I tried to make Numeron which is not good in Ruby


For some reason, I tried to make a bad Numeron. I have no regrets.

Numer0n - wikipedia

Going Numeron

I referred to this article.

Source code


d = []
while true
  d[102, 2] = rand(0..32767).divmod(10)
  d[101, 2] = rand(0..32767).divmod(10)
  d[100, 2] = rand(0..32767).divmod(10)
  break if d[101] != d[102] && d[102] != d[103] && d[103] != d[101]
puts "Please call"
while true
  x200 = gets.chomp
  d[111] = x200[0].to_i
  d[112] = x200[1].to_i
  d[113] = x200[2].to_i
  d[300] = 0
  d[400] = 0
  d[300] += 1 if d[101] == d[111]
  d[300] += 1 if d[102] == d[112]
  d[300] += 1 if d[103] == d[113]
  d[400] += 1 if d[101] == d[112]
  d[400] += 1 if d[101] == d[113]
  d[400] += 1 if d[102] == d[111]
  d[400] += 1 if d[102] == d[113]
  d[400] += 1 if d[103] == d[111]
  d[400] += 1 if d[103] == d[112]
  if d[300] == 3
    puts "3 EAT"
    puts "#{d[300]} EAT - #{d[400]} BITE"


  d[100, 2] = rand(0..32767).divmod(10)

  d[101] = rand(0..9)

Do not refactor with rand (0..9). There is something convenient here as well.


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