[RUBY] How to send push notifications on AWS

If you want to push on AWS, there are two services:

SNS There are two patterns in SNS, either send a push to each user or register a user in TOPIC and send to that TOPIC.

Screenshot 2020-12-18 at 14.39.19.png

Sns flow

Create an application for the application on SNS, register the endpoint (user's DeviceToken) in the application, and send the endpoint. After sending, check on SNS whether it was possible to send to that user. If you want to send to each user, the SNS soft limit will send 1500 items per second.

But you can send not only 1 <> 1 but also Topic.

What is TOPIC?

Topic is a destination endpoint, an endpoint that can register up to 1.2 million endpoints. The endpoint will be the "place where you can send" in SNS. For example, this app uses 100 users, if you want to send push notifications, register the users in the application of SNS and send it to each person, but if you want a faster method, when registering in the application Part 1 is to subscribe to Topic. If you subscribe to 100 users, you can send to 100 users with one request when sending to Topic.

It doesn't change for 100 users or 1 million users!

Screenshot 2020-12-18 at 16.58.41.png

The nice thing about Topic is that if the transmission speed is fast, AWS API is only once.


Pinpoint is a much talked about service and is now available in Japan this year! Unlike SNS, you can register 100 users at once and push at once!

The push flow of pinpoint is simple, create a segment and import the user's file when creating the segment Screenshot 2020-12-18 at 16.09.33.png

File sample

import.csv : ChannelType,Address,Location.Country,Demographic.Platform,Demographic.Make,User.UserId APNS,482aba02e7da338707541bb4c4a570b0ec090b8b0001b28ae1634ee680f2cbc4,JP,iOS,Apple,255830951

CSV or Json that combines the user's deviceToken with the platform and other information.

After creating a segment, create a campaign for that segment, set up push (title and message) and send (you can send repeatedly), and you're done!

Screenshot 2020-12-18 at 16.23.25.png

The transmission speed is fast, and 20,000 items are sent per second.


Screenshot 2020-12-18 at 16.26.04.png

You can get the transmission rate, but you can't do it without knowing who you could send it to. I can't even uninstall any user. It's subtle that you can't identify the user even though it's called Pinpoint ... Besides, for cheap SNS, Pinpoint is expensive if there are a large number of users. https://aws.amazon.com/jp/pinpoint/pricing/

Free up to 1 million notifications, then $ 1 per million notifications. Free up to 5,000 MTA endpoints, then $ 1.20 per 1,000 endpoints.

So one push costs $ 2,400 a month for 2 million users. Pinpoint is not suitable for my own usage, it seems that I can do it if I want to send a lot of pushes on the district court user base.


How long does it take to send 2 million users to make a decision (send time and price):

Screenshot 2020-12-18 at 16.40.07.png

Both SNS and pinpoint have good points, but as for this request, Topic is the easiest to use if there are large target users.

that's all

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