How to create a radial profile from astronomical images (Chandra, XMM etc.) using python


By creating a radial profile of an astronomical image, a general method of astronomical image analysis, such as whether the point source has a consistent spread or a wider spread than the finite spread of a telescope or detector. It may be included in general-purpose analysis tools, but if you want to perform detailed analysis, you may want to write it yourself.

How to make

To be honest, just determine the center, prepare a circle from it, count the count of pixels contained in the circle, and divide by the area of the circle.


def calc_radialprofile(data, xg, yg, ds = 10, ndiv = 10, debug = False):
    calc simple peak (just for consistendety check) and baricentric peak. 
    tmp = data.T
    nr  = np.linspace(0, ds, ndiv)
    rc = (nr[:-1] + nr[1:]) * 0.5
    rp = np.zeros(len(nr)-1)
    nrp = np.zeros(len(nr)-1)

    for i in range(ds*2):
        for j in range(ds*2):
            itx = int(xg - ds + i)
            ity = int(yg - ds + j)
            val = tmp[itx][ity]
            dist = dist2d(itx, ity, xg, yg)
            for k, (rin,rout) in enumerate(zip(nr[:-1], nr[1:])):
                if dist >=  rin and dist < rout:
                    rp[k] = rp[k] + val

    # normalize rp
    for m, (rin,rout) in enumerate(zip(nr[:-1], nr[1:])):
        darea = np.pi *  ( np.power(rout,2) - np.power(rin,2) )
        nrp[m] = rp[m] / darea
        if debug:
            print(m, rp[m], nrp[m], rin, rout, darea)
    return rc, nrp

Strictly speaking, if the image element is a CCD, there is a GAP, and depending on the location, it may not be a ring but a part without pixels, so it is a ring and effective. It is necessary to calculate with a certain sensitive area. Pileup tool for XIS (CCD) detector of "Suzaku" satellite [Recipe for Pileup Effect on the Suzaku XIS]( /XISPileupDoc_20120221/XIS_PileupDoc_20190118_ver2.html) divides by the effective area according to 1/4 or 1/8 Window mode, timing mode, etc.

Sample code to create a radial profile in python

Code overview

Input the image file of fits. To create a radial profile of a "point structure" in an image

--Center coordinates (x, y) --Size (ds) --Number of divisions of the circle (ndiv)

Is the minimum required parameter. Since the image may have photon counts or count rates, and the dynamic range is different, the display range and appearance will be in the range from VMIN to VMAX if -m -a VMAX -i VMIN is specified. , If nothing is specified, the vicinity of the minimum and maximum of the data is displayed appropriately.


[syamada] $ python -h
Usage: FileList 

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           The flag to show detailed information
  -m, --manual          The flag to use vmax, vmin
  -x DETX, --detx=DETX  det x
  -y DETY, --dety=DETY  det y
  -a VMAX, --vmax=VMAX  VMAX
  -i VMIN, --vmin=VMIN  VMIN
  -s DS, --dataExtractSize=DS
                        data size to be extracted from image
  -n NDIV, --numberOfDivision=NDIV
                        number of division of annulus

How to use


python ss433_659_broad_flux.img

Then, the following picture is created. At the same time, it dumps the radial profile to text and saves the image for debugging.


Download sample

X-ray satellite example

For XMM Newton

I tried to explain the data analysis of XMM-Newton satellite in easy Japanese, is introduced in the source code.

For Chandra

It can also be created using a group of tools called ciao. The following method is introduced in the thread make a radial profile.


$ download_chandra_obsid 17395
$ chandra_repro 17395 outdir=./
$ fluximage hrcf17395_repro_evt2.fits coma
$ dmextract "hrcf17395_repro_evt2.fits[bin sky=annulus(16635,15690,0:3200:100)]" coma_prof.rad \
  exp=coma_wide_thresh.expmap clob+ op=generic

For general information on the Chandra satellite, refer to I tried to explain the data analysis of the Chandra satellite in easy Japanese.


import os
import sys
import math
import subprocess 
import re
import sys

# for I/O, optparse
import optparse

# numpy 
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA

# conver time into date
import datetime

# matplotlib
import as cm
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter, FixedLocator
import matplotlib.colors as cr
from matplotlib.font_manager import fontManager, FontProperties
import matplotlib.pylab as plab

## for FITS IMAGE 
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from import fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from import get_pkg_data_filename

params = {'xtick.labelsize': 10, # x ticks
          'ytick.labelsize': 10, # y ticks
          'legend.fontsize': 8
plt.rcParams[''] = 'serif' 

# Fits I.O class
class Fits():
    # member variables 
    debug = False

    def __init__ (self, eventfile, debug):

        self.eventfilename = eventfile
        self.debug = debug

        #extract header information 
        if os.path.isfile(eventfile):
            self.filename = get_pkg_data_filename(eventfile)
            self.hdu =[0]

#            self.dateobs = self.hdu.header['DATE-OBS']            
#            self.object = self.hdu.header['OBJECT']                        

            self.wcs = WCS(self.hdu.header)
            self.cdelt = self.wcs.wcs.cdelt
            self.p2deg = np.abs(self.cdelt[0]) # [deg/pixel]
            self.p2arcsec = 3600. * np.abs(self.cdelt[0]) # [arcsec/pixel]

            self.dirname = eventfile.replace(".fits","").replace(".gz","")

            print("..... __init__ ")
#            print "      self.dateobs    = ", self.dateobs
#            print "      self.object     = ", self.object
            print("      self.p2deg      = ", self.p2deg, " [deg/pixel]")
            print("      self.p2arcsec   = ", self.p2arcsec, " [arcsec/pix]")

  [np.isnan(] = 0 # nan ==> 0, note that radio data include negative values
   = np.abs( # data is forced to be positive (Is it right?)

            if self.debug: 
                print("... in __init__ Class Fits ()")
                print("filename = ", self.filename)
                print("hdu = ", self.hdu)
                print("data.shape = ",

            print("ERROR: cat't find the fits file : ", self.eventfilename)

    def plotwcs(self, vmin = 1e-1, vmax = 20, manual = False):
        just plot the entire image
        print("\n..... plotwcs ...... ")
        if not manual:
            vmin = np.amin( + 1e-10
            vmax = np.amax( 

#        plt.figtext(0.1,0.97, "OBJECT = " + self.object + " DATE = " + self.dateobs)
        plt.figtext(0.1,0.95, "Unit = " + str(self.p2arcsec) + " [arcsec/pix]" )

        plt.imshow(, origin='lower',, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))

        outputfiguredir = "fig_image_" + self.dirname
        subprocess.getoutput('mkdir -p ' + outputfiguredir)
        plt.savefig(outputfiguredir + "/" + "plotwcs.png ")

    def plotwcs_ps(self, detx, dety, ds = 40, vmin = 1e-1, vmax = 20, manual = False):
        just plot the enlarged image around (detx,dety)

        print("\n..... plotwcs_ps ...... ")
        if not manual:
            vmin = np.amin( + 1e-10
            vmax = np.amax( 

        self.detx = detx
        self.dety = dety

        gpixcrd = np.array([[ self.detx, self.dety]], np.float_)
        gwrdcrd = self.wcs.all_pix2world(gpixcrd,1)
        ra = gwrdcrd[0][0]
        dec = gwrdcrd[0][1]        
        self.ra = ra
        self.dec = dec        

        print("detx, dety = ", detx, dety)
        print("ra, dec    = ", ra,  dec)

        F = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))

#        plt.figtext(0.1,0.97, "OBJECT = " + self.object + " DATE = " + self.dateobs)
        plt.figtext(0.1,0.95, "Unit = " + str(self.p2arcsec) + " [arcsec/pix]" )

        ax = plt.subplot(111, projection=self.wcs)

        plt.imshow(, origin='lower',, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))

        print("[detx][dety] = ",[detx][dety] , " (detx,dety) = (", detx, ",", dety, ")")

        ax.set_xlim(detx - ds, detx + ds)
        ax.set_ylim(dety - ds, dety + ds)		

        outputfiguredir = "fig_image_ps_" + self.dirname
        subprocess.getoutput('mkdir -p ' + outputfiguredir)
        plt.savefig(outputfiguredir + "/" + "plotwcs_ps_detx" + str("%d" % detx) + "_dety" + str("%d" % dety) + ".png ")

    def mk_radialprofile(self, detx, dety, ds = 40, ndiv = 20, vmin = 1e-1, vmax = 20, manual = False):
        create the radial profiles

        print("\n..... mk_radialprofile ...... ")
        if not manual:
            vmin = np.amin( + 1e-10
            vmax = np.amax( 

        self.detx = detx
        self.dety = dety
        gpixcrd = np.array([[ self.detx, self.dety]], np.float_)
        gwrdcrd = self.wcs.all_pix2world(gpixcrd,1)
        ra = gwrdcrd[0][0]
        dec = gwrdcrd[0][1]        
        self.ra = ra
        self.dec = dec        
        print("detx, dety = ", detx, dety)
        print("ra, dec    = ", ra,  dec)

        # radial profiles around the input (ra, dec)
        rc, rp = calc_radialprofile(, detx, dety, ds = ds, ndiv = ndiv) 
        # plot images and radial profiles
        F = plt.figure(figsize=(10,12))
        F.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom = 0.1, right = 0.9, top = 0.87, wspace = 0.3, hspace=0.3)
#        plt.figtext(0.1,0.97, "OBJECT = " + self.object + " DATE = " + self.dateobs)
        plt.figtext(0.1,0.95, "Unit = " + str(self.p2arcsec) + " [arcsec/pix]" )
        plt.figtext(0.1,0.93, "input center [deg](x,c,ra,dec) = (" + str("%3.4f" % detx) + ", " + str("%3.4f" % dety) + ", "+ str("%3.4f" % ra) + ", " + str("%3.4f" % dec) + ")")

        ax = plt.subplot(3,2,1)
        plt.title("(1) SKY image")
        plt.imshow(, origin='lower',, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))
#        ax.set_xlim(detx - ds, detx + ds)
#        ax.set_ylim(dety - ds, dety + ds)		
#        plt.imshow(, origin='lower',
        plt.scatter(detx, dety, c="k", s=300, marker="x")

        ax = plt.subplot(3,2,2, projection=self.wcs)
        plt.title("(2) Ra Dec image (FK5)")
        plt.imshow(, origin='lower',, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))
        plt.scatter(detx, dety, c="k", s=300, marker="x")

        ax = plt.subplot(3,2,3)
        plt.title("(3) SKY image")
        plt.imshow(, origin='lower',, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))
        ax.set_xlim(detx - ds, detx + ds)
        ax.set_ylim(dety - ds, dety + ds)       
        plt.scatter(detx, dety, c="k", s=300, marker="x")

        ax = plt.subplot(3,2,4, projection=self.wcs)
        plt.title("(4) Ra Dec image (FK5)")
        plt.imshow(, origin='lower',, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))
        ax.set_xlim(detx - ds, detx + ds)
        ax.set_ylim(dety - ds, dety + ds)       
        plt.scatter(detx, dety, c="k", s=300, marker="x")

        ax = plt.subplot(3,2,5)
        plt.title("(5) radial profile (pix)")
        plt.errorbar(rc, rp, fmt="ko-", label="input center")
        plt.xlabel('radial distance (pixel)')
        plt.ylabel(r'c s$^{-1}$ deg$^{-2}$')
        plt.legend(numpoints=1, frameon=False)

        ax = plt.subplot(3,2,6)
        plt.title("(6) radial profile (arcsec)")
        plt.errorbar(rc * self.p2arcsec, rp, fmt="ko-", label="input center")
        plt.xlabel('radial distance (arcsec)')
        plt.ylabel(r'c s$^{-1}$ deg$^{-2}$')
        plt.legend(numpoints=1, frameon=False)

        outputfiguredir = "fig_image_xy_" + self.dirname
        subprocess.getoutput('mkdir -p ' + outputfiguredir)
        plt.savefig(outputfiguredir + "/" + "mkrad_detx" + str("%d" % detx) + "_dety" + str("%d" % dety) + ".png ")

        # dump the radial profiles into the text file            
        outputfiguredir = "txt_image_xy_" + self.dirname
        subprocess.getoutput('mkdir -p ' + outputfiguredir)

        fout = open(outputfiguredir + "/" + "mkrad_detx" + str("%d" % detx) + "_dety" + str("%d" % dety) + ".txt", "w")
        for onex, oney1 in zip(rc * self.p2arcsec, rp):
            outstr=str(onex) + " " + str(oney1) + " \n"

def calc_radialprofile(data, xg, yg, ds = 10, ndiv = 10, debug = False):
    calc simple peak (just for consistendety check) and baricentric peak. 
    tmp = data.T
    nr  = np.linspace(0, ds, ndiv)
    rc = (nr[:-1] + nr[1:]) * 0.5
    rp = np.zeros(len(nr)-1)
    nrp = np.zeros(len(nr)-1)

    for i in range(ds*2):
        for j in range(ds*2):
            itx = int(xg - ds + i)
            ity = int(yg - ds + j)
            val = tmp[itx][ity]
            dist = dist2d(itx, ity, xg, yg)
            for k, (rin,rout) in enumerate(zip(nr[:-1], nr[1:])):
                if dist >=  rin and dist < rout:
                    rp[k] = rp[k] + val

    # normalize rp
    for m, (rin,rout) in enumerate(zip(nr[:-1], nr[1:])):
        darea = np.pi *  ( np.power(rout,2) - np.power(rin,2) )
        nrp[m] = rp[m] / darea
        if debug:
            print(m, rp[m], nrp[m], rin, rout, darea)
    return rc, nrp
def dist2d(x, y, xg, yg):
    return np.sqrt( np.power( x - xg  ,2) + np.power( y - yg  ,2) )

def calc_center(data, idetx, idety, ds = 10):
    calc simple peak (just for consistendety check) and baricentric peak. 
    tmp = data.T

    xmax = -1.
    ymax = -1.
    zmax = -1.
    xg = 0.
    yg = 0.
    tc = 0.
    for i in range(ds*2):
        for j in range(ds*2):
            tx = idetx - ds + i
            ty = idety - ds + j
            val = tmp[tx][ty]
            tc = tc + val
            xg = xg + val * tx
            yg = yg + val * ty
            if  val > zmax:
                zmax = val
                xmax = idetx - ds + i
                ymax = idety - ds + i
    if tc > 0:
        xg = xg / tc
        yg = yg / tc
        print("[ERROR] in calc_center : tc is negaive. Something wrong.")
    print("..... in calc_center : [simple peak] xmax, ymax, zmax = ", xmax, ymax, zmax)
    print("..... in calc_center : [total counts in ds] tc = ", tc)
    if zmax < 0:
        print("[ERROR] in calc_center : zmax is not found. Something wrong.")
    return xg, yg, tc

def main():

    """ start main loop """
    curdir = os.getcwd()

    """ Setting for options """
    usage = '%prog FileList '    
    version = __version__
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version)

    parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='The flag to show detailed information', metavar='DEBUG', default=False)     
    parser.add_option('-m', '--manual', action='store_true', help='The flag to use vmax, vmin', metavar='MANUAL', default=False)         
    parser.add_option('-x', '--detx', action='store', type='int', help='det x', metavar='DETX', default=61)
    parser.add_option('-y', '--dety', action='store', type='int', help='det y', metavar='DETY', default=45)
    parser.add_option('-a', '--vmax', action='store', type='float', help='VMAX', metavar='VMAX', default=4e-6)
    parser.add_option('-i', '--vmin', action='store', type='float', help='VMIN', metavar='VMIN', default=1e-10)
    parser.add_option('-s', '--dataExtractSize', action='store', type='int', help='data size to be extracted from image', metavar='DS', default=40)
    parser.add_option('-n', '--numberOfDivision', action='store', type='int', help='number of division of annulus', metavar='NDIV', default=20)

    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    print("| START  :  " + __file__)

    debug =  options.debug
    manual =  options.manual
    detx =  options.detx
    dety =  options.dety
    vmax =  options.vmax
    vmin =  options.vmin

    ds =  options.dataExtractSize
    ndiv =  options.numberOfDivision

    print("..... detx    ", detx)
    print("..... dety    ", dety) 
    print("..... ds    ", ds,  " (bin of the input image)")
    print("..... ndiv  ", ndiv)
    print("..... debug ", debug)
    print("..... manual ", manual)
    print("..... vmax ", vmax)
    print("..... vmin ", vmin)

    argc = len(args)

    if (argc < 1):
        print('| STATUS : ERROR ')


    print("\n| Read each file and do process " + "\n")

    print("START : ", filename)
    eve = Fits(filename, debug)
    eve.plotwcs(vmax = vmax, vmin = vmin, manual = manual) # plot the entire  image
    eve.plotwcs_ps(detx, dety, ds = ds, vmax = vmax, vmin = vmin, manual = manual) # plot the enlarged image around (detx,dety).  
    eve.mk_radialprofile(detx, dety, ds = ds, ndiv = ndiv, vmax = vmax, vmin = vmin, manual = manual) # create detailed plots and radial profiles 
    print("..... finish \n")

if __name__ == '__main__':

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