Hosted Apicurio Studio on Docker

Are you using Apicurio Studio? I started using it the other day. I'm not sure yet.

I hosted it on Docker The road was steeper than I had imagined, so I'll leave it for those who follow.

What is Apicurio Studio?

Apicurio Studio is one of the Apicurio Project. OSS OpenAPI design tool. Swagger is famous as an OpenAPI tool. If you want to work with multiple people, you have to use Paid plan. It seems that there are tools other than Swagger, but there are quite a few paid ones (for details here). If it's business, I still want to avoid spending in hobby development.

There, I found out about OSS's Apicurio Studio. Not only is it free, but it is also attractive to be able to design with GUI-based operations on the Web. There are no features such as mocking and testing yet, and it seems that they will be added at a later date, but I think it is worth trying if it is free. Activity is sloppy.

Operation method

There are three ways to use Apicurio Studio:

  1. Use the Live version officially distributed as a trial.
  2. Host on your local machine
  3. Host with Docker

I think that "Quick Start" with a script that can be used immediately after downloading is easy for 2. 3 There is also a script on GitHub that makes it easy to execute docker-compose.

It would be 2 or 3 for full-scale operation, but I operate the server group with docker-compose, so I tried to set up Apicurio Studio with Docker as well. think. Furthermore, the script published on GitHub mentioned above does not ask for the flexibility of DB and URL, so I will do it myself.

By the way, the official documentation is not very kind. The explanation on the Docker image page is also simple, and I made a lot of trial and error. I think it's okay because it's working now, but I'd appreciate it if you could point out in the comments if something went wrong.


Understanding the architecture is essential for running Apicurio Studio on Docker. It is a structure that does not seem to be one service, and consists of 4 images.

The figure says OpenShift, but it's the same with Docker.

Notation in the figure Image name role
Angular based UI application, Apicurio Studio UI Component apicurio-studio-ui front end
Apicurio Studio API Component apicurio-studio-api Back end
Apicurio Studio WebSocket Component apicurio-studio-ws WebSocket for synchronization of edit screen
KEYCLOAK apicurio-studio-auth User authentication

It's okay to follow this configuration, DB of apicurio-studio-auth is limited to H2, so I will make KEYCLOAK from an image separately. Therefore, this time we will make the following configuration.

image Container name
postgres pg
nginx deploy
jboss/keycloak keycloak
apicurio/apicurio-studio-ui apicurio-ui
apicurio/apicurio-studio-api apicurio-api
apicurio/apicurio-studio-ws apicurio-ws

The domain is in this article.

docker-compose settings

Start the container with the following docker-compose.yml file. Since there is DB initialization at startup, start pg first, set it, and then start other containers.


version: '3'                                              
        image: postgres
        restart: always
            POSTGRES_USER: xxxx
            POSTGRES_PASSWORD: xxxxxx

        image: nginx                                      
        restart: always                                   
            - 80:80
            - 443:443

        image: jboss/keycloak
        restart: always
            DB_VENDOR: postgres
            DB_ADDR: pg
            DB_PORT: 5432
            DB_DATABASE: keycloak
            DB_USER: xxxx
            DB_PASSWORD: xxxxxx
            KEYCLOAK_USER: admin

        image: apicurio/apicurio-studio-api
        restart: always
            APICURIO_HUB_STORAGE_JDBC_TYPE: postgresql9
            APICURIO_DB_DRIVER_NAME: postgresql
            APICURIO_DB_CONNECTION_URL: jdbc:postgresql://pg:5432/apicurio
            APICURIO_DB_USER_NAME: xxxx
            APICURIO_DB_PASSWORD: xxxxxx
            APICURIO_DB_INITIALIZE: "true"
            - pg
            - apicurio-ws

        image: apicurio/apicurio-studio-ws
        restart: always
            APICURIO_HUB_STORAGE_JDBC_TYPE: postgresql9
            APICURIO_DB_DRIVER_NAME: postgresql
            APICURIO_DB_CONNECTION_URL: jdbc:postgresql://pg:5432/apicurio
            APICURIO_DB_USER_NAME: xxxx
            APICURIO_DB_PASSWORD: xxxxxx
            APICURIO_DB_INITIALIZE: "true"
            - pg

        image: apicurio/apicurio-studio-ui
        restart: always
            APICURIO_UI_EDITING_URL: wss://
            - pg
            - apicurio-api
            - apicurio-ws

postgreSQL settings

Create a database for use with keycloak and Apicurio Studio.

Creating a database

create database keycloak;
create database apicurio;

nginx settings

Apicurio Studio accesses API and WebSocket with JavaScript, so All ports in multiple containers must be bound to host ports. But if you use so many ports, it's difficult to set up port forwarding, such as what number was what. It happens with a reverse proxy in between. Only bind 80 and 443 of the nginx container to the host and all web communication goes through nginx.

Set up a reverse proxy so that you can access each with the URL described in docker-compose.yml.


# keycloak
server {
    listen       443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;

    location / {
        include /etc/nginx/params/proxy_params;
        proxy_pass https://keycloak:8443;

# ui
server {
    listen       443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;

    location / {
        include /etc/nginx/params/proxy_params;
        proxy_pass http://apicurio-ui:8080;

    location /studio {
        return 301 https://$host;

# api
server {
    listen       443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;

    location / {
        include /etc/nginx/params/proxy_params;
        proxy_pass http://apicurio-api:8080;

# ws
server {
    listen       443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;

    location / {
        include /etc/nginx/params/proxy_params;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_pass http://apicurio-ws:8080;

Keycloak settings

Keycloak is an OSS that provides single sign-on. Register the application in advance Authenticate your login information by redirecting your application to Keycloak and then redirecting from Keycloak to your application.

To register your application with Keycloak, you need to create something like a project called realm, an application called client. There are many setting items and it is difficult, so let's borrow the ones that have already been set.

Export settings from apicurio-studio-auth

The above apicurio-studio-auth image has various pre-configured Keycloak. So, start the container with the apicurio-studio-auth image, export the realm information of Apicurio, and import it into the Keycloak prepared this time.

First, start the container. Allows you to connect to port 8080 and pass the login information to the management screen as an environment variable.

Start container

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 \

Once started, access http: // localhost: 8080 / auth / in your browser and log in. If you start it with the above command, log in with ID: admin and password: admin. Make sure Apicurio is selected in the upper left and click Export at the bottom. image.png

(For the time being) Turn on the two items and press Export. After a while, you can download the json file. image.png

import realm

Import the json you downloaded earlier into Keycloak prepared this time. Once the container is up, browse to and log in.

The default realm "Master" should be selected, so import the json from "Add realm".

Set to log in

Determines the format of the login page.


Setting completed (should be)

When you access, you will see the login screen. image.png

You can log in by registering as a user. Try adding and editing the API, and if it works, it will be successful. If you make a mistake, don't be discouraged and play around with it. I think that it can be solved by looking at the browser console and the log of each container.

If you make a mistake, you can easily start over. With Docker.

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