Password management with python: keyring

Mac #


$ pip install keyring

Downloading/unpacking keyring
  Downloading (88Kb): 88Kb downloaded
  Running egg_info for package keyring
    warning: no previously-included files found matching '.hg/last-message.txt'
Installing collected packages: keyring
  Running install for keyring
    warning: no previously-included files found matching '.hg/last-message.txt'
    Installing keyring script to /Users/hide/ve/tact/bin
Successfully installed keyring
Cleaning up...

Try it out:

    >>> import keyring
    >>> dir(keyring)
    ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', 
     'absolute_import', 'backend', 'backends', 'core', 'credentials', 'delete_password', 
     'errors', 'get_keyring', 'get_pass_get_password', 'get_password', 'getpassbackend', 
     'logger', 'logging', 'py27compat', 'set_keyring', 'set_password', 'util']

Backend for Mac:

    >>> keyring.backend.get_all_keyring()
    [<keyring.backends.OS_X.Keyring object at 0x10b1a9150>, 
     <keyring.backends.file.EncryptedKeyring object at 0x10b1a47d0>, 
     <keyring.backends.file.PlaintextKeyring object at 0x10b1a9590>]

OS X Keychain by default:

    >>> keyring.get_keyring()
    <keyring.backends.OS_X.Keyring object at 0x10b1a9150>
    >>> keyring.set_password('service','user','password')
    >>> keyring.get_password('service','user')

Keychain access

You can open Application-> Utilities-> Keychain Access and see "service" as the login item.

security command

The OSX backend is a wrapper for security commands.

$ which security

$ security find-generic-password -a user -s service -g
keychain: "/Users/hide/Library/Keychains/login.keychain"
class: "genp"
    0x00000007 <blob>="service"
    0x00000008 <blob>=<NULL>
    "cdat"<timedate>=0x32303134303330333138303733385A00  "20140303180738Z\000"
    "mdat"<timedate>=0x32303134303330333138303733385A00  "20140303180738Z\000"
password: "password"

Debian #

Also installed with pip. File-based: because it's a window system or a non-running server

    >>> keyring.backend.get_all_keyring()
    [<keyring.backends.file.EncryptedKeyring object at 0x28f4a50>, 
     <keyring.backends.file.PlaintextKeyring object at 0x28ebc50>]

    >>> current = _
    >>> dir(current[0])
    ['__abstractmethods__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_abc_cache', '_abc_negative_cache', '_abc_negative_cache_version', '_abc_registry', '_check_file', '_classes', '_create_cipher', '_ensure_file_path', '_get_new_password', '_init_file', '_lock', '_migrate', '_unlock', 'block_size', 'decrypt', 'delete_password', 'encrypt', 'file_path', 'filename', 'get_password', 'keyring_key', 'priority', 'pw_prefix', 'set_password', 'viable']
    >>> current[0].filename
    >>> current[0].file_path
    >>> current[1].filename
    >>> current[1].file_path

I will try to make it. Keystore password as root:

    >>> keyring.set_password('ubuntu','user','password')
    Please enter password for encrypted keyring: root
    >>> keyring.get_password('ubuntu','user')
    >>> keyring.set_password('ubuntu','user1','password1')

ini file format store

Below home:

$ more /home/hdknr/.local/share/python_keyring/crypted_pass.cfg 
password_20reference = eyJwYXNzd29yZF9lbmNyeXB0ZWQiOiAiUVpqd2I1a2tKem5oMU1tdVpNL3VFTjE3QURFVU9mazg3

user = eyJwYXNzd29yZF9lbmNyeXB0ZWQiOiAiK3ViUmdaRVYrRURVYTdVPVxuIiwgInNhbHQiOiAidEJt
user1 = eyJwYXNzd29yZF9lbmNyeXB0ZWQiOiAiL2E1Qzl2RlFQR3Y1YU5GSVxuIiwgInNhbHQiOiAidjZV

Delete user1

$ vi /home/hdknr/.local/share/python_keyring/crypted_pass.cfg
    >>> import keyring
    >>> keyring.get_password('ubuntu','user')
    Please enter password for encrypted keyring: 
    >>> keyring.get_password('ubuntu','user1')

The password "root" is bad, so delete it after evaluation.

Json Base64 version

[keyring_2Dsetting] section

    >>> key_data = '''eyJwYXNzd29yZF9lbmNyeXB0ZWQiOiAiazloc1R1bmt3UERnRGo0TFY3UWljcVQybGxoSTRJS3Ns
    ...     Z1BVXG4iLCAic2FsdCI6ICJrcUZYUWhTMkR1ZEZGMjFkK3BpRmVJbll5dVkzY3V4MWlyam5OT3Zt
    ...     azBFPVxuIiwgIklWIjogIkQ0YUhEQ1VJbVhTUnFLZmN4MXRicmc9PVxuIn0='''.replace(' ','').replace('\n','')
    >>> import base64
    >>> import json
    >>> key_param = json.loads(base64.decodestring(key_data))
    >>> key_param
    {u'salt': u'kqFXQhS2DudFF21d+piFeInYyuY3cux1irjnNOvmk0E=\n', 
     u'password_encrypted': u'k9hsTunkwPDgDj4LV7QicqT2llhI4IKslgPU\n', 
     u'IV': u'D4aHDCUImXSRqKfcx1tbrg==\n'}
    >>> lambda d: dict([ (base64.decodestring(k.encode()), base64.decodestring(v.encode())) for k,v in d.items()])
    <function <lambda> at 0x7f4aba18dd70>
    >>> cv = _
    >>> key_param = cv(key_param)
    >>> key_param
    {'password_encrypted': '\x93\xd8lN\xe9\xe4\xc0\xf0\xe0\x0e>\x0bW\xb4"r\xa4\xf6\x96XH\xe0\x82\xac\x96\x03\xd4', 
     'salt': '\x92\xa1WB\x14\xb6\x0e\xe7E\x17m]\xfa\x98\x85x\x89\xd8\xca\xe67r\xecu\x8a\xb8\xe74\xeb\xe6\x93A', 
      'IV': '\x0f\x86\x87\x0c%\x08\x99t\x91\xa8\xa7\xdc\xc7[[\xae'}

pycrypto & AES CBF ##

If you have pycrypto, use it. [CFB block cipher] with block size 32 ( Use salt to derive the key (

    >>> from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF2
    >>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
    >>> pw_key = PBKDF2('root', key_param['salt'], 32)
    >>> cipher_key =[:32], AES.MODE_CFB, key_param['IV'])
    >>> keyring_password = cipher_key.decrypt(key_param['password_encrypted']).decode('utf8')
    >>> keyring_password
    u'pw:password reference value'
Excluding prefix
    >>> p = keyring_password[3:]
    >>> p
    u'password reference value'

Similarly user data

    >>> user_data ='''eyJwYXNzd29yZF9lbmNyeXB0ZWQiOiAiY1VNVERaT1F4YWh4SElvPVxuIiwgInNhbHQiOiAicTg3
    ...     L0hDcmVOYTk1blBydFlvZVl4czB6aEVlSzVxMWdFTnUvdGtKRUhtYz1cbiIsICJJViI6ICI1TU5G
    ...     RjBZbnZzdyt2elFabWNTNmF3PT1cbiJ9'''.replace(' ','').replace('\n','')
    >>> user_param = cv( json.loads( base64.decodestring(user_data) ) )
    >>> user_param
    {'password_encrypted': 'qC\x13\r\x93\x90\xc5\xa8q\x1c\x8a', 'salt': '\xab\xce\xff\x1c*\xde5\xafy\x9c\xfa\xedb\x87\x98\xc6\xcd3\x84G\x8a\xe6\xad`\x10\xdb\xbf\xb6BD\x1eg', 'IV': "\xe4\xc3E\x17F'\xbe\xcc>\xbf4\x19\x99\xc4\xbak"}
    >>> pw_user = PBKDF2('root', user_param['salt'], 32)
    >>> cipher_user =[:32], AES.MODE_CFB, user_param['IV'])
    >>> cipher_user.decrypt(user_param['password_encrypted']).decode('utf8')[3:]

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