I tried running the offline speech recognition system Julius with python in the Docker virtual environment

I will post my first article.


Julius is a voice recognition system developed by Kyoto University, and although its accuracy is poor, it has the advantage of being free and can be operated offline.

In the current article, I felt annoyed because there were only things that could not be done without using socket communication to analyze Julius with python, so I hit the command to move Julius directly from python and the code to analyze the result I summarized it as a class.

Below github source code https://github.com/rirma/JuliusVoiceAnalyzer.git

Please note that unnecessary libraries will also be installed. If you don't need it, delete the pip3 installation at the bottom.

Flow to move Julius

① Create a docker container by hitting the following command in the downloaded folder.

$ docker-compose up -d --build

② Enter the created container.

$ docker-compose exec python bash

③ Move to the folder where VoiceAnalyzer.py is located and execute the program.

# cd opt/public/src
# python3 VoiceAnalyzer.py

④ If you say something and get the following execution result, you are successful.

start record
enter filename->...........................................................................................................................................................................................................enter filename->1 files processed
Good morning.

Program for voice analysis

A class is defined in VoiceAnalyzer.py to facilitate voice analysis in Julius.


def __init__(self, chunk = 1024, format = pyaudio.paInt16, channels = 1, rate = 44100, record_seconds = 2, threshold = 0.1)

Parameters to change as needed

chunk: audio file chunk channels: Channels for audio files rate: sampling rate record_seconds: length to record (seconds) threshold: Loudness (0 ~ 1) to start recording, to prevent recording from starting due to noise

Start recording

def start_record(self, dir_name = '../sound/')

dir_name: Directory name where the audio file is saved Return value: Saved file name (directory name omitted)

Voice analysis

def analyze_voice(self, file_path)

file_path: File to analyze (eg'../sound/20201005220733.wav') Return value: File voice recognition result string


Julius isn't very accurate, but I think it's useful when you want to create your own startup sound, such as "Hey Siri". I uttered the startup sounds I wanted Julius to recognize many times and absorbed the error by listing them. We hope you find it useful for interactive apps.

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