self.sigma) / self.N**2)
gw = 1/np.sqrt(self.lambda_ + np.sqrt(self.vw))
gb = 1/np.sqrt(self.lambda_ + np.sqrt(self.vb))
dw = 0.5*gw*self.uw
db = 0.5*gb*self.ub
beta = self.anne_func(t, self.anne_rate)
if t < self.burnin:
# Exploration.
self.alpha_w += (self.uw*self.uw - self.eta/beta)*0.5
self.alpha_b += (self.ub*self.ub - self.eta/beta)*0.5
uw = np.exp(-0.5*self.alpha_w)*self.uw
ub = np.exp(-0.5*self.alpha_b)*self.ub
uw += (-gw*grad_w*self.eta
+ np.sqrt(2**self.eta/beta)
* np.random.randn(*shape_w)
+ self.eta/beta*(
ub += (-gb*grad_b*self.eta
+ np.sqrt(2**self.eta/beta)
* np.random.randn(*shape_b)
+ self.eta/beta*(
uw *= np.exp(-0.5*self.alpha_w)
ub *= np.exp(-0.5*self.alpha_b)
self.alpha_w += (uw*uw - self.eta/beta)*0.5
self.alpha_b += (ub*ub - self.eta/beta)*0.5
# Refinement.
uw = np.exp(-0.5*self.alpha_w)*self.uw
ub = np.exp(-0.5*self.alpha_b)*self.ub
uw -= gw*grad_w*self.eta
ub -= gb*grad_b*self.eta
uw *= np.exp(-0.5*self.alpha_w)
ub *= np.exp(-0.5*self.alpha_b)
# Update values.
self.uw = uw
self.ub = ub = gw = gb
dw = gw*uw*0.5
db = gb*ub*0.5
return dw, db
class AMSGrad(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, alpha=1e-3, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, eps=1e-8,
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.eps = eps
#Hold the value of the previous step = 0
self.mb = 0
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0
self.vhatw = 0
self.vhatb = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, t=1, *args,**kwds): += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_w -
self.mb += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_b - self.mb)
self.vw += (1-self.beta2)*(grad_w**2 - self.vw)
self.vb += (1-self.beta2)*(grad_b**2 - self.vb)
self.vhatw = np.maximum(self.vhatw, self.vw)
self.vhatb = np.maximum(self.vhatb, self.vb)
alpha_t = self.alpha / np.sqrt(t)
dw = - alpha_t * + self.eps)
db = - alpha_t * self.mb/np.sqrt(self.vhatb + self.eps)
return dw, db
class AdaBound(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, alpha=1e-3, eta=1e-1, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999,
eps=1e-8, *args,**kwds):
self.alpha = alpha
self.eta = eta
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.eps = eps
#Hold the value of the previous step = 0
self.mb = 0
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, t=1, *args,**kwds): += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_w -
self.mb += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_b - self.mb)
self.vw += (1-self.beta2)*(grad_w**2 - self.vw)
self.vb += (1-self.beta2)*(grad_b**2 - self.vb)
etal = self.eta*(1 - 1/((1-self.beta2)*t + 1))
etau = self.eta*(1 + 1/((1-self.beta2)*t + self.eps))
etahatw_t = np.clip(self.alpha/np.sqrt(self.vw), etal, etau)
etahatb_t = np.clip(self.alpha/np.sqrt(self.vb), etal, etau)
etaw_t = etahatw_t/np.sqrt(t)
etab_t = etahatb_t/np.sqrt(t)
dw = - etaw_t*
db = - etab_t*self.mb
return dw, db
class AMSBound(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, alpha=1e-3, eta=1e-1, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999,
eps=1e-8, *args,**kwds):
self.alpha = alpha
self.eta = eta
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.eps = eps
#Hold the value of the previous step = 0
self.mb = 0
self.vw = 0
self.vb = 0
self.vhatw = 0
self.vhatb = 0
def update(self, grad_w, grad_b, t=1, *args,**kwds): += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_w -
self.mb += (1-self.beta1)*(grad_b - self.mb)
self.vw += (1-self.beta2)*(grad_w**2 - self.vw)
self.vb += (1-self.beta2)*(grad_b**2 - self.vb)
self.vhatw = np.maximum(self.vhatw, self.vw)
self.vhatb = np.maximum(self.vhatb, self.vb)
etal = self.eta*(1 - 1/((1-self.beta2)*t + 1))
etau = self.eta*(1 + 1/((1-self.beta2)*t + self.eps))
etahatw_t = np.clip(self.alpha/np.sqrt(self.vhatw), etal, etau)
etahatb_t = np.clip(self.alpha/np.sqrt(self.vhatb), etal, etau)
etaw_t = etahatw_t/np.sqrt(t)
etab_t = etahatb_t/np.sqrt(t)
dw = - etaw_t*
db = - etab_t*self.mb
return dw, db
_opt_dic = {
"AdaGrad": AdaGrad,
"RMSprop": RMSprop,
"AdaDelta": AdaDelta,
"Adam": Adam,
"RMSpropGraves": RMSpropGraves,
"AdaMax": AdaMax,
"Nadam": Nadam,
"Eve": Eve,
"SantaE": SantaE,
"SantaSSS": SantaSSS,
"AMSGrad": AMSGrad,
"AdaBound": AdaBound,
"AMSBound": AMSBound,
def get_opt(name, *args,**kwds):
if name in _opt_dic.keys():
optimizer = _opt_dic[name](*args,**kwds)
raise ValueError(name, ": Unknown optimizer")
return optimizer
This is the end of localization.
First of all, what is the loss function? Start from.
Speaking of deep learning, the purpose is to approximate a certain objective function with a neural network. This is actually the same for problems such as image recognition where the objective function is not clear. For example, in the case of handwritten digit recognition, the number should be output (to be exact, a vector called one-hot expression) as a result of inputting an image and performing some processing.
As for this objective function, of course we are less likely to know the exact function. Even with the number recognition that humans normally perform, it is an unclear issue what kind of processing is used for recognition.
Therefore, as it is, there is no index for advancing learning. With this, how to learn and whether the policy you are learning is correct is refreshing. It's like studying without a goal.
However, unless you know the exact solution of the objective function, you cannot make a difference from the objective function. This is where the concept of ** loss function ** comes into play.
In a word, the learning index is not "how close to the objective function" but "how far it is from the objective function".
Taking supervised learning as an example, we measure how far the output of the objective function (correct value) and the output of the approximate function (predicted value) are, and make the difference as close to zero as possible. think.
The predicted value is calculated by ** forward propagation **, the error between the correct answer value and the predicted value is transmitted to each parameter for learning ** back propagation **, and the parameter is based on the gradient flowing in the back propagation. Is the ** learning rule ** to update.
And the ** loss function is a function ** that determines the error to flow in the back propagation.
That's about it for the loss function. Let's see what kind of things are concrete.
First, I will introduce the ** squared error ** used in the linear open group problem.
\mathcal{L}(y) = \cfrac{1}{2} (y - t)^2
$ t $ is the correct answer and $ y $ is the predicted value. The above equation is a matrix representation. The reason for multiplying by 0.5 is that partial differentiation must be performed when back-propagating, and the coefficient is canceled at that time.
\cfrac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial y} = \cfrac{1}{2} \times 2(y - t) = y - t
This makes it easy to calculate backpropagation. By the way, since this is a squared error due to backpropagation, the following ** mean squared error ** is used to judge whether the learning has converged.
E = \cfrac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}{\mathcal{L}(y_i)} = \cfrac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}{\cfrac{1}{2}(y_i - t_i)^2}
N is the number of data. When this value hardly changes, it means that the learning has converged (not guaranteed to be accurate enough).
The implementation is as follows. The forward
and backward
functions are implemented as classes to treat them like layers in a sense.
class SquareError(Error):
def forward(self, y, t, *args,**kwds):
self.y = y
self.t = t
self.error = 0.5 * (y - t)**2
return self.error
def backward(self, *args,**kwds):
return self.t - self.t
Next is ** binary cross entropy **. This is the error function fitted when the activation function of the output layer is the sigmoid function. In other words, it is a ** loss function ** used for binary classification problems.
\mathcal{L}(y) = - t \log y - (1 - t) \log(1 - y)
Differentiation is
\cfrac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial y} = \cfrac{y - t}{y(1 - y)}
And the derivative of the sigmoid function appears in the denominator. Therefore, the gradient propagating through the output layer
\underbrace{\cfrac{y - t}{y(1 - y)}}_{Derivative of loss function} \times \underbrace{y(1 - y)}_{\textrm{Differentiation of sigmoid function}} = y - t
It will be a simple shape like.
class BinaryCrossEntropy(Error):
def forward(self, y, t, *args,**kwds):
self.y = y
self.t = t
self.error = - t*np.log(y) - (1 - t)*np.log(1 - y)
return self.error
def backward(self, *args,**kwds):
return (self.y - self.t) / (self.y*(1 - self.y))
Next is the ** cross entropy error ** used when using the softmax function as the activation function of the output layer in the ** multi-value classification problem **.
\mathcal{L}(y) = - t \log y
It can be said to be a general form of binary cross entropy. Differentiation is
\cfrac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial y_i} = -\cfrac{t_i}{y_i}
However, when the softmax function is used as the activation function of the output layer, considering the partial differential with respect to the input $ x_i $,
\left( \cfrac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial y} \times \cfrac{\partial y}{\partial x} \right)_i &= \sum_{j=1}^{n}{\left( \cfrac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial y_j} \times \cfrac{\partial y_j}{\partial x_i} \right)} \\
&= \sum_{j=1}^{n}{
\left\{ \begin{array}{ccc}
-\cfrac{t_i}{y_i} \times y_i (1 - y_i) & = t_i y_i - t_i & (j=i) \\
-\cfrac{t_j}{y_j} \times (-y_i y_j) &= t_j y_i & (j \ne i)
\end{array} \right\}
} \\
&= \underbrace{(\underbrace{t_i y_i}^{With this} - t_i)}_{j=i} + \underbrace{y_i \sum_{j=1, j\ne i}^{n}{t_j}}_{j \ne i}^{To summarize this} \\
&= \underbrace{y_i \sum_{j=1}^{n}{t_j}}^{Will be like this} - t_i \\
&= y_i - t_i \quad (\because \textrm{one-hot}Because it's a vector\sum_{j=1}^{n}{t_j} =Become 1)
It will be a beautiful shape like. If it is a calculation graph
Something like this. It's a complicated mystery ...
class CrossEntropy(Error):
def forward(self, y, t, *args,**kwds):
self.y = y
self.t = t
self.error = - t*np.log(y)
return self.error
def backward(self, *args,**kwds):
return - self.t/self.y
We will also localize the loss function.
import numpy as np
class Error():
def __init__(self, *args,**kwds):
self.error = 0
def forward(self, *args,**kwds):
def backward(self, *args,**kwds):
def total_error(self, *args,**kwds):
return np.sum(self.error)/self.error.size
class SquareError(Error):
def forward(self, y, t, *args,**kwds):
self.y = y
self.t = t
self.error = 0.5 * (y - t)**2
return self.error
def backward(self, *args,**kwds):
return self.y - self.t
class BinaryCrossEntropy(Error):
def forward(self, y, t, *args,**kwds):
self.y = y
self.t = t
self.error = - t*np.log(y) - (1 - t)*np.log(1 - y)
return self.error
def backward(self, *args,**kwds):
return (self.y - self.t) / (self.y*(1 - self.y))
class CrossEntropy(Error):
def forward(self, y, t, *args,**kwds):
self.y = y
self.t = t
self.error = - t*np.log(y)
return self.error
def backward(self, *args,**kwds):
return - self.t/self.y
_err_dic = {"Square": SquareError,
"Binary": BinaryCrossEntropy,
"Cross": CrossEntropy,
def get_err(name, *args,**kwds):
if name in _err_dic.keys():
errfunc = _err_dic[name](*args,**kwds)
raise ValueError(name, ": Unknown error function")
return errfunc
I wonder if I will summarize the loss functions used in other machine learning related things someday ... But before that, do we need to study other machine learning techniques?
-Introduction to Deep Learning ~ Basics ~ -Introduction to Deep Learning ~ Coding Preparation ~ -Introduction to Deep Learning ~ Forward Propagation ~ -Introduction to Deep Learning ~ Backpropagation ~ -Introduction to Deep Learning ~ Learning Rules ~ -Introduction to Deep Learning ~ Localization and Loss Functions ~ -List of activation functions (2020) -Gradient descent method list (2020) -See and understand! Comparison of optimization methods (2020) -Thorough understanding of im2col -Complete understanding of numpy.pad function
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