Understanding the MVC framework with server-side Java 2/4 Model


things to do

Let's create a website using the framework of the subject Breakdown of all 4 times


--Eclipse installed --DB2 installed (required for 4th time)


Creating javaBeans

  1. Create classes (Beans) under src 01.png

  2. Fill in your favorite class name / package name. (Goods or anything ok. Search symmetric)


  1. Create a place to write attributes (name, price, etc.), getters, SQL


package practice;

public class Products {
        //Keep member variables private
	private int price;
	private int weight;
	private String name;
	private String material1;
	private String category;

	public void setAll(){
		//Now write SQL. This time I will write the value directly.
		this.name=""My disappearance" Fuminori Nakamura";

	public int getPrice() {
		return price;
	public int getWeight() {
		return weight;
	public String getName() {
		return name;
	public String getMaterial1() {
		return material1;
	public String getCategory() {
		return category;

4.Model is now complete. Was it too light? Lol Please be prepared for Controller as the difficulty level goes up at once.

Understanding the MVC framework with server-side Java 3/4 Controller http://qiita.com/kyogom/items/6604e59c20f0c45af983

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