When interacting with the Web / API server via API in smartphone application development, there is no such thing as "If you use https, communication will not be noticed by the user", and the user can do it in the same way as using a tool in a Web application. You can check and tamper with the communication contents.
Therefore, if the app or server API is not designed and implemented on the premise of that, the app user may falsify the game score result transmission, damage the raid boss in the social game, or purchase the EC site app. Will also be possible.
Also, I recently released an app called "All-you-can-listen to music for free !! --Net radio"](https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/nettorajio-j-popmo-wu- liaode / id769979888? mt = 8), check if the static link library installed in this app is not communicating with an unknown external server, or if you intend to use SSL but are not communicating otherwise To do this, I use a proxy server tool called mitmproxy.
The following contents are like this
--About mitmproxy and its introduction --Confirmation of communication contents --Falsification of communication contents (request rewriting, response rewriting)
What you need is:
mitmproxy is a command line proxy tool. The name mitm is an abbreviation for man-in-the-middle and seems to come from terms used in communication terms such as man-in-the-middle attack.
Man-in-the-middle attacks are radical, but they are a useful tool for verifying your own apps.
The image looks like this:
The rough mechanism is to use the Internet sharing (the function that OSX itself becomes a WiFi router) in the standard setting of Mac OS X, relay the communication with a proxy, and use the WiFi on the actual iOS device.
To run mitmproxy, you need Python first, so install Python with homebrew.
$ brew update
$ brew upgrade
$ brew install python
Then install pip. easy_insall should be installed at the same time as python is installed by brew.
$ easy_install pip
Install mitmproxy from pip
$ pip install mitmproxy
If you have already installed it and want to update it, add option -U as follows and update it.
$ pip install mitmproxy -U
The related libraries are also installed by installing with pip.
To execute, specify the port with the option -p as follows.
$ mitmproxy -p 8080
I have specified port 8080, but this also requires 8080 to be specified in the WiFi settings from the iPhone side.
You can specify the server address and port number by selecting Manual with HTTP Proxy from the WiFi settings of iOS.
(Sunny in the figure is the machine name of Mac OS X, which is the WiFi name, so don't worry)
Also, when mitmproxy is executed, a certificate called mitmroxy-ca.pem is created in ~ / .mitmproxy /. It is possible to install by sending this certificate by email from OS X to the iPhone and opening the certificate from the email client on the iPhone side. You can check this certificate from [Settings] [General] [Provisioning], which is familiar to iOS app developers.
A simple use of mitmproxy is to view requests and responses, tamper with them, or stop communication.
Regarding falsification of the request, for example, you can change the parameters from the already sent request, and you can send the changed request again.
From the request list on the screen shown in the figure where mitmproxy is started, press the [Enter key] to move to the GET request / response details screen. Edit request (query, path, URL, header, form, body, method) with [e key], You can return to the list and get the edited request again with the [r key].
You can also undo the edits with the [V key], which is hard to notice. You can check these shortcuts by pressing the [? Key].
This ability to edit requests interactively makes it easy to try API calls on the server side, making it ideal for validation and testing when the specifications on the server API side are unknown. You will also be able to test anomalous systems when parameters are messed up, such as when requesting billing items, and sending receipts to the server during In-App Purchase.
On the contrary, in this interactive rewriting, even if you edit the request and GET / POST again, the communication on the application side has been completed, so if you can test by receiving the tampered request / response on the application side, etc. I think there are few.
With mitmproxy, you can apply a script for each communication by specifying a Python script file that describes the contents to be tampered with in advance, instead of falsifying the request / response by interactive operation.
For example, suppose you have a system called Raid Boss in a social game where a large number of users are fighting a common boss.
In most cases, the flow will be:
--User A inflicted 100 damage on the boss --Send a request to the server that User A has done 100 damage --The server side recognizes that user A has done 100 damage --Completion response to user A
Considering changing the damage with mitmproxy and changing the number of reward items that caused damage, it becomes as follows.
--User A inflicted 100 damage on the boss --Changed to hook the request and deal 9999 damage --Send a request to the server that User A has done 9999 damage --The server side recognizes that user A has done 9999 damage --Completion response to user A --Hook the response and increase the number of reward items
By falsifying the request response with a script, it becomes possible to do things that could not be timed out by interactive rewriting.
$ mitmproxy -s examples/add_header.py
The add_header.py in the sample has the following simple contents, so it should be brought to the introduction.
def response(context, flow):
flow.response.headers["newheader"] = ["foo"]
The response method is a method that rewrites the communication response before delivering it to the HTTP (S) client. Override this method, add "newheader" to the response header, and set the value to the string "foo" from the list.
The Flow class and Response class are defined in flow.py, so you will have to refer to them to understand the specifications.
There is also sample code that uses a script to determine whether the request is for a specific host, which is the most helpful.
redirect_requests.py will create an original response for all requests to the host on "example.com" and return it, redirecting to "mitmproxy.org" if it is "example.org".
Based on this sample code, it will be quick to tamper with and verify the request to the host you prepare.
Installing mitmproxy also installs a tool called mitmdump. Unlike the mitmproxy explained so far, mitmdump outputs the result to the standard output instead of the interactive list display like the console screen mentioned above, so it seems that you can narrow down the result by using it together with grep. By using this, you intend to use https for a specific host, but you will be able to efficiently check whether it is http.
--Try to make an illegal request by in-app purchase with the basic operation of mitmproxy --With the basic operation of mitmproxy, you can easily try what happens by sending a fake (used or other app) receipt from the app to the server in the in-app purchase part. --Try falsifying the request / response to a specific host with the mitmproxy script --You can check if http communication has been made to a specific host with mitmdump.
The method described here modifies the wifi settings to access port 8080. However, if you use a transparent proxy, you can make the actual machine communicate as usual using the default port 80 of wifi.
For information on how to use a transparent proxy, refer to the following site.
Transparent mitmproxy with Wifi sharing on Mac http://bagpack.hatenablog.jp/entry/2014/02/04/225553
If the world's Web API designers / operators and application developers do not know the above correctly, it will take a different time from the original content management such as recovery in the event of a failure and tracking of violators, and damage will occur. It even causes a feeling of stagnation in the plan. I think that the beginning is that the design is passive due to optimistic thinking such as peace of mind if you communicate with https with a smartphone application, so I thought that it was the first thing to know how to intercept / tamper with the communication.
In fact, Apple's Game Center seems to send scores via plist, and it seems that you can change the score of the app user just by tampering with the interactive request by mitmproxy (although it may be fixed now). ..
Setting highscores on Apple's GameCenter http://mitmproxy.org/doc/tutorials/gamecenter.html
Specific security measures will vary depending on the requirements and priorities of each content, so think for yourself. Or If you consult with us, we will think together.
mitmproxy http://mitmproxy.org/
mitmproxy script sample https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/tree/master/examples
Check the contents of SSL communication using mitmproxy http://ido.nu/kuma/2012/01/29/how-to-use-mitmproxy/
Did you start using pip because of the pyasn1 and PyOpenSSL dependencies? https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/37
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