Check installed modules from Python scripts

When distributing Python scripts to non-programmers, you may want to check if dependent modules are installed. You can use the pip module to get a list of installed modules and versions. Although not recommended, you can also install the module from a script.

# coding: utf-8
import pip

#Returns the installed package
    'watchdog 0.8.3'
    'toml 0.9.1'
    'sympy 1.0'
    'Sphinx 1.5.2'
    'sphinx-rtd-theme 0.1.9'

#Package from the script_install name
if pip.main(['install', package_name]) == 0:

If the non-programmer at the distribution destination has the knowledge to launch a black screen (console screen).

From a working PC environment

$ pip freeze > requirements.txt

Distribute the file output in

$ pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade

It is best to have them do or run the batch file.

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