If I wanted to get stock price data for the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ, I needed to know the Ticker Symbol of the stock, so I will explain how to do it. We have not confirmed that all listed stocks are listed, so please refer to it.
Windows 10 home
Anaconda(Python 3.7.6)
Pandas 0.24.2
Get the list from NASDAQ ftp and mold it.
import pandas as pd
others_list = 'ftp://ftp.nasdaqtrader.com/symboldirectory/otherlisted.txt'
nasdaq_list = 'ftp://ftp.nasdaqtrader.com/symboldirectory/nasdaqlisted.txt'
def symbols_nyse():
other = pd.read_csv(others_list, sep='|')
#Get NYSE stuff
company_nyse = other[other['Exchange']=='N'][['ACT Symbol', 'Security Name']]
#ETFs include MYSE MKT, NYSE ARCA, and MATS.
etf_other = other[other['ETF'] == 'Y'][['ACT Symbol', 'Security Name', 'Exchange']]
#index reset
company_nyse = company_nyse.reset_index(drop=True)
etf_other = etf_other.reset_index(drop=True)
#ACT Symbol -> Symbol
company_nyse = company_nyse.rename(columns={'ACT Symbol':'Symbol'})
etf_other = eft_other.rename(columns={'ACT Symbol':'Symbol'})
return company_nyse, etf_other
def symbols_nasdaq():
nasdaq = pd.read_csv(nasdaq_list, sep='|')
#Get only those with Normal Status
nasdaq_normal = nasdaq[nasdaq['Financial Status']=='N']
#Select one that is not a Test issue
nasdaq_normal = nasdaq_normal[nasdaq_normal['Test Issue']=='N']
#Determined by ETF
company_nasdaq = nasdaq_normal[nasdaq_normal['ETF']=='N'][['Symbol', 'Security Name']]
etf_nasdaq = nasdaq_normal[nasdaq_normal['ETF']=='Y'][['Symbol', 'Security Name']]
#index reset
company_nasdaq = company_nasdaq.reset_index(drop=True)
etf_nasdaq = etf_nasdaq.reset_index(drop=True)
return company_nasdaq, etf_nasdaq
def symbols_all():
company_nyse, etf_other = symbols_nyse()
company_nasdaq, etf_nasdaq = symbols_nasdaq()
#Distinguish between NYSE and NASDAQ
company_nyse['Market'] = 'NYSE'
company_nasdaq['Market'] = 'NASDAQ'
#Also distinguish NASDAQ ETFs
etf_nasdaq['Exchange'] = 'NASDAQ'#etf_Match to other colum name
return (pd.concat([company_nyse, company_nasdaq], ignore_index=True, sort=False),
pd.concat([etf_other, etf_nasdaq], ignore_index=True, sort=False))
You can see the Ticker Symbol of a listed company by looking at the'Symbol'column.
company, etf = symbols_all()
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