Grouping combination in Python / Ruby / PHP / Golang (Go)

Achieve grouping combinations in Python / Ruby / PHP / Golang (Go) using Stirling numbers

Here realizes the basic calculation of the number of combinations, and here , Achieves overlapping combinations with an upper limit. In them, it was a pattern of extracting from one group and creating another. A method of changing from a certain group to a plurality of groups, that is, calculating the number of combination patterns for grouping can be realized by using the Stirling number.

Reference: [Stirling number]( E3% 82% B0% E6% 95% B0)

Type 2 Stirling number

    0 & ( k=0 \hspace{4pt}And\hspace{4pt} n \neq k ) \\
    1 & ( n=k \hspace{4pt}Or\hspace{4pt} k=1 ) \\
    S(n−1,k−1)+kS(n−1,k) & ( a \lt b )

Type 1 Stirling number

Differences from the Type 2 Stirling number are counted separately, except for those that can be cyclically replaced in separate groups. In other words, in the case of dividing the group (A, B, C, D) into two, ((A), (B, C, D)) and ((A), (B, D, C)) are treated differently. But ((A), (B, C, D)) and ((A), (D, C, B)), ((A), (B, D, C)) and ((A), ( Patterns such as C, D, B)) are treated the same.

    0 & ( k=0 \hspace{4pt}And\hspace{4pt} n \neq k ) \\
    1 & ( n=k ) \\
    S(n−1,k−1)+(n-1)S(n−1,k) & ( a \lt b )

Source code


def stirling(n, k, s=True):
n is the number of elements in the group, k is the number of groups to divide, and s is the second type.(default)whether
    return (0 if n < k else
            1 if n == k else
            0 if k == 0 else
            stirling(n - 1, k - 1, s) + (k if s else n - 1) * stirling(n - 1, k, s)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(stirling(6, 2))
    print(stirling(6, 2, False))

Output result


Ruby2.4 The default is the second type.

def stirling(n, k, s=true)
  if n < k
  elsif n == k then 1
  elsif n == 0 then 0
    stirling(n - 1, k - 1, s) + (s ? k : n - 1) * stirling(n - 1, k, s)

p stirling(6, 2)
p stirling(6, 2, false)

Output result


PHP7.1 The default is the second type.


function stirling(int $n, int $k, bool $s = true) : int {
    if ($n < $k) return 0;
    elseif ($n == $k) return 1;
    elseif ($n == 0) return 0;
    else return stirling($n - 1, $k - 1, $s) + ($s ? $k : $n - 1) * stirling($n - 1, $k, $s);

print(stirling(6, 2). PHP_EOL);
print(stirling(6, 2, false). PHP_EOL);

Output result



package main;

import "fmt"

func stirling(n int, k int, s bool) int {
    switch {
    case n < k:
        return 0
    case n == k:
        return 1
    case k == 0:
        return 0
    case s:
        return stirling(n - 1, k - 1, s) +  k * stirling(n - 1, k, s)
        return stirling(n - 1, k - 1, s) +  (n - 1) * stirling(n - 1, k, s)

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", stirling(6, 2, true))
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", stirling(6, 2, false))

Output result


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