Memo A beginner tried to build a Java environment and Japaneseize it on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS.

This is my first post. I have only learned ruby on rail at a programming school, but I am interested in linux and am doing various trials and errors.

This time, I will try to build a Java environment and install eclipse, which is an editor, and translate it into Japanese.

First of all, type the command.

java -version

↑ Check if Java is included. (If so, Java installation is complete)

Next is this command. Addition of PPA. (* What is PPA? → Abbreviation for Personal Package Archive, which looks like an App Store.)

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update

Install java8.

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer oracle-java8-set-default

Java has been installed. I feel like it was less difficult than ruby or ruby on rails (because I'm ignorant ... (laughs))

After that, I set it to use.

◯ Set to use Oracle (SUN) JDK sudo update-java-alternatives --jre -s java-8-oracle sudo update-java-alternatives --jre-headless -s java-8-oracle sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-8-oracle

sudo update-alternatives --config java ↑

update-java-alternatives -l

You can now use it.

Create a "" file with a text editor (try writing sample code such as hello java) At the command prompt, go to the directory with ↑ and


Type in.

When compiled, a file called "test class" will be created, so At the command prompt again, type "java test".

If it works with this, it's OK.

Next, I put in eclipse.

First of all, from the failure method. First, I installed eclipse from "ubuntu software" (the one with the A mark and the Amazon-like mark). In this case, I could not find the file necessary for Japanese localization and it ended in failure.

Therefore, download the ZIP file from the official website + unzip it and install it.

Official site: There is an orange download button in the upper right corner. I was able to download the file for linux without selecting anything.

After unzipping, proceed as instructed by the installer. (Sorry for throwing round)

↓ ↓ ↓

It's done (^^) Thank you to those who develop the installer.

Finally, I will translate it into Japanese. On linux you have to make changes directly.

Official URL of Pleiades:

From here Please download the file for LINUX of "Pleaides plug-in" instead of "Pleia des all in one". (The installer is not provided. Please unzip the zip, refer to readme.txt, manually place Pleiades, and edit the config file. ")

After unzipping, do various things while reading the readme. It's very easy to understand in Japanese. (Thanks to Pleiades)

In the eclipse-java-2018-12-eclipse directory, There are "features" and "plugins" in the file you downloaded earlier, so copy and paste them.

Finally, Add a little inside "eclipse.ini" in the same directory. On the last line

-Xverify:none -javaagent:plugins/jp.sourceforge.mergedoc.pleiades/pleiades.jar

Just add and save. It was surprisingly easy. This is also thanks to the efforts of the genius engineer who cannot see everything.

The above is a memo for beginners to build an environment. I hope it helps someone.

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