Convert Webpay Entity type to Dict type (recursively in Python)

Webpay, I don't think it's very popular, but I'm trying to use it for a while.

The documentation looks easy to understand, but it takes a while to understand after all because it's barely possible.

Python bindings are provided (installable with pip) and are relatively easy to request.

import webpay

client = webpay.WebPay(settings.WEBPAY_SECRET)
response = client.customer.create(card=token)

Like this.

This response variable contains the webpay ʻEntity type (webpay.data_types.Entity`), which is similar in content to a dictionary, but each value is expanded into a class variable. I will. It's like a JavaScript object.

It's nested, so trying to log it can be very annoying. For the time being, __str__ is implemented, and a somewhat structured character string similar to yaml is returned, but it is a little nervous because it includes line breaks and so on. Unless you also write a parser, reusability seems low.

Therefore. If you recursively convert it to a dictionary type, it will be easier to handle.

from webpay.data_types import Entity

def webpay_entity_to_dict(webpay_entity):
Recursively convert webpay Entity type to Dict
    if isinstance(webpay_entity, list):
        return [webpay_entity_to_dict(e) for e in webpay_entity]
    if not isinstance(webpay_entity, Entity):
        return webpay_entity
    return {key: webpay_entity_to_dict(value) for key, value
            in webpay_entity.__dict__.items()}

If you pass this, you can make it a dictionary type, so it will be easier to serialize it, such as json.dumps () and then logging it.

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