I want to make a function with kotlin and java!

Introduction ...

This article was written in 3 previous articles,

** 4th day of article posting every day for 7 days **

It has become

I'll put the code to use below, but see the article three before for the detailed features of this app!

--java version: https://github.com/sato-na/guruwake_java

--kotlin version: https://github.com/sato-na/guruwake_kotlin

↓ This is the main subject of this article ↓

To create a function in each language ...

--For java

Qualifier Return type Function name(argument, argument, …) {
Function content
return Return value



private void addMember() {  //Line 78
    EditText memberET = findViewById(R.id.member_et);
    ListView memberLV = findViewById(R.id.member_lv);
    ArrayList<String> memberLR = (ArrayList<String>) memberL.clone();
    ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, memberLR);

--For kotlin

fun function name(argument:Mold, argument:Mold, …) 戻り値のMold {
Function content
return Return value



fun addMember() {  //Line 52
    var memverLR = ArrayList<String>(memberL)
    var adapter = ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, memverLR)
    member_lv.adapter = adapter

The writing method is very different, but the information required when defining a function is almost the same.


This time, I defined the function in java and kotlin. Functions with various functions can be defined depending on the type of argument and the type of return value, so I hope to continue to use them frequently.

I will post an article tomorrow, so please keep an eye on me.

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