[Certified Java Programmer, Gold SE 11] Impressions, good points, bad points for those who are studying from now on

at first

This time, I got the qualification with the goal of deepening my understanding of java. In my own experience, I've even created a website using wordpress, and to some extent I've made some simple extensions in php. I'm a science college student, but unfortunately I'm not a mechanical student, so I haven't touched java, let alone work experience. The study period is about 3 months since I started studying Silver, which is a prerequisite for Gold, at the beginning of May 2020 and passed 5/30, and then passed Gold on 8/11. Since I started studying from a fresh state, I would like to write an article for beginners like me rather than those who are already using java as a job.

A digital batch of proof of qualification. ↓ https://www.youracclaim.com/badges/5b1de059-b464-4b89-95d5-e834432f42e3/public_url

Impressions I actually received

Bad points

① Price

The test fee for one test is close to 30,000. To get Gold, you need to have Silver, so the total is 60,000 yen. It may be unavoidable because it is a venter qualification, but it is a bit painful because the reference book for exam preparation costs about 5,000 yen. I bought a reference book and a collection of questions for both Silver and Gold, so it cost ** a total of about 80,000 yen ** to get this qualification. If I think that I had failed the exam even once, it would cost me an additional 30,000 yen, and my spine would freeze.

② When asked if I can actually make a java application, that is not the case

Of course, this depends on the person, but just because you have the knowledge does not mean that you have the skills. In my case, I will be able to do it little by little only after I put in some knowledge and actually try various things. Therefore, it seems a little different when it is said that having ” Certified Java Programmer, Gold SE 11 ” means that you can develop in java.

③ No reference book (limited to Gold 11)

The reference book for java SE Gold 11 has not been released yet as of August 22, 2020. Silver 11 is already on sale, so it's okay, but if you're Gold, you'll have to study with the version 8 reference book and find the changes to 11 yourself from the official website or Qiita.

④ Strict without work experience

The intent of the code is difficult to read without work experience. It's natural because I haven't actually seen the code on the software, but I don't know how the code that appears in the problem is used in development. Silver has a short problem code, and there are many questions that ask the knowledge that you can solve it if you know it, so if you can solve the honest problem collection, it will be quite good. But does Gold understand the code on the premise of what you know? There were more questions than Silver. After all, what is useful there is practical experience, so it would be quite handicapped to not have it.

good point

① Get knowledge

As mentioned above, you will not be able to create java applications suddenly. However, the ability to read existing code is considerable. Comparing the time when I started studying for qualifications with now, the speed of reading the code and the accuracy of understanding the contents have improved dramatically. I think that anyone who has learned English or mathematics can sympathize with it, but it is very similar to the feeling of being able to understand long sentences and mathematical formulas that were previously meaningless.

Also, because you study evenly, you can lay the foundation for your knowledge without bias. You don't have to go through the rudimentary places that are often found in self-study.

② Understand object orientation

Object-oriented languages are inevitable when learning programming. After all, the difficulty level is one rank different from the script language. If you study object-oriented with Silver and Gold, you can learn it even if you don't like it.

③ Easy to read other programming languages

I'm studying python now when studying linear algebra, but the language specification of python is very easy to come to mind. I've studied a little before studying for qualifications, but it feels much easier than that time. Although the specifications and characteristics are different in other languages, the way of thinking when creating a program learned through qualification study can be used in any language, so you will be able to demonstrate the results of qualification study when studying a language other than java.

④ You can learn small and troublesome parts

I think this is a common problem for those who study by themselves, but it is difficult to choose a textbook by self-education. When studying with books Basically, most books are introductory books, and I mainly write easy-to-understand and simple places for readers to receive. It's very helpful when I'm just studying, but it quickly feels unsatisfactory. On the other hand, books for advanced users are rooted in practice, so many of them are quite practical and lack the prerequisite knowledge.

However, qualification textbooks are very helpful because you can learn everything from the basics. The best thing I'm glad to study through a qualification textbook is knowing about errors.

Although it is a very important and basic error message for programming, it is rarely explained in detail in the introductory book. Even if the explanation that you can use the stream API is correct, I have never seen a detailed explanation that this will cause a runtime error and this will cause a compile error.

Also, even if the book for advanced users explains that such errors can occur, it does not explain in detail what kind of errors there are and what is the difference between compile errors and run-time errors.

You will be able to pick up the basic parts that are often omitted in the introductory book and the basic parts that are often omitted in the advanced books even with various specifications other than errors.

⑤ You can leave the results of your studies as a clear form

I know that experience is an industry, but I'm glad that the results of my efforts come back in the form of qualifications. Also, having an index that can be evaluated objectively will give confidence to those who study by themselves.

General comment based on good points and bad points

If you want to evaluate what you have gained through qualification on a 100-point scale, you should give ** 75 points **. The highest is **-5 points ** It is not possible to actually create a java application **-15 points ** There is no reference book **-5 points ** is. It's my responsibility to have no work experience, so I can't help it, but it seems that what you can actually do is important in the industry, so it would have been nice if there was another test with a higher level of difficulty including the work test. I think. However, when I was told that it wouldn't make sense to take it because it wouldn't allow me to practice, it definitely made sense to me because I learned a lot through my qualifications.

In summary, I think Certified Java Programmer, Gold SE 11 is a qualification for those who have graduated from ** java beginners and are on the starting line as java programmers who will develop in earnest from now on **.

It is said that experience is important because it is meaningless to qualify in some places, but I can assure you that it is a very meaningful qualification for those who study by themselves or for beginners. If you are inexperienced, it is very difficult to get Gold, and there are many things that you do not understand and you often dislike it.

However, the joy of being able to read the source code without having to go through it is well worth the pain. Let's go step by step to pass!

If I have a chance, I would like to write an article about the actual stumbling block. Please excuse me.

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