How to test the current time with Go (I made a very thin library)

What kind of article?

I wondered what to do with Golang for tests involving the current time. I didn't get it right, so I made a library with only the functions I wanted.

What I checked

@ tomtwinkle's article: [Golang] Create a testable current time acquisition process introduced the following three methods.

In addition, Kentaro Kawano's material was also helpful.

But, I hope it's easier like this. .. ..

What I made

I thought, I made a very thin library.


It's the same as trying to do flextime and clock. You can wrap and replace time.Now (). But these two weren't quite right for me.

flextime is a little worrisome because it is exclusively controlled. (Also described in this article) Also, flextime has a long name (I want to shorten the coding). clock is a little worrisome because the name is too different from time.


Name: Time-like, but let's make it a short name. → xtime Function: Aperture! → Only two. Just use xtime.Now (). ~~ At the time of testing, just change the time with xtime.Mock (value returned by $ {xtime.Now ()}). ~~ At the time of testing, just change the time with xtime.Mock (function executed by $ {xtime.Now ()}). How to use: You can use it by replacing the part that uses time.Now () in the existing source with this.

git is open to the public, but the source is also posted below.



package xtime

import (

var now func() time.Time = time.Now

// Mock overwrites return value of xtime.Now().
// You must not use this function except for in test.
func Mock(fn func() time.Time) {
	now = fn

// Now returns the value of time.Now().
// If the Mock function has been executed in advance, the value set by Mock is returned.
func Now() time.Time {
	return now()



package xtime_test

import (

type incrementalMock struct {
	i time.Duration
	t time.Time

func (m *incrementalMock) Now() time.Time {
	return m.t.Add(time.Second * m.i)

func TestNow(t *testing.T) {
	// case 1.
	// Default xtime.Now behavior
	// 'xtime.Now() == time.Now()' become false due to the μ second level execution time difference.
	if !(xtime.Now().Sub(time.Now()) <= time.Second*1) {
		t.Error("Default xtime.Now() must be same to time.Now().")

	// case 2.
	// Constant value Mock
	mockTime := time.Date(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
	xtime.Mock(func() time.Time { return mockTime })
	if xtime.Now() != mockTime {
		t.Error("xtime.Now() must be same to MockTime.")

	// case 3.
	// Incremental value Mock
	incMock := &incrementalMock{
		i: 0,
		t: mockTime,
	if xtime.Now().Sub(mockTime) != time.Second*1 {
		t.Error("xtime.Now() must be same to MockTime+1sec.")
	if xtime.Now().Sub(mockTime) != time.Second*2 {
		t.Error("xtime.Now() must be same to MockTime+2sec.")

	// case 4.
	// reset
	// Same to 1st test case.
	if !(xtime.Now().Sub(time.Now()) <= time.Second*1) {
		t.Error("Default xtime.Now() must be same to time.Now().")


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