This article is too old to be funny, written for the final release of Chainer v1 (v1.24.0), which is no longer supported.
** There is an article written for the latest stable version of Chainer v3 as of December 2017 at here, so it is absolutely necessary to get started with v1. Unless you have a very special situation, please fly to there now. ** **
1st Chainer Beginner's Hands-on was held in the multipurpose room of the Preferred Networks office in Otemachi. This article is an article about what we did in this hands-on.
The materials used on the day of hands-on are summarized in the following Github repository.
On the day of the event, 20 GPU servers equipped with 4 Pascal TITAN X (80 GPUs in total!) Were borrowed from Sakura Internet free of charge and hands-on was held for all participants to use. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Sakura Internet. It is said that Sakura High Thermal Computing will soon start a GPU server rental service on an hourly basis, so if you are considering introducing a GPU environment, please check it out.
Sakura High Thermal Power Computing
On the day of hands-on, I started by ssh logging in to each node of this borrowed Sakura high heat power and installing NVIDIA CUDA, but in this article I skipped that part and summarized from the part on how to use Chainer I will continue.
Please refer to the following materials for how to build the environment.
Environment construction on Sakura high-power computing server
This can be used as a procedure for building an environment for a server running NVIDIA GPU running on Ubuntu 14.04, except for some.
Now let's get into the main subject. The following is a tutorial written assuming Python 3.4, which is installed by default on Ubuntu 14.04. Please refer to P.9 and P.11 of the above document in advance to install the related libraries and Chainer itself. ** The following code part and the output result that follows are assumed to be executed on Jupyter notebook. ** **
I will try that. Through these, you can experience how to write a learning loop without using Trainer.
Here, we will use a convenient method for using the MNIST dataset provided by Chainer. With it, everything from downloading data to being able to retrieve individual data is hidden.
from chainer.datasets import mnist
#If the dataset has not been downloaded, download it as well
train, test = mnist.get_mnist(withlabel=True, ndim=1)
#Makes the graph drawing result using matplotlib displayed in the notebook.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Data example
x, t = train[0]
plt.imshow(x.reshape(28, 28), cmap='gray')
print('label:', t)
Output result:
Downloading from
Downloading from
Downloading from
Downloading from
label: 5
Let's create a ʻIteratorthat gets a fixed number of data from a dataset and bundles them together to create a mini-batch and return it. We will use this in the learning loop that follows. The iterator will return a new mini-batch with the
next () method. Internally, it has properties (ʻis_new_epoch
) that control how many laps the dataset was licked (ʻepoch`) and whether the current iteration is the first iteration of the new epoch.
from chainer import iterators
batchsize = 128
train_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(train, batchsize)
test_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(test, batchsize,
repeat=False, shuffle=False)
--Serial Iterator, which is a kind of Iterator prepared by Chainer, is the simplest Iterator that retrieves the data in the dataset in order. --Take the dataset object and batch size as arguments. --If you need to read the data repeatedly from the dataset object passed at this time for many laps, set the
repeat argument to
True, and if you do not want to retrieve any more data after one lap, this Let be
False. The default is
True. --If you pass
True to the
shuffle` argument, the order of the data retrieved from the dataset will be changed randomly for each epoch.
Here, since batchsize = 128
is set, the train_iter
which is the ʻIterator for the training data and the
test_iter which is the ʻIterator
for the test data created here are 128 numerical image data respectively. Is returned as a batch ʻIterator`. [^ Training data and Validation data]
Here we define a simple three-layer perceptron. This is a network consisting of only fully connected layers. The number of units in the middle layer is appropriately set to 100, and the output is 10 classes, so set it to 10. This is because the MNIST dataset used here has 10 different labels. Now, let's take a brief look at the Link
, Function
, and Chain
needed to define a model.
--Chainer distinguishes each layer of the neural network into Link
and Function
-** Link
is a function with parameters. ** **
-** Function
is a function with no parameters. ** **
--Combine these to describe the model.
--There are many layers with parameters under the chainer.links
--There are many layers without parameters under the chainer.functions
--To make these easy to use
import chainer.links as L
import chainer.functions as F
It is customary to give it an alias and use it like L.Convolution2D (...)
or F.relu (...)
--Chain is a class ** for grouping layers with parameters = ** Link
--Having parameters basically means that you need to update them as you train your model (with exceptions).
--So, in order to easily get all the parameters that ʻOptimizer should update during learning, we will put them together in one place with
--Models are often defined as classes that inherit from the Chain
--In that case, in the constructor of the class that represents the model, if you pass the name of the layer you want to register in the form of keyword arguments and the object to the constructor of the parent class, it will be automatically retained in the form found from ʻOptimizer. Will leave it. --This can also be done elsewhere using the ʻadd_link
--Also, it is convenient to define the __call__
method and describe the forward process in it so that you can pass data to the model with the()
accessor like a function call.
--The Chain
class has a to_gpu
method, and if you specify a GPU ID in this argument, all the parameters of the model will be transferred to the memory of the specified GPU ID.
--This is required to perform forward / backward calculations inside the model on that specified GPU.
--If you don't do this, those things will be done on the CPU.
Now let's define the model. First, let's fix the random number seed so that we can reproduce almost the same result as this article. (If you want to guarantee the reproducibility of the calculation result more strictly, you need to know about the option deterministic
. This article is useful: Why and the countermeasure that the result changes every time using GPU with Chainer //
import numpy
import chainer
if chainer.cuda.available:
Now let's actually define the model, create an object, and send it to the GPU.
import chainer
import chainer.links as L
import chainer.functions as F
class MLP(chainer.Chain):
def __init__(self, n_mid_units=100, n_out=10):
#Registration of layers with parameters
super(MLP, self).__init__(
l1=L.Linear(None, n_mid_units),
l2=L.Linear(n_mid_units, n_mid_units),
l3=L.Linear(n_mid_units, n_out),
def __call__(self, x):
#Write forward calculation when data is received
h1 = F.relu(self.l1(x))
h2 = F.relu(self.l2(h1))
return self.l3(h2)
gpu_id = 0
model = MLP()
model.to_gpu(gpu_id) #Comment out this line if you want the CPU to do the work.
Here, the L.Linear
class means a fully connected layer. If you pass None
as the first argument of the constructor, at runtime, the moment data is input to that layer, the required number of input units will be calculated automatically, and(n_input)
$ \ times $ Create a matrix of size n_mid_units
and keep it as a parameter. This is a useful feature later, such as when placing the convolution layer in front of the fully connected layer.
As mentioned earlier, Link
has a parameter, so you can access the value of that parameter. For example, the model MLP
above has a fully connected layer named l1
registered. This fully coupled phase has two parameters, W
and b
. These can be accessed from the outside. For example, to access b
, do the following:
print('The form of the bias parameter of the first fully coupled phase is', model.l1.b.shape)
print('The value immediately after initialization is',
Output result
The form of the bias parameter of the first fully coupled phase is(100,)
The value immediately after initialization is[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
Now, when I try to access model.l1.W
, I get the following error:
AttributeError: 'Linear' object has no attribute 'W'
This is because in the definition of the above model, None
is passed as the first argument of the constructor of the Linear
link, so the matrix W
is not allocated until runtime. It does not exist, but it is known inside the Linear
object that it will exist.
Chainer offers many optimization techniques. They are under the chainer.optimizers
module. Here we use ʻoptimizers.SGD, which is the simplest gradient descent method. Pass the model (
Chain object) to the Optimizer object using the
setup` method. This will allow Optimizer to automatically follow the parameters in the model that it should update.
You can easily try various other optimization methods, so please try them out and see how the results change. For example, in the chainer.optimizers.SGD
below, change the SGD
part to Momentum SGD
, RMSprop
, ʻAdam`, etc. and see the difference in the results.
from chainer import optimizers
optimizer = optimizers.SGD(lr=0.01)
This time I gave $ 0.01 $ to the argument lr
in the SGD constructor. This value is known as the learning rate and is known as an important ** hyperparameter ** that needs to be adjusted for good training and good performance of the model.
It's finally a learning loop. Since this is a classification problem, we will use the loss function softmax_cross_entropy
to calculate the value of the loss that should be minimized.
In Chainer, the forward calculation of the model is performed using Function
and Link
, the result and the correct answer label are passed to the loss function which is a kind of Function
and returns the scalar value, and when the loss is calculated, it is. Like any other Link
or Function
, it returns a Variable
object. Since the Variable
object holds a reference to go back to the previous calculation process in the reverse direction, just call theVariable.backward ()
method and the calculation from there will be done automatically. It goes back in time and calculates the gradient of the parameters used in the calculations performed along the way.
In other words, the following four items are performed in one learning loop.
and the correct label t
, calculate the value of loss to be minimized with the softmax_cross_entropy
method of the output Variable
of the softmax_cross_entropy
function to give the parameters inside the model the grad
property (which is the gradient used to update the parameters). method and update all parameters using the
grad` calculated in 3.that's all. If you are working on a simple regression problem instead of a classification problem, you can use F.mean_squared_error
instead of F.softmax_cross_entropy
. In addition, Chainer provides various loss functions to handle various problem settings. You can see the list here: Loss functions.
Now, let's write a training loop.
import numpy as np
from chainer.dataset import concat_examples
from chainer.cuda import to_cpu
max_epoch = 10
while train_iter.epoch < max_epoch:
# ----------1 iteration of learning----------
train_batch =
x, t = concat_examples(train_batch, gpu_id)
#Predicted value calculation
y = model(x)
#Loss calculation
loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, t)
#Gradient calculation
#Parameter update
# ---------------So far----------------
#Measure the prediction accuracy for validation data at the end of each epoch,
#Let's check that the generalization performance of the model is improved
if train_iter.is_new_epoch: #When 1 epoch is over
#Display of loss
print('epoch:{:02d} train_loss:{:.04f} '.format(
train_iter.epoch, float(to_cpu(, end='')
test_losses = []
test_accuracies = []
while True:
test_batch =
x_test, t_test = concat_examples(test_batch, gpu_id)
#Test data forward
y_test = model(x_test)
#Calculate loss
loss_test = F.softmax_cross_entropy(y_test, t_test)
#Calculate accuracy
accuracy = F.accuracy(y_test, t_test)
if test_iter.is_new_epoch:
test_iter.epoch = 0
test_iter.current_position = 0
test_iter.is_new_epoch = False
test_iter._pushed_position = None
print('val_loss:{:.04f} val_accuracy:{:.04f}'.format(
np.mean(test_losses), np.mean(test_accuracies)))
Output result
epoch:01 train_loss:0.7828 val_loss:0.8276 val_accuracy:0.8167
epoch:02 train_loss:0.3672 val_loss:0.4564 val_accuracy:0.8826
epoch:03 train_loss:0.3069 val_loss:0.3702 val_accuracy:0.8976
epoch:04 train_loss:0.3333 val_loss:0.3307 val_accuracy:0.9078
epoch:05 train_loss:0.3308 val_loss:0.3079 val_accuracy:0.9129
epoch:06 train_loss:0.3210 val_loss:0.2909 val_accuracy:0.9162
epoch:07 train_loss:0.2977 val_loss:0.2781 val_accuracy:0.9213
epoch:08 train_loss:0.2760 val_loss:0.2693 val_accuracy:0.9232
epoch:09 train_loss:0.1762 val_loss:0.2566 val_accuracy:0.9263
epoch:10 train_loss:0.2444 val_loss:0.2479 val_accuracy:0.9284
If you look at val_accuracy
, you end up with $ 0.9286 for 10 epochs. Handwritten numbers can now be classified with an accuracy of approximately 93%.
Chainer has two serialization features. One is to save the model in HDF5 format and the other is to save the model in NumPy's NPZ format. This time, instead of HDF5, which requires the installation of additional libraries, we will save the model in NPZ format using the serialization function provided by the NumPy standard function.
from chainer import serializers
serializers.save_npz('my_mnist.model', model)
#Make sure it is saved properly
%ls -la my_mnist.model
\ * The last line only works on Jupyter notebook.
Output result
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 333853 Mar 29 16:51 my_mnist.model
Let's load the saved NPZ file and let the network predict the label for the test data. Since the parameters are saved in the NPZ file, first create a model object with the logic of forward calculation, and then overwrite the parameters with the values of the NPZ saved earlier to restore the state of the model immediately after training. I will.
#First create an object of the same model
infer_model = MLP()
#Load the saved parameters into that object
serializers.load_npz('my_mnist.model', infer_model)
#Send the model to the GPU for calculations on the GPU
#test data
x, t = test[0]
plt.imshow(x.reshape(28, 28), cmap='gray')
print('label:', t)
Output result
label: 7
I tried to display the test data that the model will infer from now on. The following is an example of making an inference for this image.
from chainer.cuda import to_gpu
#Make it in the form of a mini-batch (here, a mini-batch of size 1
#It is also possible to infer in a batch of multiple mini-batch of size n)
print(x.shape, end=' -> ')
x = x[None, ...]
#Data is also sent on the GPU for calculation on the GPU
x = to_gpu(x, 0) #If you do it on the CPU, comment it out here.
#Pass to the model's forward function
y = infer_model(x)
#Since it comes out in Variable format, take out the contents
y =
#Send the result to the CPU
y = to_cpu(y) #If you do it on the CPU, comment it out here.
#View maximum index
pred_label = y.argmax(axis=1)
print('predicted label:', pred_label[0])
Output result
(784,) -> (1, 784)
predicted label: 7
Trainer eliminates the need to explicitly write learning loops. In addition, various convenient Extensions make it easier to visualize and save logs.
from chainer.datasets import mnist
train, test = mnist.get_mnist()
from chainer import iterators
batchsize = 128
train_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(train, batchsize)
test_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(test, batchsize, False, False)
Here, we will use the same model as before.
import chainer
import chainer.links as L
import chainer.functions as F
class MLP(chainer.Chain):
def __init__(self, n_mid_units=100, n_out=10):
super(MLP, self).__init__(
l1=L.Linear(None, n_mid_units),
l2=L.Linear(n_mid_units, n_mid_units),
l3=L.Linear(n_mid_units, n_out),
def __call__(self, x):
h1 = F.relu(self.l1(x))
h2 = F.relu(self.l2(h1))
return self.l3(h2)
gpu_id = 0
model = MLP()
model.to_gpu(gpu_id) #If you use a CPU, comment it out here.
Trainer is a class that brings together everything you need to learn. Trainer and its internal utility classes, models, dataset classes, etc. have the following relationship.
When you create a Trainer
object, you basically pass only ʻUpdater, but ʻUpdater
has ʻIterator and ʻOptimizer
inside. You can access the dataset from ʻIterator, and ʻOptimizer
holds a reference to the model inside, so you can update the parameters of the model. That is, ʻUpdater` is internally
It means that you can do the main part of the series of learning. Now let's create a ʻUpdater` object.
from chainer import optimizers
from chainer import training
max_epoch = 10
gpu_id = 0
#Wrap the model in Classifier and include loss calculation etc. in the model
model = L.Classifier(model)
model.to_gpu(gpu_id) #If you use a CPU, comment out this line.
#Selection of optimization method
optimizer = optimizers.SGD()
#Pass Iterator and Optimizer to Updater
updater = training.StandardUpdater(train_iter, optimizer, device=gpu_id)
Now we're passing the model object defined above to L.Classifier
to make it a newChain
. L.Classifier
is a class that inherits from Chain
and saves the passed Chain
in a property called predictor
. When you pass data and labels with the ()
accessor, __call__
is executed inside, first the passed data is passed through the predictor
, its output y
, and __call__
together with the data Passes the label passed to to the loss function specified by the lossfun
argument of the constructor and returns its output Variable
. lossfun
is specified in softmax_cross_entropy
by default.
is the simplest class to perform the processing that Updater is in charge of as described above. In addition to this, Parallel Updater
etc. for using multiple GPUs are prepared.
Finally, set the Trainer
. When creating a Trainer
object, only the ʻUpdater object created earlier is required, but the second argument
stop_trigger indicates when to end training
(length,, If you give a tuple in the form of unit) , learning can be automatically terminated at the specified timing. The length can be any integer and the unit can be either
'iteration'. If you do not specify
stop_trigger`, learning will not stop automatically.
#Pass the Updater to the Trainer
trainer = training.Trainer(updater, (max_epoch, 'epoch'),
In the ʻout argument, the directory to save the log file and the image file of the graph depicting the process of loss change is specified using the ʻExtension
described below.
The advantage of using Trainer
--Automatically save log to file (LogReport
--Display information such as loss on the terminal regularly (PrintReport
--Periodically visualize the loss as a graph and save it as an image (PlotReport
--Automatically serialize model and Optimizer status on a regular basis (snapshot
/ snapshot_object
--Display a progress bar showing the progress of learning (ProgressBar
--Save model structure in Graphviz dot format (dump_graph
There is a point that you can easily use various convenient functions such as. To take advantage of these features, simply pass the ʻExtension object you want to add to the
Trainer object using the ʻextend
method. Let's actually add some ʻExtension`s.
from import extensions
trainer.extend(extensions.snapshot_object(model.predictor, filename='model_epoch-{.updater.epoch}'))
trainer.extend(extensions.Evaluator(test_iter, model, device=gpu_id))
trainer.extend(extensions.PrintReport(['epoch', 'main/loss', 'main/accuracy', 'validation/main/loss', 'validation/main/accuracy', 'elapsed_time']))
trainer.extend(extensions.PlotReport(['main/loss', 'validation/main/loss'], x_key='epoch', file_name='loss.png'))
trainer.extend(extensions.PlotReport(['main/accuracy', 'validation/main/accuracy'], x_key='epoch', file_name='accuracy.png'))
It automatically aggregates loss
, ʻaccuracy, etc. for each ʻepoch
and ʻiteration, and saves it in the output directory specified by the ʻout
argument of Trainer
with the file name log
Saves the Trainer
object in the output directory specified by the Trainer
ʻoutargument at the specified timing (default is every 1 epoch). As mentioned above, the
Trainer object has ʻUpdater
, and ʻOptimizer and the model are held in it, so if you take a snapshot with this ʻExtension
, you can return to learning or learn. Inference using a completed model is possible even after learning is completed.
However, if you save the entire Trainer
, it can often be a hassle to retrieve only the model inside. Therefore, only the objects specified by using snapshot_object
(here, the model wrapped in Classifier
) should be saved separately from Trainer
. Classifier
is aChain
that holds the Chain
object passed as the first argument as its own property called predictor
and calculates the loss, and Classifier
has no parameters other than the model in the first place. Therefore, here, model.predictor
is specified as the storage target in anticipation of using the trained model for inference later.
Saves the calculation graph traced from the specified Variable
object in Graphviz dot format. The save destination is the output directory specified by the ʻout argument of
By passing ʻIterator` of the evaluation data set and the object of the model used for training, the model being trained is evaluated using the evaluation data set at the specified timing.
Outputs the values aggregated by Reporter
to standard output. At this time, the value to be output is given in the form of a list.
The transition of the value specified by the argument list is drawn on the graph using the matplotlib
library, and saved as an image in the output directory with the file name specified by the file_name
In addition to those introduced here, these ʻExtensions have several options, such as the ability to specify when to operate individually with the
trigger`, allowing for more flexibility in combination. See the official documentation for more information: Trainer extensions.
To start learning, just call the method run
on the Trainer
Output result
epoch main/loss main/accuracy validation/main/loss validation/main/accuracy elapsed_time
1 1.6035 0.61194 0.797731 0.833564 2.98546
2 0.595589 0.856793 0.452023 0.88123 5.74528
3 0.4241 0.885944 0.368583 0.897943 8.34872
4 0.367762 0.897152 0.33103 0.905756 11.4449
5 0.336136 0.904967 0.309321 0.912282 14.2671
6 0.314134 0.910464 0.291451 0.914557 17.0762
7 0.297581 0.914879 0.276472 0.920985 19.8298
8 0.283512 0.918753 0.265166 0.923655 23.2033
9 0.271917 0.922125 0.254976 0.926523 26.1452
10 0.260754 0.925123 0.247672 0.927413 29.3136
I was able to get the same result with rich log information and a graph like the one shown below, with a shorter code than if I wrote the learning loop I worked on at the beginning.
Let's check the saved loss graph at once.
from IPython.display import Image
\ * If you do not run this part on Jupyter notebook, you will not get the following results.
Output result
Let's also look at the accuracy graph.
Output result
If you continue learning a little more, there is still an atmosphere where you can improve the accuracy a little.
Next, let's use Graphviz
to visualize the calculation graph output by ʻExtension called
dot -Tpng mnist_result/ -o mnist_result/cg.png
\ * Here, I am using Cell magic that uses the bash command on Jupyter notebook. The command on the second line itself is a normal shell command.
Output result
From top to bottom, you can see what Function
the data and parameters were passed to for the calculation and the Variable
for the loss was output.
import numpy as np
from chainer import serializers
from chainer.cuda import to_gpu
from chainer.cuda import to_cpu
model = MLP()
serializers.load_npz('mnist_result/model_epoch-10', model)
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x, t = test[0]
plt.imshow(x.reshape(28, 28), cmap='gray')
print('label:', t)
x = to_gpu(x[None, ...])
y = model(x)
y = to_cpu(
print('predicted_label:', y.argmax(axis=1)[0])
Output result
label: 7
predicted_label: 7
I was able to answer correctly.
Here, instead of using the MNIST dataset, try writing various models yourself and experiencing the flow of trial and error using a dataset called CIFAR10, which is a small color image of 32x32 size and labeled with one of the 10 classes. I will.
airplane | automobile | bird | cat | deer | dog | frog | horse | ship | truck |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
The model is defined by inheriting the Chain
class. Here, let's define a network with a convolution layer instead of the network consisting only of the fully connected layers that we tried earlier. This model has three convolution layers, followed by two fully connected layers.
The definition of the model is mainly done by defining two methods.
--At this time, a layer with optimization target parameters that can be captured from ʻOptimizer by passing a
Linkobject that composes the model as a keyword argument using
super to the constructor of the parent class (
Chain`). Can be added to the model.__call__
method called by the()
accessor that receives the data.import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import chainer.links as L
class MyModel(chainer.Chain):
def __init__(self, n_out):
super(MyModel, self).__init__(
conv1=L.Convolution2D(None, 32, 3, 3, 1),
conv2=L.Convolution2D(32, 64, 3, 3, 1),
conv3=L.Convolution2D(64, 128, 3, 3, 1),
fc4=L.Linear(None, 1000),
fc5=L.Linear(1000, n_out)
def __call__(self, x):
h = F.relu(self.conv1(x))
h = F.relu(self.conv2(h))
h = F.relu(self.conv3(h))
h = F.relu(self.fc4(h))
h = self.fc5(h)
return h
Here, define the train
function so that you can easily train another model with the same settings later. this is,
--Model object --Batch size --GPU ID to use --Number of epochs to finish learning --Dataset object
If you pass, it is a function that trains the model internally using the dataset passed using Trainer
and returns the model in the state where training is completed.
Let's use this train
function to train the MyModel
model defined above.
from chainer.datasets import cifar
from chainer import iterators
from chainer import optimizers
from chainer import training
from import extensions
def train(model_object, batchsize=64, gpu_id=0, max_epoch=20, train_dataset=None, test_dataset=None):
# 1. Dataset
if train_dataset is None and test_dataset is None:
train, test = cifar.get_cifar10()
train, test = train_dataset, test_dataset
# 2. Iterator
train_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(train, batchsize)
test_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(test, batchsize, False, False)
# 3. Model
model = L.Classifier(model_object)
if gpu_id >= 0:
# 4. Optimizer
optimizer = optimizers.Adam()
# 5. Updater
updater = training.StandardUpdater(train_iter, optimizer, device=gpu_id)
# 6. Trainer
trainer = training.Trainer(updater, (max_epoch, 'epoch'), out='{}_cifar10_result'.format(model_object.__class__.__name__))
# 7. Evaluator
class TestModeEvaluator(extensions.Evaluator):
def evaluate(self):
model = self.get_target('main')
model.train = False
ret = super(TestModeEvaluator, self).evaluate()
model.train = True
return ret
trainer.extend(TestModeEvaluator(test_iter, model, device=gpu_id))
trainer.extend(extensions.PrintReport(['epoch', 'main/loss', 'main/accuracy', 'validation/main/loss', 'validation/main/accuracy', 'elapsed_time']))
trainer.extend(extensions.PlotReport(['main/loss', 'validation/main/loss'], x_key='epoch', file_name='loss.png'))
trainer.extend(extensions.PlotReport(['main/accuracy', 'validation/main/accuracy'], x_key='epoch', file_name='accuracy.png'))
del trainer
return model
model = train(MyModel(10), gpu_id=0) #When running on the CPU`gpu_id=-1`Please specify.
Output result
epoch main/loss main/accuracy validation/main/loss validation/main/accuracy elapsed_time
1 1.53309 0.444293 1.29774 0.52707 5.2449
2 1.21681 0.56264 1.18395 0.573746 10.6833
3 1.06828 0.617358 1.10173 0.609773 16.0644
4 0.941792 0.662132 1.0695 0.622611 21.2535
5 0.832165 0.703345 1.0665 0.624104 26.4523
6 0.729036 0.740257 1.0577 0.64371 31.6299
7 0.630143 0.774208 1.07577 0.63953 36.798
8 0.520787 0.815541 1.15054 0.639431 42.1951
9 0.429535 0.849085 1.23832 0.6459 47.3631
10 0.334665 0.882842 1.3528 0.633061 52.5524
11 0.266092 0.90549 1.44239 0.635251 57.7396
12 0.198057 0.932638 1.6249 0.6249 62.9918
13 0.161151 0.944613 1.76964 0.637241 68.2177
14 0.138705 0.952145 1.98031 0.619725 73.4226
15 0.122419 0.957807 2.03002 0.623806 78.6411
16 0.109989 0.962148 2.08948 0.62281 84.3362
17 0.105851 0.963675 2.31344 0.617237 89.5656
18 0.0984753 0.966289 2.39499 0.624801 95.1304
19 0.0836834 0.970971 2.38215 0.626791 100.36
20 0.0913404 0.96925 2.46774 0.61873 105.684
Learning is over up to 20 epochs. Let's take a look at the loss and accuracy plot.
The accuracy (main / accuracy
) in the training data has reached around 97%, but the loss (validation / main / loss
) in the test data has rather increased with each iteration. Also, the accuracy of the test data (`validation / main / accuracy') has peaked at around 62%. The training data has good accuracy, but the test data does not, so it seems that the ** model is overfitting to the training data **.
The test accuracy was around 62%, but let's try using this trained model to classify some test images.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cls_names = ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer',
'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck']
def predict(model, image_id):
_, test = cifar.get_cifar10()
x, t = test[image_id]
y = model.predictor(x[None, ...]).data.argmax(axis=1)[0]
print('predicted_label:', cls_names[y])
print('answer:', cls_names[t])
plt.imshow(x.transpose(1, 2, 0))
for i in range(10, 15):
predict(model, i)
Output result
predicted_label: dog
answer: airplane
predicted_label: truck
answer: truck
predicted_label: bird
answer: dog
predicted_label: horse
answer: horse
predicted_label: truck
answer: truck
Some were well classified, others were not. Even if you can get the correct answer in almost 100 shots on the dataset used to train the model, it is meaningless unless you can make highly accurate predictions for unknown data, that is, the images in the test dataset [^ NN]. The accuracy of the test data is said to be related to the ** generalization performance ** of the model.
How can you design and train a model with high generalization performance?
Now let's define a model with more layers than the model above. Here, we define a one-layer convolutional network as ConvBlock
and a one-layer fully connected network as LinearBlock
, and define a large network by stacking many of them sequentially.
First, let's define ConvBlock
and LinearBlock
, which are the components of the large network we are aiming for.
class ConvBlock(chainer.Chain):
def __init__(self, n_ch, pool_drop=False):
w = chainer.initializers.HeNormal()
super(ConvBlock, self).__init__(
conv=L.Convolution2D(None, n_ch, 3, 1, 1,
nobias=True, initialW=w),
self.train = True
self.pool_drop = pool_drop
def __call__(self, x):
h = F.relu(
if self.pool_drop:
h = F.max_pooling_2d(h, 2, 2)
h = F.dropout(h, ratio=0.25, train=self.train)
return h
class LinearBlock(chainer.Chain):
def __init__(self):
w = chainer.initializers.HeNormal()
super(LinearBlock, self).__init__(
fc=L.Linear(None, 1024, initialW=w))
self.train = True
def __call__(self, x):
return F.dropout(F.relu(self.fc(x)), ratio=0.5, train=self.train)
is defined as a model that inherits Chain
. It has one convolution layer and a Batch Normalization layer with parameters, so we are registering these in the constructor. In the __call__
method, while passing data to these, the activation function ReLU is applied, and when pool_drop
is passed to the constructor with True
, the functions Max Pooling and Dropout are applied. It's a small network.
In Chainer, the forward calculation code itself written using Python represents the structure of the model. In other words, what layer the data went through at run time defines the network itself. This makes it easy to write networks that include branches as described above, and enables flexible, simple, and highly readable network definitions. This is a feature called ** Define-by-Run **.
Next, let's stack these small networks as components to define a large network.
class DeepCNN(chainer.ChainList):
def __init__(self, n_output):
super(DeepCNN, self).__init__(
ConvBlock(64, True),
ConvBlock(128, True),
ConvBlock(256, True),
L.Linear(None, n_output)
self._train = True
def train(self):
return self._train
def train(self, val):
self._train = val
for c in self.children():
c.train = val
def __call__(self, x):
for f in self.children():
x = f(x)
return x
The class we are using here is ChainList
. This class inherits from Chain
and is useful when defining a network that calls several Links
and Chain
in sequence. Models defined by inheriting ChainList
can pass ** Link
or Chain
objects as regular arguments instead of ** keyword arguments when calling the constructor of the parent class. And these can be retrieved ** in the order they were registered ** by the ** self.children () ** method.
This feature makes it easy to write forward calculations. From the list of components returned by ** self.children () **, the components are extracted in order by the for statement, and the partial network calculation extracted is applied to the original input x
. If you replace x
with this output in order, you can apply a series of Links
or Chain
in the same order as they were registered in the parent class in the constructor. Therefore, it is useful for defining large networks represented by the application of sequential partial networks.
Now let's turn learning. Since there are many parameters this time, set the number of epochs to stop learning to 100.
model = train(DeepCNN(10), max_epoch=100)
Output result
epoch main/loss main/accuracy validation/main/loss validation/main/accuracy elapsed_time
1 2.05147 0.242887 1.71868 0.340764 14.8099
2 1.5242 0.423816 1.398 0.48537 29.12
3 1.24906 0.549096 1.12884 0.6042 43.4423
4 0.998223 0.652649 0.937086 0.688495 58.291
5 0.833486 0.720009 0.796678 0.73756 73.4144
95 0.0454193 0.987616 0.815549 0.863555 1411.86
96 0.0376641 0.990057 0.878458 0.873109 1426.85
97 0.0403836 0.98953 0.849209 0.86465 1441.19
98 0.0369386 0.989677 0.919462 0.873905 1456.04
99 0.0361681 0.990677 0.88796 0.86873 1470.46
100 0.0383634 0.988676 0.92344 0.869128 1484.91
(Since the log is long, the middle is omitted.)
Learning is finished. Let's take a look at the loss and accuracy graph.
You can see that the accuracy of the test data has improved significantly compared to the previous time. The accuracy, which was around 62%, has increased to around 87%. However, the latest research results have achieved nearly 97%. In order to further improve the accuracy, not only the improvement of the model as done this time, but also the operation of artificially increasing the training data (Data augmentation) and the operation of integrating the outputs of multiple models into one output (Ensemble). And so on, various ideas can be considered.
Here, I will write the dataset class by myself using the function to acquire the data of CIFAR10 already prepared in Chainer. Chainer requires that the class that represents the dataset has the following functionality:
method that returns the number of data in the dataset
--The get_example
method that returns the data or data / label pair that corresponds to the ʻi` passed as an argument.
The functionality required for other datasets can be provided by inheriting the chainer.dataset.DatasetMixin
class. Here, let's create a dataset class with the Data augmentation function by inheriting the DatasetMixin
import numpy as np
from chainer import dataset
from chainer.datasets import cifar
class CIFAR10Augmented(dataset.DatasetMixin):
def __init__(self, train=True):
train_data, test_data = cifar.get_cifar10()
if train: = train_data
else: = test_data
self.train = train
self.random_crop = 4
def __len__(self):
return len(
def get_example(self, i):
x, t =[i]
if self.train:
x = x.transpose(1, 2, 0)
h, w, _ = x.shape
x_offset = np.random.randint(self.random_crop)
y_offset = np.random.randint(self.random_crop)
x = x[y_offset:y_offset + h - self.random_crop,
x_offset:x_offset + w - self.random_crop]
if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
x = np.fliplr(x)
x = x.transpose(2, 0, 1)
return x, t
This class is for each of the CIFAR10 data
--Crop 28x28 area randomly from 32x32 size --Invert left and right with a probability of 1/2
We are doing the processing. It is known that increasing the variation of training data in a pseudo manner by adding such operations is useful for suppressing overfitting. In addition to these operations, methods have been proposed to increase the number of training data in a pseudo manner by various processing such as transformation that changes the color of the image, random rotation, and affine transformation.
If you want to write the data acquisition part yourself, pass the path of the image folder and the path to the text file with the label corresponding to the file name to the constructor and keep it as a property, and in the get_example
method You can see that you can read each image and return it with the corresponding label.
Now let's start learning using this CIFAR10
class. Let's find out how effective Data augmentation is by using the same large network we used earlier. Except for the dataset class, including the train
function, it is almost the same as the code used earlier. The only difference is the number of epochs and the name of the destination directory.
model = train(DeepCNN(10), max_epoch=100, train_dataset=CIFAR10Augmented(), test_dataset=CIFAR10Augmented(False))
Output result
epoch main/loss main/accuracy validation/main/loss validation/main/accuracy elapsed_time
1 2.023 0.248981 1.75221 0.322353 18.4387
2 1.51639 0.43716 1.36708 0.512639 36.482
3 1.25354 0.554177 1.17713 0.586087 54.6892
4 1.05922 0.637804 0.971438 0.665904 72.9602
5 0.895339 0.701886 0.918005 0.706409 91.4061
95 0.0877855 0.973171 0.726305 0.89162 1757.87
96 0.0780378 0.976012 0.943201 0.890725 1776.41
97 0.086231 0.973765 0.57783 0.890227 1794.99
98 0.0869593 0.973512 1.65576 0.878981 1813.52
99 0.0870466 0.972931 0.718033 0.891421 1831.99
100 0.079011 0.975332 0.754114 0.892815 1850.46
(Since the log is long, the middle is omitted.)
It was found that the accuracy, which had peaked at about 87% without Data augmentation, can be improved to 89% or more by applying augmentation to the training data. It's an improvement of just over 2%.
Finally, let's look at the loss and accuracy graph.
Output result
In this article, about Chainer
--How to write a learning loop without using Trainer --How to use Trainer --How to write your own model --How to write your own dataset class
Was briefly introduced. I don't know if it will be done in Hands-on format in the future, but I would like to write an explanation of something like the following somewhere.
--How to make your own Updater and Iterator that make up the Trainer-
--How to fine-tun the VGG16Layers
and ResNet50Layers
Pre-trained models under the
module for specific tasks.
--How to make Extension
We also welcome anyone who is committed to the development of Chainer! Since Chainer is open source software, it will evolve by proposing the functions you want and sending pull requests. If you are interested, please read this Contoribution Guide and then make an issue or send a PR. please look. We'll be expecting you.
[^ Training and Validation data]: This article focuses on explaining how to use Chainer, so it doesn't make a clear distinction between the Validation and Test datasets. But in reality these should be distinguished. Normally, you would remove some of the Training data from the Training dataset and configure the Validation dataset with the removed data. After that, the general procedure is to evaluate the model trained with the training data first with the validation data, and then improve the model to improve the performance with the validation data. Test data is only used to evaluate the performance of the final model (for example, for comparison with other models) after all efforts have been completed. In some cases, multiple training / validation data configurations may be prepared for the purpose of avoiding overfitting due to model improvement using biased data. [^ NN]: The prediction accuracy for the training data is that data if it can be found by querying some data extracted from the training data and searching from the training dataset that contains it. By answering the label attached, it will be 100%.
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