When I made CaboCha usable with python3, I got stuck (Windows 10)

In order to use CaboCha with Python, I was proceeding with reference to "CaboCha & Python3 environment construction (Windows version)", but (4) I got stuck at the last setup.py of, so a memorandum of the solution

The quote source said to modify the source code of setup.py, but it didn't work for me. So, I modified setup.py by referring to the article "Windows 10-64bit using CaboCha with Python" and it worked. The following amendments that do not work and amendments that work

Proposed amendment that didn't work

#!/usr/bin/env python

from distutils.core import setup,Extension,os
import string

def cmd1(str):
    return os.popen(str).readlines()[0][:-1]

def cmd2(str):
    return cmd1(str).split()

setup(name = "cabocha-python",
    #↓ Fix as below version= cmd1("cabocha-config --version"),                
    ext_modules = [
            include_dirs=[r"C:\Program Files (x86)\CaboCha\sdk"],
            library_dirs=[r"C:\Program Files (x86)\CaboCha\sdk"],
            libraries=cmd2("cabocha-config --libs-only-l"))

Successful fix

#!/usr/bin/env python

from distutils.core import setup,Extension,os
import string

def cmd1(str):
    return os.popen(str).readlines()[0][:-1]

def cmd2(str):
    return cmd1(str).split()

setup(name = "cabocha-python",
    version = "0.69",
    ext_modules = [
            include_dirs=[r"C:\Program Files (x86)\CaboCha\sdk"],
            library_dirs=[r"C:\Program Files (x86)\CaboCha\sdk"],
            ##↓ Correct this part

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