QR code creation with Python. I don't want to line up because I write the same thing every time I issue a commuter pass. ..

At the beginning of the year, I went to issue a commuter pass (reissue) for commuting.

Great procession. .. ..

What is this? Disneyland-like.

I write the same thing every time. Line up. Troublesome.

So, isn't it possible to improve efficiency by issuing a QR code once and holding it over each person's smartphone? ??

スクリーンショット 2020-01-08 6.26.35.png

First, install the module for QR code creation with pip.

$ pip install qrcode

After that, ask for attribute information for the first time and QR code it.


import qrcode

name=input('Your name is?')
age=input('How old are you?')
tel=input('telephone number is?')
start=input('What is your departure?')
goal=input('How are you arriving?')
via=input('What is the waypoint?')

img=qrcode.make('Full name:'+str(name) + '  address:' + 'age:' +str(age) +'phone number' + str(tel) + 'Departure point:' +str(start) + 'arrival:'+str(goal) +'via:' +str(via))
img.save('Attribute information')

Like this.

(kyoto) MacBook-Air% python3 qrmake.py
Your name is?Tanaka
address? Kyoto City A Town B Street Mansion C101
How old are you? 40 years old
telephone number is? 090-000-0000
What is your departure? Kyoto Station
How are you arriving? Gojo Station
What is the waypoint?

Then a QR code will be issued.

You can either hand over the code on paper or skip it by email.

I'll ask Kyoto City.

スクリーンショット 2020-01-08 6.56.38.png

<Addition 2020.1.12>

I wrote the mechanism for creating a database and automatically issuing a QR code in the advanced version.

Reference: [The phone of the cleaning shop in the neighborhood kept ringing, so let's create a customer database that automatically issues a QR code in Python] (https://qiita.com/youichiokuda/items/c2fcfbae92c7f8c3d0ce)

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