Launch java verification environment locally with Vagrant

In my previous workplace, I tried to build a java environment using vagrant and ansible after studying when building an environment that can be confirmed locally without an environment to verify in a remote environment, so I will share it. * The procedure is for mac environment only. Currently, iOS client side development is the main, and server side development (node.js is a little involved) is not done, so it is good to make it, but I myself can not utilize it at all. ,,,

Please install the following in advance.

$ brew install ansible
$ brew cask install vagrant
$ brew cask install virtualbox

Here is the specific setting method

Clone the source from here.

In the directory where the Vagrantfile is located

$ vagrant up

I think it will take some time, but if it finishes normally, access the following.

The following war will be expanded.

└ www
  └ tomcat
     └ webapps
        └ sample-1.0.war

Sample screen

スクリーンショット 2018-05-28 11.27.07.png


If you see the following error during setup

There are errors in the configuration of this machine. Please fix
the following errors and try again:

* Unknown configuration section 'vbguest'.

Please install or reinstall vagrant-vbguest.

$ vagrant plugin uninstall vagrant-vbguest
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest


Normally, I think that you can create an environment more easily with an IDE etc., but I think that you can use it as an environment where you can easily try it when there is no remote verification environment, so please use it if you like.


-[Summary] Vagrant command list -Vagrant command list or cheat sheet -Vagrant: Unknown configuration section called'vbguest'

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